February 25, 1903 - March 27, 1909
Personnel file of William A. Mercer, who served as the Superintendent of the Carlisle Indian School from July 1, 1904 to February 1, 1908. Before coming to Carlisle, Mercer was Captain of the Seventh United States Cavalry, and was also considered to become Superintendent of the Carlisle Indian School in 1903.
The file contains employment…
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
August 24, 1904 - December 26, 1908
This document contains correspondence written by Superintendent William A. Mercer, the Chief of the Purchase Division of the Department of the Interior, Chief Clerk F. M. Conser, and two auditors for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company named John S. Donaldson and John T. Denniston. The correspondence is about bills of lading and goods shipped by…
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
January 11, 1905 - April 1, 1939, August 5, 1968
This folder contains documents related to Charles E. Dagenett's time in the Indian Service as Supervisor of Indian Employment. Dagenett enrolled at Carlisle in 1887 and graduated in 1891. Though he did work on and off in the Service in the 1891-1905 period, this folder only covers Dagenett's employment from 1905 onwards, (see his Service Record…
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
March 11, 1905 - January 2, 1909
These materials include correspondence and a report regarding construction, buildings, and grounds at the Carlisle Indian School, performed in 1905 by John Charles. Medical Supervisor Dr. Joseph A. Murphy requested the report in 1908, and returned it to the Bureau office in 1909.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
April 13, 1906 - December 10, 1910
This folder contains documents related to Milton Zeigler's employment in the Indian Service. Zeigler served as the school harness maker and harness making instructor at Carlisle from 1900 to August of 1910.
This folder includes a few efficiency reports, a document with general biographical details, and a correspondence exchange in…
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
May 1, 1906 - February 24, 1923
This folder consists of material compiled about Emma Lovewell by Office of Indian Affairs staff in Washington, DC while she worked in the Indian Service. Lovewell served as a teacher at Carlisle between 1909 and 1914. (She resigned from Carlisle and the Indian Service in general in December of 1914.)
Most of the documents in this folder…
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
August 15-27, 1907
Major W. A. Mercer requests to spend $22.00 from the "Miscellaneous Receipts, Class IV" appropriation to pay for a debt incurred for buying newspapers for the Carlisle Indian School during the first quarter of 1908. Commissioner of Indian Affairs F. E. Leupp grants Mercer's request.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
September 9, 1907 - March 25, 1908
These materials include correspondence regarding the re-enrollment of Philomena Badger. Badger's re-enrollment was the cause of clarification on the enrollment policy of pupils over the age of 18. Philomena re-enrolled at Carlisle when she was 18 years old, against the wishes of her guardian; the Commissioner of Indian Affairs decided that…
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
September 17, 1907 - January 1, 1908
These materials include correspondence and government documents regarding a complaint by Robert Charboneau that his daughter, Frances Charboneau, was taken to the Carlisle Indian School without his consent. Frances was returned to her home in Fort Totten, North Dakota after an inquiry into her enrollment showed that Robert Charboneau did not…
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
October 5, 1907 - March 6, 1908
These materials include correspondence and a list of articles returned and lost from the Jamestown Exposition. The correspondence includes recognition of a reimbursement check from the Jamestown Ter-Centennial Exposition Commission for lost articles, and notice that another shipment of articles was forthcoming.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
December 12, 1907 - March 14, 1908
This material includes correspondence concerning charges brought against a member of Carlisle's football team in a Philadelphia newspaper.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
December 14, 1907 - March 16, 1908
This material includes correspondence concerning the departure and request to return home of James M. Parsons.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
December 16, 1907 - January 15, 1908
Rapid City School Superintendent J. F. House proposes to Carlisle Indian School Superintendent William A. Mercer that they exchange farmers, with C. W. Cranford going to Carlisle and Norman H. Justus going to Rapid City. None of Mercer, the farmers, nor officials from the Office of Indian Affairs have an objection to the exchange, and it is…
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
December 19, 1907 - July 8, 1908
Correspondence regarding a right of way for the Borough of Carlisle to construct and operate an outfall sewer on the grounds of the Carlisle Indian School.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
December 28, 1907 - January 3, 1908
Carlisle Indian School Superintendent W. A. Mercer informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that he will be permanently filling the fireman, assistant carpenter, and assistant matron positions, but he does not think he will be able to cut any positions without hurting the school.
Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F.…
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
1908 - August 23, 1918
Materials related to the disposition of funds of the Carlisle Indian School Athletic Association following an investigation by E. B. Linnen. Contains the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association for the year 1908, correspondence regarding how to handle money moving forward, a resolution updating the by-laws, as well as other financial…
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
January 2, 1908
William A. Mercer informs James W. Eckels that he has forwarded the correspondence related to the right of way for the outflow sewer to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs in Washington D.C.
Repository: Cumberland County Historical Society
January 3, 1908
Annebuck writes about her school experiences at the Chemawa Indian School. She notes that the girls basketball team was recently defeated but that she had a nice Christmas. In addition, she writes about the differences between Chemawa and Carlisle as well as the differences in weather between Chemawa and her home in Alaska.
Note: The…
Repository: Cumberland County Historical Society
January 3 - April 22, 1908
Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Larrabee informs the Carlisle Indian School Superintendent that he should furnish the relief of Boys' Field Agent Fred W. Canfield before James E. Henderson takes his position.
Larrabee also informs the superintendent that he has to pay for Assistant Superintendent John R. Wise's salary…
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
January 4-6, 1908
The Commissioner of Indian Affairs Francis E. Leupp informs the Secretary of the Interior that the War Department has ordered that Carlisle Indian School Acting Superintendent Major W. A. Mercer return to his regiment, thus opening a vacancy in the leadership of the school.
Leupp recommends that they hire a civilian from the Department…
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
January 4, 1908 - May 11, 1918
This document contains correspondence concerning the funds of student Dana Black.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
January 4, 1908 - January 9, 1908
Carlisle Indian School Superintendent W. A. Mercer requests permission to slaughter 20 calves and 30 hogs for his students to eat. Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Larrabee gives Mercer his desired permission.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
January 6, 1908
These materials include a telegram from a group of Carlisle citizens requesting a meeting with Commissioner of Indian Affairs Francis Leupp, regarding a request to postpone the appointment of a new superintendent for the Carlisle Indian School.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
January 7, 1908
Mr. Miller [first name unclear] of the Pennsylvania Senate writes to Commissioner Francis E. Leupp to inform him that a committee of Carlisle residents, who would like to voice their opinion on the appointment of a new Superintendent at the Carlisle Indian School, are postponing their call to Washington D.C.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
January 11, 1908
Carlisle Indian School Superintendent William A. Mercer writes Commissioner of Indian Affairs Francis Leupp to endorse Principal Teacher John Whitwell as his successor as Superintendent.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration