The first page opened with a poem, “Be Careful What You Say,” followed by “Indian Names,” on the origin of Indian names. Next came an article titled “Wanted, Something Inside,” about the value of persistence and perseverance, followed by small blurbs about the Christian population of Japan and the construction of a rabbit-proof fence in…
Cumberland County Historical Society

The first page opened with a poem titled “IT PAYS," followed by a piece called "THANKSGIVING!" that reminded readers to be thankful. Next came "REV MR. WILSON EXPLAINS HIS 'MONKEY ADDRESS,'" which was a letter to the Editor from Edward Wilson from Darlington, Indian Territory dated Nov. 13, 1888. Page two began with "NOTES FROM OUR FRIDAY NIGHT…

The first page opened with a poem, “Judge Wright’s Farewell: Read By Him Before Our Students Last Saturday Night,” followed by “A Boy Who Could Be Trusted,” about an unnamed boy who revealed news of Lee’s troops marching to Gettysburg. Next came a reprint of a letter that told of the good work of returned Indian students titled “Up Hill Work…

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This issue opened with a poem titled “HOW," by John Boyle O'Reilly, followed by news from a letter from Carlisle alumnus Samuel Townsend (Pawnee), a student at Marietta College. Page two included news items about Congress convening, Nancy Cornelius (Oneida) attending the Woman's National Indian Association, new arrivals, "Thanksgiving Echoes…

The first page opened with a poem titled “GOD'S CHRISTMAS GIFTS," by Dwight Weldon. Also on the page were numerous Christmas articles, including a piece about the spirit of giving called "A MERRY CHRISTMAS! A HAPPY NEW YEAR!" and a reprint from Sunshine about the meaning of A.D. 1888. Page two opened with a few maxims; news from former…

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The first page opened with a poem titled “?” in the shape of a question mark followed by a bit by A-Te-Ka called “A Capful of Prairie Chickens,” in which she described the process of surrogate prairie chicken eggs that perished after being hatched by a domestic chicken. Page two contained short articles that included excerpts from letters from…

The first page opened with a poem titled “Do We All?” followed by an article, “Do You Want to Get Rich?” about the value of saving little things. The next article, “Dr. Jackson at Our Missionary Meeting,” described the work of Sheldon Jackson among the Metlakahtla boys at the Sitka Industrial School in Alaska. It continued on the fourth page.…

The first page began with an untitled poem that opened with the first line “We can never be too careful,” followed by “Which Would You Rather Be a Spider or a Fly? / The White Man Like a Spider,” an account of Mr. Seger’s description of the idiosyncrasies of language translation. It continued on the fourth page. Page two featured news articles…

The first page began with an untitled poem that began with the first line, “Waste not moments, no, nor words,” followed by A-Te-Ka’s letter to the Man-on-the-band-stand titled “It Took Eight Years to Discover a Mistake.” The letter recalled a December 1881 article on early student art work from the Eadle Keatah Toh. Next came a student…

The first page began with a poem titled, “This Life is What We Make It,” followed by a letter from Samuel Townsend (Pawnee) about school life at Marietta College. The second page included news from letters from former students and an excerpted speech from Thomas Metoxen (Oneida).
Among the brief items on page three was a report that baby…

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The first page opened with a poem "March" by Bessie Chandler followed by an article titled "Feasted By the Blind" which was an account of visiting students from the Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction of the Blind who got a tour of the Indian school and gave an entertainment that featured singing, marching, calisthenics, and musical…

The first page opened with a poem "Think," followed by a story called "Are Indians Kind to Animals? about a Carlisle girl on Outing who threw a blanket over a horse during icy weather. The next piece was about the value of labor titled "Successful Men." Page two began with an article titled "Squeezed Into Shape" that compared processing iron to…

The first page began with a poem titled, “True Heroism,” followed by a fictional conversation among two Indian School students, Tom and Phil as reported by the Man-On-The-Band-Stand. In the moralizing story, continued on the fourth page, Phil sets a good example by keeping the Outing System rules, while Tom broke the rules and tainted the…

The first page opened with a poem "The Voice That Wins Its Way" contributed by Hannah E. Wilson, followed by a piece called "From John Dixon" which was reprinted from the Albuquerque Indian School where Dixon (Pueblo) was employed as a carpenter and translator for Indian school recruitment. The article continued on page four. Page two offered “…

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The first page opened with a poem "The Printer-Boy Tramp” by Will Carleton, followed by “Encouraging Prospects” about Luther Kuhns at the Pawnee Agency. Next came “A Man Who was not Afraid to Work” on how General Washington set an example for his corporal. Also on the page was an article titled “Easter Eggs in Washington.” Page two contained a…

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The first page opened with a poem by Susan Coolidge titled “New Every Morning,” followed by a letter from Ernie Black (Cheyenne) titled “News from our Cheyenne and Arapahoe Boys.” Also on the page was a reprint from The Sunday School Times titled “We Must Be Run Through a Mill.” Page two opened with a quote from Paul Boynton (Arapho)…

The first page opened with a poem "Wanted,” followed by a fictitious conversation titled “Sallie Lump-of-Mud and Little Miss Sensible Have a Talk.” The page ended with news from Harriet Elder (Nez Perce) and her agency, titled “This Was My Name When at School – Harriet M. Elder.” Page two reported about “The Persian Talk” and an article titled…

The first page opened with a poem by titled “When a Girl Knows How” to sew, bake and knit followed by “You Home-Going Boys and Girls: Will you be in the New or the Old of the Moon?” which asked J.H. Segar what the Cheyenne and Arapho boys and girls were doing at their agency in Cantonment, Oklahoma. Page two continued the news from Cantonment…

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