Wynn, Alice

Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 records
Alice Wynn (Brave Killer) Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Alice Wynn, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on October 6, 1879 and ultimately departed on June 14, 1887. The file contains student information cards and a report after leaving indicating she was a housekeeper in Pine Ridge, South Dakota in 1910.

In school documentation Alice Wynn is also known as…

National Archives and Records Administration
Alice Wynn (Brave Killer) Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Alice Wynn (Brave Killer) (here Alice Wynn Lonebear), a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on October 6, 1879 and departed on June 14, 1887.

National Archives and Records Administration
The Indian Helper (Vol. 5, No. 19)
January 10, 1890

The first page opened with a notice that there were no Indian Helper newspapers published for December 28 and January 3rd. A notice followed: “A Novel Christmas Present: Our Superintendent Made with his own Hands a tin Cup for Each Employee.” Next was a poem, by “E.G.“dated Dec. 25, ’89 titled “The School Poet Again Stirred” about…

Cumberland County Historical Society
First Group of Female Students [Smaller Group], 1879

Group portrait of the first female students, taken on the morning after their arrival on October 6, 1879 

Note: This image is different from the more commonly seen one. Here there are only twelve people in the back row, not thirteen (it is not yet determined who is not present here). Sarah Mather and Charles Tackett are not included…

Glass Plate Negative, Stereograph
Cumberland County Historical Society
First group of female students [version 1], 1879

Group portrait of the first female students, taken on the morning after their arrival on October 6, 1879. Matron Sarah Mather is standing at left and interpreter Charles Tackett is standing at right. 

This image appears in John N. Choate's Souvenir of the Carlisle Indian School (Carlisle, PA: J. N. Choate, 1902).


Photographic Print, B&W
Cumberland County Historical Society
First group of female students [version 2], 1879

Group portrait of the first female students, taken on the morning after their arrival on October 6, 1879. Matron Sarah Mather is standing at left and interpreter Charles Tackett is standing at left. 

Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
First group of female students [version 3], 1879

Group portrait of the first female students, taken on the morning after their arrival on October 6, 1879. Matron Sarah Mather is standing at left and interpreter Charles Tackett is standing at left.

Glass Plate Negative, Stereograph
Cumberland County Historical Society
Five female students [version 1], 1880

Studio portrait of Alice Wynn (back left), Kisetta Roosevelt (back middle), Mabel Doanmoe (back right), Rebecca Big Star (front left), and Harriet Mary Elder (front right). All are wearing school uniforms.

Glass Plate Negative
National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution
Teacher Mary Hyde and eight female students [version 1], c.1880

Studio portrait of teacher Mary Hyde and eight female students. The students are: Ann Laura (back left), Hattie Long Wolf (back middle), Rebecca Big Star (back right), Alice Wynn (middle row left), Grace Cook (middle row right), Mabel Doanmoe (bottom left), Stella Berht (bottom center), and Ruth (Looking Woman) (bottom right). The girls…

Glass Plate Negative
National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution
Teacher Mary Hyde and eight female students [version 2], c.1880

Studio portrait of teacher Mary Hyde and eight female students. The students are: Ann Laura (back left), Hattie Long Wolf (back middle), Rebecca Big Star (back right), Alice Wynn (middle row left), Grace Cook (middle row right), Mabel Doanmoe (bottom left), Stella Berht (bottom center), and Ruth (Looking Woman) (bottom right). The girls all…

Photographic Print, B&W
Cumberland County Historical Society
Five female students [version 2], 1880

Studio portrait of Alice Wynn (back left), Kisetta Roosevelt (back middle), Mabel Doanmoe (back right), Rebecca Big Star (front left), and Harriet Mary Elder (front right). All are wearing school uniforms.

Note: The Cumberland County Historical Society dates this image to March, 1880. The Society has three copies of this image: PA-CH1-…

Photographic Print, B&W
Cumberland County Historical Society
scan of microfilm of Descriptive Statement
September 23-24, 1879

Descriptive Statement of young people recruited for the Carlisle Indian School from Pine Ridge Agency, as prepared by the acting Indian Agent for Pine Ridge J. W. Alder. Of the 27 names on this list, only 18 ultimately traveled to Carlisle, the parents perhaps having changed their minds about sending their children. The names of the other 9 do…

Legal and Government Documents
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
List of Students to be Returned to their Homes for May 1887
May 26, 1887

Richard Henry Pratt provides the Office of Indian Affairs with a list of 80 students to return to their homes due to expiration of their terms and sickness. Pratt also details the travel arrangements for travel to the various agencies and locations. He also notes that 68 pupils whose terms have expired have elected to remain at the school.

National Archives and Records Administration
Agency Update on Former Students Living at the Pine Ridge Agency
December 26, 1891 - January 4, 1892

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a copy of a letter from George LeRoy Brown, Acting U.S. Indian Agent for the Pine Ridge Agency, to the Office of Indian Affairs. In Brown's letter he provides an update and a character assessment on former Carlisle Indian School students he has met.

National Archives and Records Administration