Displaying 176 - 200 of 200 records
Update on Red Lake Party and Proposal to Send School Employee for Students
November 24, 1891

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that none of the party of seven students from Red Lake have arrived, but the one from the White Earth Agency who was to accompany them has arrived at Carlisle. Pratt further states that this student, upon his medical examination, was found unfit. As a result, he recommends that the…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request of Festus Pelone to be Returned Home
November 28, 1891

Festus Pelone requests permission from Thomas J. Morgan to be returned to his home during the winter. Pelone writes that he has no money in the bank due to being unfairly punished by Richard Henry Pratt for leaving his outing.

National Archives and Records Administration
Scobey Objects to Letter from Pratt to Uncle of Student
December 2, 1891

C. R. A. Scobey, U.S. Indian Agent for the Fort Peck Agency, writes to the Office of Indian Affairs letter objecting to a letter from Richard Henry Pratt to Smoker. Scobey claims that the agency has sent sixty students to Carlisle and that all of the students were selected with care by the agency physician and superintendent and that is not the…

National Archives and Records Administration
Comptroller Opinion on Osage Fund Paying for Students at Carlisle
December 3, 1891

B. F. Gilkeson, Comptroller in the Second Comptroller's Office, responds to Thomas J. Morgan's letter regarding using interest generated from the Osage Fund to pay for Osage students at the Carlisle Indian School. Gilkeson writes that his interpretation of the treaty holds that only uses which were mentioned are valid and so funds cannot be…

National Archives and Records Administration
Response to Office Letters Regarding Boiler House and Nellie Carey
December 3, 1891

Richard Henry Pratt replies to two Office of Indian Affairs letters regarding the construction of the Boiler House and the pay of student Nellie Carey as a matron.

National Archives and Records Administration
Monthly Sanitary Report of Sick and Wounded, November 1891
December 4, 1891

C. R. Dixon, the school physician, compiles the monthly sanitary report for November 1891.

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Forwards Below Co-zed's Letter Requesting Shop
December 4, 1891 - December 15, 1891

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a letter from former student Co-zed (Below) requesting assistance in obtaining a shop at the Kiowa Agency.

National Archives and Records Administration
Requisition for Blanks and Blank Books, December 1891
December 7, 1891

Captain Richard H. Pratt requests a six-month supply of two dozen different blank administrative forms used by the United States Indian Affairs division of the Department of the Interior.

Legal and Government Documents
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Report of Irregular Employees, November 1891
December 8, 1891

Captain Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists irregular employees who worked at the school during November 1891. The report includes details on compensation, position titles, race, and the number of days worked during that month.

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Green Bay Agency Sending Eight Students to Carlisle
December 10, 1891

Charles S. Kelsey, U.S. Indian agent for the Green Bay Agency, informs the Office of Indian Affairs that eight students have departed the agency for the Carlisle Indian School.

National Archives and Records Administration
Return of Report of Irregular Employees, October 1891
December 10, 1891

Captain Richard H. Pratt returns corrected report of irregular employees who worked at the school during October 1891. Pratt advises the Commissioner of Indian Affairs of the changes made in the amount paid to A. Smith and George Work.

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Request to be Informed if Piegan Chiefs Decide to Visit Carlisle
December 11, 1891

Richard Henry Pratt requests from the Office of Indian Affairs to be informed if a group of Piegan chiefs decide to visit the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt writes that he was informed that the chiefs are visiting Washington D.C. from his students and that if they decide to visit he would like to bring some students back from outing in order to…

National Archives and Records Administration
Explanation to Report of Irregular Employees, October 1891
December 14, 1891

Captain Richard H. Pratt replies to a letter from the Commission of Indian Affairs questioning the report of irregular employees during October 1891. Pratt explains why some regular employees were submitted as irregular, why irregular employees performed work that regular employees should do, and failure to identify each authorized item. Also,…

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Responds to Request to Return Festus Pelone
December 15, 1891

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding a request to be returned home by Festus Pelone. Pratt includes a copy of Pelone's disciplinary record while at Carlisle and notes that his punishment of being on "no pay" is deserved. Because of the pattern of bad behavior, Pratt is willing to send Pelone home but…

National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Responds to Scobey's Letter Regarding Student Sent by Agency
December 15, 1891

Richard Henry Pratt responds to a letter from the Office of Indian Affairs regarding a letter from C. R. A. Scobey, U.S. Indian Agent for the Fort Peck Agency. Pratt writes that he was mistaken in his letter to Smoker of the identity of the student who has rarely been in school since her arrival. Pratt details the treatment he has undertaken to…

National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Responds to Request for Return of Fanny Bird
December 16, 1891

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding a request from James Bird for the return of his daughter Fanny Bird due to his illness. Pratt notes that Fanny is only 11 but has been at the school three years and both her health and conduct are constantly improving. As a result Pratt notes that if she returns home…

National Archives and Records Administration
Agent Responds to Office Letter Regarding Return of Fanny Bird
December 19, 1891

Robert H. Ashley, U.S. Indian Agent for the Omaha and Winnebago Agency, responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the return of Fanny Bird. Ashley states that her father has been getting better and that Fanny would be better off at Carlisle.

National Archives and Records Administration
Agency Update on Former Students Living at the Pine Ridge Agency
December 26, 1891 - January 4, 1892

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a copy of a letter from George LeRoy Brown, Acting U.S. Indian Agent for the Pine Ridge Agency, to the Office of Indian Affairs. In Brown's letter he provides an update and a character assessment on former Carlisle Indian School students he has met.

National Archives and Records Administration
Pelone Reiterates Desire to be Returned Home
December 29, 1891

Festus Pelone responds to letter from Thomas J. Morgan again requesting him to be allowed to return home. Pelone states that he has only ever gotten into trouble while on outing and that he has been at Carlisle eight years and now desires to return home.

National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Forwards Expense Voucher in Return of Three Runaway Students
December 29, 1891

Richard Henry Pratt forwards expense voucher of W. P. Campbell incurred in the return of three runaway students.

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Monthly Sanitary Report of Sick and Injured, December 1891
January 4, 1892

C. R. Dixon, the school physician, compiles the monthly sanitary report for December 1891. Dixon also includes a note about the cases in the "Remarks and Physician's Special Report" section.

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Report of Irregular Employees, December 1891
January 9, 1892

Captain Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists irregular employees who worked at the school during December 1891. The report includes details on compensation, position titles, race, and the number of days worked during that month.

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Descriptive Statement of Changes in School Employees and Application, January 1892
November 26, 1891 - February 2, 1892

Major Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists new employees (T. S. Reighter, W. R. Claudy, Carrie Cory, Catherine Caryl, and Phebe Howell) and those who have left the school (Laura N. Meredith and Maud B. Cummins). These reports include personal information about those being hired as well as reasons for departure for those leaving. Pratt…

Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence, Reports
National Archives and Records Administration
Audit of the Financial Transactions of Richard Henry Pratt
August 23, 1904

This audit and report, which concerns the finances of the Carlisle Indian School as administered by Richard Henry Pratt, was prepared immediately following his retirement as superintendent of the school. The report focuses on the use of non-governmental funds - charitable donations to the school, as well as income earned through athletics and…

Financial Documents, Legal and Government Documents, Reports
National Archives and Records Administration