Page one opens with a letter from Hattie Mary to Miss Hyde, asking if she is lame again and if that is the reason she hasn’t been writing back. A letter from Minnie Atkins (Creek) also detailed the trip to California, which continued onto page four. She talked about staying at the Lincoln Institute. Page two had an editorial by Charles Kihega (…

The first page opened with a poem titled “Snow Brings Fun,” followed by instructions for “How to Write to Your Mother,” directed to a young man with instructions for how to reply to his mother who was pleading for his return back to his home agency. Page two opened with a series of news items about President Cleveland, the death of Vice…

The first page opened with a poem titled "Sound Principle But Poor Poetry," followed by "A Boy Needs a Trade," about the degradation of a ditch digger reprinted from the Detroit Free Press. There was also an article called "A Sick Man who Wanted Whiskey." The second page included a report in the shape of a turkey titled "Our Thanksgiving Turkey…

The first page opened with a poem titled “IT PAYS," followed by a piece called "THANKSGIVING!" that reminded readers to be thankful. Next came "REV MR. WILSON EXPLAINS HIS 'MONKEY ADDRESS,'" which was a letter to the Editor from Edward Wilson from Darlington, Indian Territory dated Nov. 13, 1888. Page two began with "NOTES FROM OUR FRIDAY NIGHT…

The first page opened with a poem, “Judge Wright’s Farewell: Read By Him Before Our Students Last Saturday Night,” followed by “A Boy Who Could Be Trusted,” about an unnamed boy who revealed news of Lee’s troops marching to Gettysburg. Next came a reprint of a letter that told of the good work of returned Indian students titled “Up Hill Work…

This issue opened with a poem titled “HOW," by John Boyle O'Reilly, followed by news from a letter from Carlisle alumnus Samuel Townsend (Pawnee), a student at Marietta College. Page two included news items about Congress convening, Nancy Cornelius (Oneida) attending the Woman's National Indian Association, new arrivals, "Thanksgiving Echoes…

The first page opened with a query titled "Who is that Man-on-the-band-stand?” followed by E.G.’s poem, “The Man-on-the-band-stand.” Next came a new installment of the series titled “How An Indian Girl Might Tell Her Own Story if She Had the Chance: Founded on Actual Observations of the Man-on-the-band-stand’s Chief Clerk” (continued from the…

The first page opened with a poem titled "A Christmas Carol by Eleanor W.F. Bates in Home Magazine. Next came a new installment of the series titled “How An Indian Girl Might Tell Her Own Story if She Had the Chance: Founded on Actual Observations of the Man-on-the-band-stand’s Chief Clerk” (continued from the previous week). In this…

University of Cincinnati vs the Carlisle Indians souvenir in the shape of a football for the Thanksgiving game on November 25, 1897.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay for extras for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners for students at the Carlisle Indian School including fruits, nuts, candies, and turkeys.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase additional turkeys, fruits, nuts, and other food items for a Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner for the students of the Carlisle Indian School.

These materials include correspondence regarding the Christmas festivities of 1908. The festivities included a lantern slide and moving picture film presentation of Hiawatha, various receptions, tree decorating, and entertainment.
Also included is a financial authority request for extra food for the Thanksgiving and Christmas…

Thanksgiving Service booklet with printed songs, readings and prayers, printed at the Carlisle Indian School Print Shop.

Carlisle Superintendent Moses Friedman transmits several programs from the school: "Annual Reception of the Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Association," "Thanksgiving Service," two copies of "School Entertainment," "World's Temperance Sunday," and "Special Program by the Mercer Literary Society."
Second Assistant…

Naomi Greensky's Thanksgiving dinner menu at the Carlisle Indian School, held on November 27, 1913.

Thanksgiving menu from the Carlisle Indian School, November 26, 1914. Includes a Thanksgiving soliloquy along with the food being served for the dinner.