Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Wade Ayres, a member of the Catawba Nation.

Student file of Charlotte Harris, a member of the Catawba Nation, who entered the school on December 14, 1893, graduated in 1902, and departed on August 25, 1904. The file contains a student information card, returned student surveys, letters/correspondence, a marriage announcement, and a report after leaving. The file indicates that Harris…

Student information card of Charlotte Harris, a member of the Catawba Nation, who entered the school on December 14, 1893 and departed on August 25, 1904. The information card indicates that Harris had graduated in 1902, married Mr. Jenkins, and was living in Cherokee, North Carolina in 1914.

Student information card of Charlotte (here Lottie) Harris, a member of the Catawba Nation, who entered the school on December 14, 1893 and departed on August 25, 1904. The file indicates Harris was working at the Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on the outing program from 1902 to 1904, and graduated from Carlisle in 1902.
Student file of Rosa Harris, a member of the Catawba Nation, who entered the school on August 30, 1895 and departed on June 3, 1903. The file contains student information cards, a report after leaving, and a returned student survey indicating that Harris married Archie Wheelock and was a housekeeper in Roddey, South Carolina in 1910.

Student information card of Rosa Harris, a member of the Catawba Nation, who entered the school on August 30, 1895 and departed on June 3, 1903. The file indicates Harris was married and living in Roddy, South Carolina in 1913.

Progress card of Joseph Sanders, a member of the Catawba Nation, who entered the school on August 16, 1903.

Student file of Joseph Sanders, a member of the Catawaba Nation, who entered the school on August 16, 1903 and departed on November 17, 1908. The file contains a student information card, a former student response postcard, a returned student survey, and a report after leaving. The file indicates Sanders was working as a carpenter in South…

Student information card of Joseph Sanders, a member of the Catawba Nation, who entered the school on August 16, 1903 and departed on November 17, 1908. The file indicates Sanders was living in Roddey, South Carolina in 1913.

Progress card of Moroni George, a member of the Catawba Nation, who entered the school on August 30, 1903.

Student file of Moroni George, a member of the Catawaba Nation, who entered the school on August 30, 1903, and departed on March 2, 1909. The file contains a student information card, a returned student survey, and a report after leaving that indicates George was working on a dairy in Rock Hill, South Carolina in 1910.
In school…

Student information card of Moroni George, a member of the Catawba Nation, who entered the school on August 30, 1903 and departed on March 2, 1909. The file indicates George was living in Roddy, South Carolina in 1913.

Student information card of Wade Ayres, a member of the Catawba Nation, who entered the school on August 30, 1903 and died on January 18, 1904 while attending the school. He was buried in the cemetery on the school grounds.
Note: Students Mary E. Ayers and Wade Ayres were probably siblings, although their last names are spelled…

Student information card of Wade Ayres, a member of the Catawba Nation, who entered the school on August 30, 1903 and died on January 18, 1904. He was buried in the cemetery on the school grounds.
In school documentation Wade Ayres' name is also spelled Wade Ayers.
Students Mary E. Ayers and Wade Ayres were probably siblings…

Progress card of Artemis Harris, a member of the Catawba Nation, who entered the school on September 14, 1904.

Student file of Artemis Harris, a member of the Catawba Nation, who entered the school on September 14, 1904 and departed on June 21, 1909. The file contains student information cards, news clippings, an outing record, a progress/conduct card, and a report after leaving indicating that Harris was a housewife in Roddy, South Carolina in 1911.…

Student information card of Artemis Harris, a member of the Catawba Nation, who entered the school on September 14, 1904 and departed on June 21, 1909. The file indicates Harris was living in Roddy, South Carolina in 1913.

Progress card of Edith Harris, a member of the Catawba Nation, who entered the school on September 14, 1904.

Student file of Edith Harris, a member of the Catawba Nation, who entered the school on September 14, 1904 and departed on June 21, 1909. The file contains student information cards, a former student response postcard, correspondence, medical/physical records, a progress/conduct card, a report after leaving, and two returned student surveys…

Student information card of Edith Harris, a member of the Catawba Nation, who entered the school on September 14, 1904 and departed on June 21, 1909. The file indicates Harris was married and living in Roddy, South Carolina in 1913.

Progress card of Lavinia Harris, a member of the Catawba Nation, who entered the school on September 14, 1904.

Student file of Lavinia Harris, a member of the Catawba Nation, who entered the school on September 14, 1904 and departed on June 21, 1909. The file contains student information cards, a progress/conduct card, a report after leaving, a returned student survey, and former student response postcards indicating that Harris was doing housework in…

Student information card of Lavinia Harris, a member of the Catawba Nation, who entered the school on September 14, 1904 and departed on June 21, 1909. The file indicates Harris was living in Roddy, South Carolina in 1913.

Student file of Mary Ayers, a member of the Catawba Nation, who entered the school on September 14, 1904, and departed on June 21, 1909. The file contains two student information cards, a former student response postcard, correspondence, a returned student survey, a progress/conduct card, and a report after leaving indicating that Ayers…

Student information card of Mary Ayers (here spelled Ayres), a member of the Catawba Nation, who entered the school on September 14, 1904 and departed on June 21, 1909. The file indicates Ayers was living in Roddy, South Carolina in 1913.
Note: Students Mary E. Ayers and Wade Ayres were probably siblings.