Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs of the irregular service needed at the Carlisle Indian School during the month of April 1887.
School Employees - Laundry

Richard Henry Pratt provides the Commissioner of Indian Affairs with additional information on salary in regards to an assistant laundress mentioned in the October 1893 irregular employees report. Pratt informs the Commissioner that the temporarily employed assistant laundress was hired in place of Miss Jamison, whose been sick for months.

Richard Henry Pratt reports the death of Annie R. Jordan, head of the Laundry Department, to the Office of Indian Affairs.

Richard Henry Pratt requests the Office of Indian Affairs appoint an Indian woman, Mrs. Peters, as an assistant laundress if no action has already been taken.

William G. Rice, Civil Service Commissioner, responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding certification of eligible employees for the assistant laundress position at the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the four laundress positions are filled as well as the seamstress position. Pratt further requests that Lizzie James and Jennie Wolf be allowed to take the Civil Service exam to qualify permanently.

Letter retained in the Department from C. N. Bliss, Secretary of the Department of the Interior, to Richard Henry Pratt that informs him the duties of the Assistant Seamstress and Assistant Laundress positions should be distributed among other employees and incorporated as a part of the industrial training of the students.

Richard Henry Pratt requests that various vacant positions be filled by assignment from the Civil Service lists and that he has filled one teaching position temporarily. Pratt further requests that he be allowed to fill any other position temporarily.

John R. Proctor, Civil Service Commissioner, authorizes the temporary appointment of two assistant laundresses at the Carlisle Indian School.

President of the Civil Service Department John R. Procter extends assistant laundress Jennie Wolf's temporary employment.

Richard Henry Pratt requests to pay a substitute assistant laundress to replace Carrie Thomas following her resignation.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the Civil Service application of Luella Cunningham as well as the applications of Lizzie James, Jennie Wolf, and Ella Albert.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Luella Cunningham has sent her application for the position of assistant laundress to the chairman of the Civil Service Commission.

Civil Service Commission approving an extension of the temporary appointments of Jennie Wolf and Lizzie James as assistant laundresses at the Carlisle Indian School.

John T. Doyle, the Secretary of the Civil Service Commission, forwards to the Secretary of the Interior a list of four women (Etta S. Fortney, Ella Albert, Jennie Wolf, and Lizzie James) who are eligible to fill the vacant assistant laundress position at the Carlisle Indian School. The list includes the candidate's name, address, and their…

Richard H. Pratt forwards a report from school physician J. S. Bender that assistant laundress Lizzie James was sick for 19 days and requests that she be granted paid sick leave. The acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs forwards Bender's report and Pratt's letter to the Secretary of the Interior and requests that James' sick leave be granted…

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter by informing them that Luella Cunningham was not renominated for the position of assistant laundress.

Richard Henry Pratt advises the commissioner about two days of leave already taken by laundry manager Ella G. Hill.

Richard Henry Pratt advises the Commissioner of Indian Affairs of the dates that Ella G. Hill (laundry manager), Malcolm W. Odell (teacher), Kittie Odell (teacher), and W. Grant Thompson (disciplinarian) were on paid leaves of absence.

Edgar A. Allen requests that the positions of Assistant Seamstress and Assistant Laundress be discontinued and that two Laborer positions be created. Allen notes that these positions can be filled locally rather than through the Civil Service.

William A. Mercer outlines a plan to place students in assistant seamstress and assistant laundress positions.

William A. Mercer requests that one of the assistant laundress positions previously abolished be reinstated. As a result he requests authority to temporary employ someone in the position.

Etta S. Fortney resigns her position as an assistant laundress at the Carlisle Indian School due to her health. William A. Mercer forwards the resignation and requests it be accepted.

William A. Mercer requests authority to pay for the temporary employment of Annie E. Steel, probably as a laundress, although that is not stated.

William A. Mercer provides clarification on his request to pay Annie E. Steel as an irregular employee in the assistant laundress position during the leave of Etta S. Fortnoy.