Superintendent W. A. Mercer forwards five reports on leave of absence taken by several employees: Mary D. Maddren (assistant matron), John A. Herr (carpenter), Charles H. Carns (painter), Norman H. Justus (farmer) and Mae Justus (housekeeper), and John F. Mackey (clerk).
William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Jackson Saunook (here Jackson Saunooke) has accepted the position of disciplinarian at the Rainey Mountain School.
William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that George Balenti left for Oklahoma and had decided not to enter the Indian Service. Mercer instead recommends Patrick Miguel for the position of disciplinarian at the Fort Shaw School.
William A. Mercer submits a voucher for the treatment of Eugene Funmaker and requests authority to pay the bill.
William A. Mercer forwards explanations from the Assistant Superintendent, Financial Clerks, and Quartermaster as to the delay in sending the annual estimate for the 1908 fiscal year.
Major William Mercer submits a report that lists employees who have changed positions (Elsa A. Mayham). The report include position title and salary.
Estimate of funds for the third quarter of 1907 amounting to $25,465.83 for support of the school, returning students home to Alaska, and moneys proceeds of labor, $14,000.00 of which is for regular employee pay.
William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that no bids were received for cement blocks, lintels, sills, etc. As a result, Mercer requests to purchase the entire block-making outfit along with materials to make the blocks on the school grounds. By producing the blocks at the school it would further allow industrial training in a…
William A. Mercer requests the U.S. Government Printing Office produce an outing record book consistent with prior record books.
William A. Mercer proposes eliminating the position of assistant farmer and replacing it with a teacher of agriculture. Mercer goes on to provide his reasons for making such a move highlighting the experience of the Tuskegee and Hampton Institutes.
J. R. Wise responds to the inquiry of David R. Hill regarding the Carlisle Indian School forfeiting the financial account of Amos Thomas.
William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Arthur Elliot Sutton desires a position as a disciplinarian after he graduates.
William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the request of Charles C. Dillon for reinstatement into the Indian Service. Mercer notes that he can recommend Dillon as a blacksmith but that there is no open position at the Carlisle Indian School.
William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the request of Elizabeth Sloan to be reinstated to the Indian Service. Mercer notes that he has forwarded the Office the resignation of Mary D. Maddren as assistant matron and written Sloan regarding filling the position but has not heard back.
J. R. Wise provides further information to the Office of Indian Affairs regarding the design of Indian Office exhibit at the Jamestown Exposition. Wise also encloses a frieze designed by Angel De Cora for the walls of the exhibit and asks for the Office to procure burlap for the walls.
William A. Mercer forwards additional receipts for accounts of individual students of individual Indian moneys not included in cash papers previously sent. Also included are receipts for disbursements from the Emergency Account as well as documenting other Emergency Account disbursements for which there are no receipts.
Note: It is…
Outing rules signed by student Rachel Long and patron George M. Diffenderfer on Feb. 18, 1907.
J. R. Wise responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding abolishing one of the assistant farmer positions in order to authorize the position of instructor of agriculture. Wise notes that the position to be abolished is currently temporary filled by C. W. Leib of Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
J. R. Wise informs the Office of Indian Affairs of the death of Clarissa Winnie of acute general tuberculosis.
W. S. Olive, Special U.S. Indian Agent, reports on various unaccounted funds that William A. Mercer has failed to take up in his accounts. Olive further goes on to report the repair of Glenn "Pop" Warner's automobile in the school paint shop.
W. S. Olive, Special Indian Agent, requests instructions from the Office of Indian Affairs regarding whether he should remain at Carlisle during William A. Mercer's absence before taking up the matter of individual Indian money.
A separate note from C. F. Larrabee asks if Mercer is on general or special authority for his absence from…
William A. Mercer requests authority to pay expenses incurred in returning runaway students.
Monthly report of the Carlisle Indian School for the month of January 1907.
Scott J. Porter submits his resignation as fireman at the Carlisle Indian School. J. R. Wise forwards the resignation to the Office of Indian Affairs.
Major William Mercer submits a report that lists new employees (William C. Shambaugh and Ella F. White) and those who have left the school (Mabel Weakley, Scott J. Porter, C. W. Leib, and Mary D. Maddren). The reports include position title, salary, date of departure, and reason for departure.
Mercer also forwards a letter requesting…