Estimate of funds for the second quarter of 1907 amounting to $41,341.80 for support of the school, of which $13,950.00 is for regular employee pay.
William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that he has no objections to R. H. Hoffman to postpone his reporting date to January 1, 1907 as a florist at the Carlisle Indian School.
William A. Mercer requests the Office of Indian Affairs fill the hospital cook position at the Carlisle Indian School as soon as possible. Mercer states that he would like an unmarried white woman without a family.
W. A. Mercer forwards painter Charles H. Carns' application for a 7-day annual leave of absence.
W. A. Mercer forwards applications for leave of absence for three employees: Lizzie James (cook), and Bertha Canfield (seamstress). Mercer also sends new and corrected reports on leave of absence for twelve employees: Wilson Charles (assistant carriagemaker), Beckie L. Goodyear (assistant seamstress), M. S. Barr (nurse), Margaret O…
J. R. Wise responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the mechanical drawing teacher position. Wise refers to his prior letter requesting the position be suspended and that the position will be adjusted in the next few days.
William A. Mercer submits voucher for the application medical examination of five students to be admitted to the Carlisle Indian School.
William A. Mercer forwards voucher for payment of examination fees of candidates for admission to the Carlisle Indian School.
Milton I. Zeigler provides a report to the Office of Indian Affairs on the list of shoe and harness tools and supplies requested for the Fort Shaw School.
John F. MacKey requests a transfer from his position as a clerk at the Carlisle Indian School to the head of an agency in the Indian Service. Included are recommendations from various Indian agents supporting his previous promotions as well as office notes related to MacKey's previous tenure in Omaha.
Correspondence regarding the cook vacancy at the Southern Ute School and the possibility of Ella Beck or Louisa French filling the position.
William A. Mercer responds to the request of Anna Doctor for the return of her daughter Jemima Doctor from the Carlisle Indian School.
William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter which claims that the liabilities of the Carlisle Indian School have exceeded the appropriation by going over the appropriation and liabilities.
Sarah Gedney submits her request for a transfer to the position of copyist in the Office of Indian Affairs from her current position as a teacher at the Carlisle Indian School. William A. Mercer forwards the request to the Office and requests that it be approved.
William A. Mercer compiles a report with remarks regarding employees' efficiency, conduct, behavior, dress, health, attitude towards children, and notes on any special skills. The report also lists employees' salaries and position titles.
Charles C. Dillon submits his resignation as the blacksmith at the Carlisle Indian School. William A. Mercer submits the resignation along with additional information.
Major William A. Mercer submits a report that lists new employees (Anna C. Groove and Scott J. Porter), those who have left the school (Charles C. Dillon), and those who have changed positions (Cathrine Morrette). The report includes position title, salary, date of departure, and reason for departure. Attached is Dillon's letter of resignation…
W. A. Mercer forwards carpenter John A. Herr's application for a 6-day annual leave of absence.
William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the request of Stacy Matlock, assistant disciplinarian, to a position of assistant clerk in the Indian Service. The office is asking for Mercer's assessment of Matlock's character, which Mercer reports to be excellent.
Major W. A. Mercer forwards housekeeper Mae Justus's application for a 30-day annual leave of absence.
William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter by providing clarification on the $1,000 carried as the Charity Fund.
Major W. A. Mercer forwards farmer Norman H. Justus' application for a 30-day annual leave of absence.
Major W. A. Mercer requests a six-month supply of memorandum books and sub-voucher books used by the United States Indian Affairs division of the Department of the Interior.
Sadie Elizabeth Newcomer submits her resignation as a teacher at the Carlisle Indian School. William A. Mercer forwards the resignation to the Office of Indian Affairs along with his recommendation to fill the vacancy through various promotions. Mercer also requests the last remaining vacancy be filled by a white woman through the Civil Service…
William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs of the death of Albert Jackson (here Alfred Jackson) of pneumonia.