Recruitment of Students

Displaying 126 - 149 of 149 records
Pratt Requests Pine Ridge Agent Assist in Recruitment
August 14, 1897

Richard Henry Pratt requests the Office of Indian Affairs instruct the U.S. Indian Agent at the Pine Ridge Agency assist Nellie Robertson in bringing a party of students from the agency to Carlisle.

National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Requests Office Direct Oneida School to Send Students to Carlisle
August 16, 1897

Richard Henry Pratt requests the Office of Indian Affairs direct the Superintendent of the Oneida Boarding and Day Schools to send 10 or 12 students be sent to Carlisle.

National Archives and Records Administration
Antonio Apache Requested to Come to Carlisle for Recruiting Instructions in 1897
August 26, 1897

Richard Henry Pratt informs Antonio Apache that he should travel to the Carlisle Indian School to obtain instructions on a recruiting trip for the Fort Apache and San Carlos Agencies. Pratt notes that he will be in Leavenworth, Kansas taking his examinations for promotion to Major.

Cumberland County Historical Society
Standing Provides Recruiting Authorization and Information for Antonio Apache
September 24, 1897

Alfred John Standing provides Antonio Apache authorization to recruit students for the Carlisle Indian School at the Fort Apache and San Carlos Agencies. Standing provides information on how to select students as well as how to provide the correct government forms.

Cumberland County Historical Society
Pratt Requests Commissioner Jones to Instruct Agents to Aid in Recruitment
October 5, 1897

Richard Henry Pratt requests W. A. Jones instruct the U.S. Indian Agents at the San Carlos; Fort Apache; and the Kiowa and Comanche Agencies to aid in the recruitment of students for the Carlisle Indian School.

National Archives and Records Administration
Expenses of Antonio Apache Incurred During Recruitment Trip
November 24, 1897

Voucher for traveling expenses of Antoino Apache during his recruiting trip to the Fort Apache and San Carlos Agencies for the Carlisle Indian School.

Financial Documents
Cumberland County Historical Society
Recruiting Students from the Fort Peck Agency
October 21, 1899

Richard Henry Pratt responds to the Office of Indian Affairs regarding correspondence between himself and U.S. Indian Agent Scobey. Pratt notes that they have been in communication regarding a party of students from the Fort Peck Agency.

National Archives and Records Administration
Situation at the Warm Springs Agency
October 26, 1899 - November 6, 1899

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a letter from former student Florence Wills (here Florence Wells) regarding the situation of the Warm Springs Agency.

National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Updates Jones on Snyder, Ewbank, and Eastman
January 1, 1900

Richard Henry Pratt informs William A. Jones that Elmer Snyder has resigned his position as tailor. Pratt details the difficulties in finding a tailor suited for the Carlisle Indian School as well as updating Jones on the case of cook Roma Ewbank and ill health of Dr. Charles Eastman.

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Difficulty in Obtaining Large Class of Students in Klamath Agency
May 2, 1900

Jesse Kirk informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the Klamath Agency is having difficulty sending a large class of students to the Carlisle Indian School.

National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Informs the Office of Efforts to Recruit from the Klamath Agency
May 2, 1900 - May 12, 1900

Richard Henry Pratt writes to the Office of Indian Affairs regarding obtaining students from the Klamath Agency. He further encloses a letter from the Rev. Jesse Kirk regarding opposition among certain members of the agency and suggests the agent write to them telling them to desist from their actions.

National Archives and Records Administration
Jesse Kirk Provides Information on Recruitment at Klamath Agency
May 28, 1900

Rev. Jesse Kirk provides information related to difficulties in sending students from the Klamath Agency to the Carlisle Indian School.

National Archives and Records Administration
Difficulty in Recruiting Students at the Siletz Agency
August 1, 1901 - August 8, 1901

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a letter from Sara Pierre regarding obtaining students from the Siletz Agency in Oregon. Pratt notes that students who wish to attend a non-reservation boarding school should be allowed to do so.

National Archives and Records Administration
Transfer of Malcolm Odell to the Sac and Fox School
August 23, 1901

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs regarding the transfer of employee Malcolm Odell and his wife to the Sac and Fox School. Pratt also indicates that he has asked William Robertson and his wife to take over for the Odells.

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Provides Correspondence Related to Request to Return Roger Jamison
August 9, 1902 - August 18, 1902

Richard Henry Pratt forwards correspondence related to a request to return Roger Jamison to his home.

National Archives and Records Administration
Mercer Report Regarding Alleged Violations in Student Recruitment at Oneida
November 22, 1904

William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs regarding a protest by Joseph C. Hart, Superintendent of the Oneida Indian School, related to a violation of rules in the recruitment of students on the Oneida Reservation.

National Archives and Records Administration
Mercer Responds to Request to Return John Seay
August 9-10, 1905

In the matter of E. H. Colgrave recruiting students from Cherokee, N. C. and the difficulties he encountered from Mr. Harris, the superintendent of the school there, William A. Mercer forwards a response of E. Colegrove regarding claims made against him by Superintendent DeWitt S. Harris. Mercer further states that he is willing to return a…

National Archives and Records Administration
Correspondence Regarding Requests to Return Standing Rock Agency Students
August 26, 1905 - January 4, 1906

Correspondence regarding requests to return from the Carlisle Indian School students who had come from the Standing Rock Agency. The requests focused on a promise that the term of enrollment for Carlisle was three years rather than five years.

National Archives and Records Administration
Mercer Renews Request for Investigation into Discrimination by Fort Berthold Superintendent
October 9, 1906

William A. Mercer renews his request for an investigation into the Superintendent of the Fort Berthold Agency for discriminating against the Carlisle Indian School.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Continue Recruitment of Chitimacha Students
June 19 - July 1, 1908

These materials include correspondence regarding a request from Sara Avery McIlhenny to allow the Carlisle Indian School to continue its previous policy of recruiting Chitimacha students from around Charenton, Louisiana. Previously, agents from Carlisle recruited these students, but new enrollment policies ended the practice. McIlhenny's…

National Archives and Records Administration
First page of the typed transcript of testimony
February 7, 1914

The typed transcript of Nellie Denny's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Denny was not working at Carlisle, but she had previously worked as outing agent, clerk, and teacher, and had attended the school prior to that. Nellie Robertson is the name under which she attended the school.

In her…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
Typed letter from John B. Brown to Commissioner, first page of this set of documents
February 24, 1914

These documents include correspondence, an article possibly written by Moses Friedman and part of an affidavit collected by John B. Brown at behest of the Office of Indian Affairs for the 1914 congressional investigation into Carlisle. A supervisor of the Indian Service, Brown was asked to secure statements from people with knowledge of…

Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
Cover page of volume 3 of congressional testimony on Carlisle
March 25, 1914

The typed transcript of S. J. Nori's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Nori was serving as the chief clerk at the school, having attended the school (from 1884-1894, not continuously) and then begun working at Carlisle as a clerk around 1900.

In his testimony Nori answers questions about his…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
Authority to Send Agriculture Teacher to Recruit Students
August 20-31, 1917

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent John Francis Jr. informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that he is sending Disciplinarian Mr. Duran to Oklahoma to recruit Osage students, who will pay their own transportation fees and tuition. Francis Jr. requests authority to send Agriculture Teacher Leo Marks to Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Sioux…

National Archives and Records Administration