Richard Henry Pratt requests a favorable reply to his request to purchase bricks to improve the heating plant.
Request to Spend Funds
Currently being used to cover any requests for money, requests for authorization to spend money, vouchers being submitted, and requests for reimbursement. Essentially any time money is being requested for a specific purpose. Correspondence related to annual funding should be tagged with the Topic tag "Financial Affairs - School Budget."

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase various schoolroom supplies on the open market to avoid delays in delivery.

Alfred John Standing renews Richard Henry Pratt's request to purchase supplies locally based on Pratt's annual estimate for 1901.

Alfred John Standing renews Richard Henry Pratt's request to purchase schoolroom supplies on the open market to avoid delays for the upcoming academic year.

Alfred John Standing request authorization to spend an additional $200 to visit the outing homes of students during the year as well as having sick students returned.

Richard Henry Pratt requests an additional $200 to pay students over the summer for work at the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to spend an additional $2000 in the transportation of students to and from their homes during fiscal year 1900.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay vouchers covering the treatment and recovery of a student with typhoid fever and another from pneumonia while on outing.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to spend $14,000 for the transportation of students to and from their homes and the Carlisle Indian School for fiscal year 1901.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to have uniform coats and pants made outside the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase $500 in supplies and materials listed on the annual estimate for immediate use pending delivery under contract.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase electric lamps, turpentine, putty, floor oil, labor of a painter, and material and labor for general repairs in July 1900.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase smoke connections for boilers which were omitted from the boiler contract as well as a steam drum.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase 250 pillows and to purchase special material for making wagons and harness as well as pay of a trimmer.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase various supplies and materials connected to the new heating plant including iron pipes and fittings.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase wood covering for steam pipes to connect new buildings and to make repairs as well as asbestos or magnesia covering for a steam drum and an exposed surface of steam pipes.

Richard Henry Pratt requests renewal of the authority for building the brick stack to enlarge the boiler house.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay freight costs to send goods manufactured at Carlisle to Indian School to agencies as well as the freight costs for goods purchased for the school not covered by transportation contracts.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase stamps for student correspondence as well as pay annual contracts for water and telephone service.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay $400 to continue renting the Henderson Tract for the 1901 fiscal year.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase various supplies for the Carlisle Indian School hospital including medicine, fruit, crackers as well as electricity for running motors for the laundry and printing office as well as 2000 yards of dress braid for girls' uniforms trimming.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase a fireproof safe for student funds, dried yeast for the bakery, as well as printing equipment.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to spend $1,000 in placing and visiting students on the outing program during the summer of 1900.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase a second hand press following the failure of school's old printing press.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to cover the amount exceeded in shipping vehicles manufactured at the Carlisle Indian School to various agencies.