Acting Superintendent J. R. Wise forwards Edward H. Colegrove's application for a 3-day annual leave of absence. Colegrove works as a disciplinarian.

J. R. Wise forwards the lease of the Alexander Tract to the Office of Indian Affairs along with the request that its cancellation be approved. Wise provides the reasons for why the land is no longer needed.

W. S. Olive, Special U.S. Indian Agent, submits proposed rules for overseeing the individual student financial accounts at the Carlisle Indian Schools.

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the probationary period of Flora M. Newman as assistant matron is coming to an end. Mercer notes that he cannot recommend her continuance as an employee and requests her services be discontinued at the end of her probationary period.

William A. Mercer responds to the report of W. S. Olive, Special U.S. Indian Agent, regarding unaccounted funds. Mercer states that the nature of the Athletic Funds means they should not be run through the Indian Office and he is willing to resign his position if it means complying with Departmental regulations.

Major William A. Mercer submits a withdrawal of resignation letter from Scott J. Porter and the renomination of his position at the school.

William Mercer submits the Monthly School Report of the Carlisle Indian School for February 1907.

Wilson Charles submits his resignation as assistant carriagemaker at the Carlisle Indian School.

William A. Mercer submits a report that lists new employees (Elizabeth Sloan) as well as those who have left the school (Wilson Charles). These reports include personal information about those being hired as well as reasons for departure for those leaving. Pratt also forwards Sloan's oath of office.

William A. Mercer further responds to the report of W. S. Olive regarding work done on Coach Glenn "Pop" Warner's car as well as various funds not officially accounted for by requesting authority for expenditures.

Superintendent W. A. Mercer forwards School Physician Ferdinand Shoemaker's certification of Kate S. Bowersox's illness during her leave of absence. Bowersox works as a principal teacher.

Major W. A. Mercer requests a six-month supply of request for leave forms used by the United States Indian Affairs division of the Department of the Interior.

William A. Mercer requests authority to pay for the services and articles furnished by the undertaker related to the burial of Clarissa Winnie (here Clarissa Winne).

William A. Mercer clarifies his decision to withhold the money at the Carlisle Indian School of Amos Thomas. Mercer outlines the steps to determine the decision to transfer those funds to the Emergency Account.

William A. Mercer requests voucher to pay for the services of local Carlisle doctors in the treatment of Clarissa Winnie.

W. A. Mercer forwards matron Sadie F. Robertson's application for a 5-day annual leave of absence.

William A. Mercer responds to an inquiry from the Office of Indian Affairs regarding the request of Charles H. Dickson, Supervisor in Charge of the Chamberlain Indian School, to enroll Wallace Tyndall as a student. Tyndall had been dismissed from Carlisle for bad behavior.

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that John F. Mackey is the only clerk at Carlisle who desires a transfer to the Indian Office. Mercer states that Laura B. Holderby of the Indian Office is willing to transfer to Carlisle and requests the opportunity to talk with her before arranging the transfer.

William A. Mercer submits the report of farm statistics for the 1906 calendar year along with a list of farm tools, stock, and buildings. Mercer also includes a map showing the school farms and other "Indian School Lands."

Flora M. Newman requests a transfer to the position of seamstress in the Indian Service. William A. Mercer forwards the letter along with his recommendation that the request be granted due to her performance as an assistant matron.

William A. Mercer requests early information regarding the Jamestown Exposition Indian Office exhibit. Mercer requests to be allowed to use newer photographs in addition to those taken by Frances Benjamin Johnston along with using Navajo blankets to decorate the wall.

J. R. Wise forwards to the Office of Indian Affairs correspondence related to the shipment of the Carlisle Indian School to the Jamestown Exposition which was lost in transit. Included is a list of items shipped along with an assigned monetary value along with the suggestion of the Transportation Agent at the Jamestown Exposition.

William A. Mercer requests the Office of Indian Affairs send him the applications and examination papers for Gillett, Taylor, and Smith for teacher of agriculture.

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that he has expelled Charles Lydick and requests approval.

Superintendent W. A. Mercer forwards School Physician Ferdinand Shoemaker's certification of Ella G. Hill's illness during her leave of absence. Hill works as a laundry manager.