School Band

Displaying 101 - 117 of 117 records
color image; a large group of male students stand on the green in front of the band stand, the front set carry instruments, in the background in the dining hall and girls' quarters; reproduced (and cropped) from photograph circa 1907

The caption on the front reads: INDIA SCHOOL BAND AND GIRLS QUARTERS, CARLISLE, PA. There is also a hand-written "Sadie" right below the caption.

Although the postcard was never sent someone wrote a note on the back: "Well here is where I was to day am having a fine time Elsie got a fine piano hope you are all well Good…

Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; in the foreground is the school band and behind them is a large group of male students, in the middle ground are trees and the bandstand, in the background are the dining hall, girls' quarters, and gymnasium

The caption on the front of this postcard reads: BAND AND BATTLION, INDIAN SCHOOL, CARLISLE, PA.

The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to write a message and where to write the address.


Postcard (Commercial)
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
"An Evening with the Carlisle Indian School"
January 15, 1887

An invitation for a series of exercises, performed by Carlisle Indian School students, which include industrial demonstrations, recitations, songs, drawings, and a debate.  The event was billed as a way to show "the capacity of the Indian to receive education," and was open to the general public.

Memorabilia and Ephemera
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
Inspection Report of Charles H. Thompson
March 2, 1892

Charles H. Thompson forwards an inspection report of the Carlisle Indian School on March 2, 1892. Thompson's report examines a wide range of topics related to the school including the buildings, health of students, food, student's social lives, industrial training, outings, and academic training.

Thompson also includes a number of…

Legal and Government Documents, Reports
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Poster for Mary Kolbe the Elocutionist
February 8, 1896

This poster advertises the performance of Mary Kolbe, "the little nine year old elocutionist," who was assisted by the Carlisle Indian School Band.  The event was held at Bosler Hall at Dickinson College on February 8, 1896. 

Broadsides and Posters
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
1897 Commencement Program
March 11, 1897

The commencement program for the Eighteenth Anniversary and Ninth Graduating Exercises of the Indian Industrial School at Carlisle, Pennsylvania.  The program includes a schedule of events as well as a photograph of the graduating class of 1897.

Memorabilia and Ephemera
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
Complaints Regarding Wheelock's United States Indian Band
January 6-20, 1906

Augustine Mendoza informs the Office of Indian Affairs of actions taken by James Riley Wheelock regarding the Wheelock's United States Indian Band. William A. Mercer further comments on Wheelock's actions and advises the Office make Wheelock's actions known to agencies and schools to prevent it happening again.

National Archives and Records Administration
Carlisle Indian Band and Girls' Mandolin Club Musicale Program
April 1, 1908

The program for the Musicale, held by the Carlisle Indian Band and Girls' Mandolin Club.  A total of ten selections, plus the Star Spangled Banner, were performed under the direction of Claude M. Stauffer.  Photographs of both musical groups are featured on the program.

Memorabilia and Ephemera
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
1908 Commencement Program
April 2, 1908

This program was distributed for the 1908 Commencement Exercises, which took place on Thursday, April 2nd. Inside features a portrait of Moses Friedman, the Superintendent, Francis E. Leupp, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Charles H. Dickson, the Supervisor-in Charge, as well as a portrait of the Class of 1908. Included is a full schedule…

Memorabilia and Ephemera
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
Christmas Festivities 1908
December 29, 1908 - September 26, 1910

These materials include correspondence regarding the Christmas festivities of 1908. The festivities included a lantern slide and moving picture film presentation of Hiawatha, various receptions, tree decorating, and entertainment.

Also included is a financial authority request for extra food for the Thanksgiving and Christmas…

Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
photograph pasted on piece of paper, depicts a man in uniform with white gloves and baton
July 5, 1909 - March 26, 1938

This folder contains documents related to James Riley Wheelock's employment and applications for employment in the Indian Service. It covers the second period of his employment at the Sherman Institute, Carlisle Indian School, and Genoa Indian School from 1914-1920. Then it touches on Wheelock's repeated attempts to be reinstated as a band…

Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence, Reports
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Participation of Band in Inaugural Parade
December 27-28, 1912

This material includes correspondence between Superintendent Moses Friedman and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs concerning a request for the school band to attend the upcoming inaugural parade.

National Archives and Records Administration
Approval of Participation of Band in Inaugural Parade
January 8-11, 1913

This material includes correspondence between Superintendent Moses Friedman and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs on the approval of the Indian School band to participate in the upcoming inaugural parade.

National Archives and Records Administration
Commencement Concert program, 1913
April 1, 1913

Program for the commencement concert on April 1, 1913 by the Carlisle Indian School band.

Books and Pamphlets
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
School Band Performance At The Belgian Relief Fund Benefit
December 9-15, 1914

This material includes a letter as well as a flyer concerning the performance of the Carlisle Indian School band at the Belgian Relief Fund Benefit.

Letters/Correspondence, Memorabilia and Ephemera
National Archives and Records Administration
Commencement Concert program, 1915
May 18, 1915

Naomi Greensky's program for the commencement concert on May 18, 1915 by the Carlisle Indian School band.

Books and Pamphlets
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
Participation of Carlisle Indian School Band in the Preparedness Parade
June 7-16, 1916

These materials include correspondence regarding the participation of the Carlisle Indian School band in the Preparedness Parade in Washington, D.C. The parade was designed to be a show of patriotism, and the Interior Department wanted to have a strong presence. Also included in the correspondence is a reply to a now-lost letter from Charles T…

National Archives and Records Administration