Richard Henry Pratt requests that the Commissioner of Indian Affairs authorize Agent Miles' expenses incurred while transporting a party of six Cheyenne and Arapaho chiefs and their children as well as Daniel Tucker from the Carlisle Indian School to Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. Tucker and the chiefs' children are all Carlisle students.…
Travel for Non-Employees
Includes travel logistics and expenses for non-employees engaged on school business, for example for recruiting trips or accompanying students returning home.

Second Auditor O. Ferriss allows Sheldon Jackson's claims for $197.97 and $23.90 for travel expenses incurred while transporting Indian students from New Mexico to the Carlisle Indian School in the Summer of 1880. Jackson encloses the claim to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and asks him to send the money as soon as possible because he needs…

Richard Henry Pratt requests transportation for John W. Olmstead and 20 students from De Pere, Wisconsin to Carlisle.

Richard Henry Pratt requests that a ticket be provided for an escort of Oneida students back to De Pere, Wisconsin.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs actions he has taken regarding Simon Powlas, the escort of the Oneida Nation students recently arrived at the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt notes that as Powlas had already waited a number of days he purchased a ticket for him to return home. He was then informed by the local railroad…

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the delay in providing tickets to two students to Rushville leaves them two weeks to go alone. Pratt requests that the Office order round trip tickets for them and authorize expenses of escort.
A note indicates the ticket for the escort was ordered on May 22, 1888.

Richard Henry Pratt requests transportation for 12 students from the Winnebago and Omaha Agency be placed at Sioux City in care of Alice C. Fletcher for travel to Carlisle.

Alfred John Standing requests that his order for 12 tickets for the delegation from the Omaha and Winnebago Agency to be placed for Alice C. Fletcher at Sioux City be changed to 15 tickets at Bancroft.

Richard Henry Pratt requests that the number of tickets for students traveling from Birch Cooley to enroll be increased from 10 to 16 and that there be one ticket for an escort.

The U.S Indian Agent for the Crow Agency requests authority to send a female teacher from the agency school with a party of students being sent to the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to bring 8 boys and 8 girls from the Green Bay Agency along with Peter J. Powlas as an escort to the Carlisle Indian School.

Recommendation from Inspector Gardner that U.S. Indian agent Robbins escort students to the Carlisle Indian School.

W. D. Robbins, U.S. Indian Agent, asks permission to escort children to the Carlisle Indian School as no employee is available.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs regarding the travel expenses of Reverend J. J. Emmegahbou and Reverend Charles Wright. Pratt notes that he furnished a return ticket for Emmegahbou from Carlisle to White Earth and incidental expenses but did not pay for the expenses of Wright because he was not connected with the…

Sadie M. Johnson informs W. N. Hailmann that she is going to escort a group of children to the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt provides the Office of Indian Affairs with a list of students transported to the school under Government request #2226, escorted by Hosea Locke.

Voucher for traveling expenses of Antoino Apache during his recruiting trip to the Fort Apache and San Carlos Agencies for the Carlisle Indian School.

William A. Mercer requests authority to pay for the travel of J. H. Lewis as an escort of 11 Hopi students from Fort Wingate, Arizona to the Carlisle Indian School.