Pratt, Richard Henry

Displaying 201 - 225 of 3786 records
Completion of the School Chapel
December 24, 1879

Richard Henry Pratt informs Commissioner of Indian Affairs E. A. Hayt that the construction of the chapel and assembly room is completed and will be where the school holds its Christmas celebration. Pratt accepts the building as a gift from the Department of the Interior and invites Hayt to join them for the holiday.

Note: This item was…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Permanently Hire Dr. J. J. Bender
December 27, 1879

Richard Henry Pratt informs Commissioner of Indian Affairs E. A. Hayt that Dr. J. J. Bender's temporary employment "has proven acceptable" and requests to permanently hire him for $700 per year .

Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm reels (M234), which were filmed from the original documents found in Record…

National Archives and Records Administration
Urgent Requests for Funds for Chapel
December 30, 1879

Richard Henry Pratt writes two letters to officials at the Bureau of Indian Affairs, inquiring why needed funds for the construction of the chapel have not been provided. In the first letter, to Commissioner of Indian Affairs Ezra Hayt, Pratt notes that he has borrowed money to fill the financial gap. In the second letter, to Edwin J. Brooks,…

Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Employment Application for Olive Roberts as Teacher
January 4, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt forwards to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs a letter from Olive Roberts, requesting employment as a teacher at the Carlisle Indian School. Roberts states that they previously ran the Crow Creek boarding school in Dakota. Pratt requests more information about Roberts, and notes that many of his teachers are giving up…

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Telegram Requesting Trip to Washington Regarding Farm
January 5, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt telegrams the Commissioner of Indian Affairs asking for permission to come to Washington that day to discuss school matters, including a farm and industrial training.

National Archives and Records Administration
Report of Beef Consumed by Rosebud Delegation
January 10, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt reports that the Rosebud delegation that visited Carlisle consumed 1,103 pounds of beef during their visit.

National Archives and Records Administration
Sending Former Ft. Marion Prisoners Home
January 12, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt writes to Commissioner of Indian Affairs Ezra Hayt suggesting the return home of the former Ft. Marion prisoners, who had gone to Hampton and then Carlisle following their release. Pratt notes that they have been very helpful both at Carlisle and in general in generating good will among their people, and that sending them…

National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Sends Stereoviews and Updates to Rep. Pound, 1880
January 14, 1880

Pratt writes to Rep. Thaddeus C. Pound, sending him stereoviews of the students and providing information about their progress at the school. He notes that now that the work of the schoolroom is successfully underway they will begin fitting up the industrial shops. He observes that by selling the products of the school's industrial program to…

Yale University Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Hand-written letter on onion-skin paper
January 21, 1880

Commissioner of Indian Affairs Ezra A. Hayt's response to Captain Richard Henry Pratt's request to have Reverend A. H. Donaldson send a delegation to procure "50 to 75 Navajo children for education" at the Carlisle Indian School. Hayt encouraged Pratt to first secure funding from Congress before bringing more children to the Carlisle Indian…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Travel to Appear at House Committee on Indian Affairs
January 23, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt requests an order to travel to Washington from Commissioner of Indian Affairs Ezra Hayt. Pratt notes that he was requested to appear before the House Committee on Indian Affairs.

National Archives and Records Administration
Copy of First School Newspaper and Report of School Progress
January 25, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt forwards to Commissioner of Indian Affairs Ezra Hayt a copy of the first issue of Eadle Keatah Toh, the first newspaper published at the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt notes that more donations will soon fund the purchase of a better printing press, and discusses other topics including new student uniforms and the…

Letters/Correspondence, Newspapers and Magazines
National Archives and Records Administration
Monthly School Report for January 1880
January 31, 1880

Two duplicate copies of the monthly school report for January 1880, submitted by the Carlisle Indian Training School to the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The report includes a list of employees, a count of students by Nation/Tribe, descriptions of the educational program, and Superintendent Richard Henry Pratt's remarks about developments and…

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Description of the Grounds, Buildings, Industries and Aims of the Carlisle Indian Training School
February 23, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt reports on the buildings, grounds, industrial curriculum, and overall aims of the Carlisle Indian Training School. The report includes descriptions of building sizes and purposes, industrial capabilities, and the efforts then underway to establish Congressional approval for the school's continuation. Also included are…

Photographs, Reports
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Desire to Permanently Hire George LeRoy Brown as Disciplinarian
February 23, 1880 - March 2, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt informs A. O. Hyde that his son-in-law Lieutenant George LeRoy Brown has been using leave of absence from his post in Dakota to serve as the disciplinarian for the male students at the Carlisle Indian School but will have to return soon. As Pratt thinks this would be a monumental loss for the school, he informs Hyde that he'…

National Archives and Records Administration
Travel Request for Alfred John Standing to Comanche Agency
February 23, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt telegrams the Commissioner of Indian Affairs asking for permission to send Alfred John Standing to the Comanche Agency to recruit students. Pratt also asks if the former Florida prisoners can be sent back.

National Archives and Records Administration
Richard H. Pratt Recommendations for School Enrollment Rules
February 24, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt writes to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs regarding a desire by the Secretary of the Interior to increase enrollment at Carlisle. Pratt suggests that a number of new rules be adopted regarding students' ages, gender ratio, and health. Pratt also suggests that the children of chiefs and headmen be preferred, to ensure good…

National Archives and Records Administration
Second Travel Request for Alfred John Standing to Comanche Agency
February 25, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt requests a quick reply to his telegram of February 23, requesting permission to send Alfred John Standing to the Comanche Agency to recruit students.

National Archives and Records Administration
Submitting Property and Supplies Invoices for Transfer of Carlisle Barracks
February 25, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt submits invoices regarding the transfer of property and supplies at the Carlisle Barracks to the Department of the Interior. Pratt notes that these files were overlooked when others were transferred previously.

National Archives and Records Administration
Alfred J. Standing Recruitment In Kiowa and Comanche Agency
February 27, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt suggests to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that Alfred J. Standing's experience and reputation at the Kiowa and Comanche Agency will help him select suitable students there. Pratt also suggests that this recruitment should be done according to his recent suggestions regarding enrollment.

National Archives and Records Administration
Notice of Arrival of Iowa and Sac & Fox Students
February 27, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt telegrams Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs Edwin J. Brooks, informing him that a group of Iowa and Sac & Fox children arrived safely and will be held as directed.

National Archives and Records Administration
Transfer of Medicine from Carlisle Barracks
February 28, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that medicine transferred from the War Department is not needed at Carlisle, as his homeopathic physician will supply his own. Pratt suggests that the medicines be sent elsewhere.

National Archives and Records Administration
Hand-written letter on onion-skin paper
March 1, 1880

Letter wherein Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs Edward J. Brooks responded to Captain Richard Henry Pratt's request for information about "Mr. Standing['s]" visit to the Kiowa and Comanche Agency. Brooks lets Pratt know that Brooks has already authorized "Mr. Standing" to bring ten children back with him from the Agency to be educated at…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Funds to Subscribe to Newspapers
March 2, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt requests to spend $50 to subscribe to periodicals and newspapers so that he and his assistants can stay informed.

Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm reels (M234), which were filmed from the original documents found in Record Group 75, Entry 79, "Letters Received by the Office of Indian…

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Detail George LeR. Brown to Carlisle
March 2, 1880

Richard Henry Pratt writes to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, requesting that he petition the War Department to detail George LeR. Brown to service at the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt states that Brown had served at Carlisle during his leave of absence from the Army, and that Brown showed potential in helping efficiently manage the school…

National Archives and Records Administration
Fulfillment of Request for Garden Seeds
March 3, 1880

Commissioner of Indian Affairs William G. LeDue informs Secretary of the Interior Carl Schurz that Richard Henry Pratt's request for garden seeds has been filled.

Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm reels (M234), which were filmed from the original documents found in Record Group 75, Entry 79, "Letters…

National Archives and Records Administration