The Documents section features digitized copies of documents relating to the history of the school. These documents include correspondence, graduation pamphlets, and other forms of ephemera, and have been digitized by Digital Resource Center staff. Today, these documents are preserved in a number of locations, including the Dickinson College Archives and Special Collections as well as private collections.
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June 13, 1906
William A. Mercer requests the Office of Indian Affairs return Francis Fremont to the Carlisle Indian School. Frank La Flesche notes that Fremont was at the Office for two days and then left for either Carlisle or Nebraska.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
Topics: Students Running Away
Format: Letters/Correspondence
View Document: Mercer Requests Office Return Francis Fremont836.2 KB
June 14, 1906
William A. Mercer forwards vouchers for the medical treatment of Elizabeth Johnson for diphtheria while on outing.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
Format: Letters/Correspondence
View Document: Mercer Forwards Voucher for Treatment of Elizabeth Johnson on Outing571.66 KB
June 14-19, 1906
Major W. A. Mercer forwards leave of absence requests to attend summer school for two teachers: J. L. Walters and Angel De Cora.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
Format: Letters/Correspondence
View Document: Two Leave of Absence Requests to Attend Summer School874.97 KB
June 15, 1906
William A. Mercer requests authority to purchase neckties, headstones, and matting.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
Format: Letters/Correspondence
View Document: Mercer Requests Authority to Purchase Neckties, Headstones, and Matting515.88 KB
June 18, 1906 - June 21, 1906
Carlisle Indian School physician Ferdinand Shoemaker requests that the new hospital being planned include verandas on both levels and on as many sides as possible. William A. Mercer furthers Shoemaker's request and asks that at least two sides…
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
Format: Letters/Correspondence
View Document: Request for Porches on Multiple Levels of New Hospital645.49 KB
June 19, 1906
William A. Mercer forwards vouchers covering the expense of Arthur J. Lee incurred in treating Stanley Bullethead of the Uintah and Ouray Agency.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
Format: Letters/Correspondence
View Document: Mercer Forwards Voucher of a Member of the Uintah and Ouray Agency483.79 KB
June 19, 1906
William A. Mercer requests a copy of his official report of the services of Mattie A. Cobb in order to provide a recommendation or report of her work as a kindergartner at the Leech Lake Indian School.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
Format: Letters/Correspondence
View Document: Mercer Requests Report of Mattie Cobb be Sent to Him356.91 KB
June 20, 1906
William A. Mercer forwards a list from Dr. Ferdinand Shoemaker of surplus drugs in mainly serviceable condition on hand.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
Topics: Medical Supplies and Materials
Format: Letters/Correspondence
View Document: List of Surplus Drugs on Hand at the Carlisle Indian School Hospital744.53 KB
June 20, 1906
William A. Mercer requests authority to spend $800 to return 116 students to their homes from the Carlisle Indian School. Mercer requests the funds due to railroads withdrawing the half-rate fares for students.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
Format: Letters/Correspondence
View Document: Mercer Requests Additional Funds to Return Students461.32 KB
June 21, 1906
W. A. Mercer forwards a supplementary estimate of funds for the fourth quarter of 1906 amounting to $5,252.70 to pay for student transportation, support of school, and building supplies. An explanatory cover letter is included.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
Topics: Student Travel Departing
View Document: Supplemental Estimate of Funds, Fourth Quarter 19061.59 MB
June 22, 1906
Major W. A. Mercer requests a six-month supply of two dozen different blank administrative forms used by the United States Indian Affairs division of the Department of the Interior. A blank "Schedule of Individual Moneys" is attached.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
Format: Legal and Government Documents
View Document: Requisition for Blanks and Blank Books, June 1906731.27 KB
June 23, 1906
William A. Mercer inquires of the Office of Indian Affairs if there is any objection to enrolling students from the Chitimacha Nation.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
Topics: Request for Enrollment
Format: Letters/Correspondence
View Document: Inquiry into Enrolling Students from the Chitimacha Nation380.55 KB
June 25, 1906 - June 28, 1906
Susie Rayos requests to take the required examinations to enter the Indian Service. William A. Mercer forwards the request along with additional information about Rayos.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
Format: Letters/Correspondence
View Document: Susie Rayos Requests to Take Exam to Enter Indian Service997.86 KB
June 27, 1906
William A. Mercer provides the Office of Indian Affairs a report on the No. 1 Insigner dish washing machine by noting that it has not be utilized very often due to time limitations. Mercer states that due to the large number of girls the…
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
Topics: Food and Dining
Format: Letters/Correspondence
View Document: Mercer Provides a Report on the No. 1 Insinger Dish Washing Machine549.58 KB
June 28, 1906
H. W. Leaman resigns his position as gardener and florist at the Carlisle Indian School. W. G. Thompson forwards the resignation with the note that the position be filled temporary in order to maintain the thousands of plants and prepare the hot…
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
Format: Letters/Correspondence
View Document: H. W. Leaman Resigns as Gardener1.07 MB
June 28, 1906
William A. Mercer reports that Sophia Green is returning to her home following further correspondence.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
Format: Letters/Correspondence
View Document: Mercer Informs Office of Return of Sophia Green474.96 KB
June 29, 1906
William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that he has directed Adaline Kingsley to report as assistant matron at the Wittenberg Indian School.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
Format: Letters/Correspondence
View Document: Adaline Kingsley Directed to Report to Wittenberg Indian School519.77 KB
June 29, 1906
Robert Shaw Oliver, Assistant Secretary of War, informs the Interior Department that there is no objection to the Hamilton Library Association copying maps and surveys of the Carlisle Indian School grounds.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
Format: Letters/Correspondence
View Document: Hamilton Library Association Able to Copy Maps and Surveys470.79 KB
June 30, 1906
William A. Mercer requests that some action be taken against former student James Riley Wheelock for using the name Wheelock's United States Indian Band.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
Format: Letters/Correspondence
View Document: Mercer Requests Action be Taken Against James R. Wheelock579.32 KB
June 30, 1906
William A. Mercer forwards a letter from school physician Ferdinand Shoemaker and provides additional context for the request to purchase a secondhand dental drill for the use of dentists to treat students.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
Format: Letters/Correspondence
View Document: Request to Purchase Dental Drill1.29 MB
July 1906
F. Shoemaker, the school physician, compiles the sanitary report for the quarter ending on June 30, 1906.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
Topics: Student Illness, Student Deaths
Format: Reports
View Document: Quarterly Sanitary Report of Diseases and Injuries, June 19061.11 MB
July 2, 1906
W. A. Mercer recommends that former student Susie Maria Rayos be appointed as a teacher in the Indian Service. Mercer forwards Rayos' application to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and endorses her in his cover letter. Mercer advises the…
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
View Document: Application for Employment from Susie Rayos2.11 MB
July 2, 1906
Major William A. Mercer submits a report that lists an employee who has left the school (Genus E. Baird) and all employees working at the school to start the 1906-1907 fiscal year. These reports include personal information about those being…
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
Topics: School Employees - General
Format: Reports
View Document: Descriptive Statement of Changes in School Employees, July 19063.09 MB
July 2, 1906
William A. Mercer requests authority to pay student labor over the summer in lieu of them earning wages over the summer on outing.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
Format: Letters/Correspondence
View Document: Mercer Requests Authority to Pay Student Labor In Fiscal Year 1907485.37 KB
July 2, 1906
William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that he will consider the objections raised by the Acting Judge Advocate General in having the Carlisle Indian School serve as a training ground for the United States Cavalry.
Repository: National Archives and Records Administration
Format: Letters/Correspondence
View Document: Mercer Responds to Ruling Regarding Cavalry Training563.55 KB