Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding a request by William Archiquette to receive the money he had on deposit at the Carlisle Indian School.
Financial Accounts - Emergency Fund

William A. Mercer provides a report on the funds that are confiscated from runaway pupils, detailing that they are deposited into the Emergency Account.

William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs inquiry into his assistance in helping Maggie Mandrigan, a former student who had become pregnant, to travel to Oregon.

J. R. Wise responds to inquiry of former student Philip Lazore (here Lazor) to have the money he left on deposit at the Carlisle Indian School upon leaving returned to him. Wise recommends that the request be denied due to the policy of runaway students forfeiting the right to their money upon desertion.

William A. Mercer forwards affidavit listing the names of students who ran away from the Carlisle Indian School and whose funds were paid out to them or transferred to the Emergency Fund from October 1, 1907 to December 31, 1907.

J. R. Wise responds to the inquiry of David R. Hill regarding the Carlisle Indian School forfeiting the financial account of Amos Thomas.

William A. Mercer forwards additional receipts for accounts of individual students of individual Indian moneys not included in cash papers previously sent. Also included are receipts for disbursements from the Emergency Account as well as documenting other Emergency Account disbursements for which there are no receipts.
Note: It is…

William A. Mercer clarifies his decision to withhold the money at the Carlisle Indian School of Amos Thomas. Mercer outlines the steps to determine the decision to transfer those funds to the Emergency Account.

Supervisor Charles H. Dickson asks the Commissioner of Indian Affairs if he should transfer Emergency Fund 12266 to Superintendent Moses Friedman or deposit it. Acting Commissioner C. F. Larrabee tells Dickson to transfer the fund to his successor.

Superintendent Moses Friedman informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that the former superintendents, like William A. Mercer, created an Emergency Fund from any amount of money earned and left by deserting students. Friedman states that the money was placed in a local bank and currently has a balance of $11,39.66. He notes that Mercer did…