Abbott, F. H.

Displaying 76 - 100 of 116 records
Request for Return Home of Tillie Catfish
January 5 - 16, 1912

These materials contain correspondence regarding a request to return home Tillie Catfish.

National Archives and Records Administration
Dispute Regarding Funds and Enrollment of Peter Jackson
January 7, 1912 - June 14, 1912

These materials include correspondence and financial documents related to the re-enrollment and disposition of funds of Peter Jackson. There were disputes over how Jackson's earnings and annuities should be paid out.

Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Enrollment of Elizabeth and Martha Redthunder
February 1-28, 1912

These materials include correspondence regarding a request from Mary M. Redthunder to enroll her sisters Elizabeth and Martha in the Carlisle Indian School after receiving treatment from Dr. Fox in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

National Archives and Records Administration
Approval of Request for "Purchase and Transportation Indian Supplies, 1912"
February 23 - March 8, 1912

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman acknowledges receipt of authority approved for $100 for "Purchase and Transportation Indian Supplies, 1912" and requests authority for a modification of 8597. The initial request and approval are attached for "Purchase and Transportation Indian Supplies, 1912." 


Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Financial Power of Attorney for Carlisle's Financial Clerk
February 24, 1912 - April 6, 1912

These materials include correspondence, financial documents, and legal documents regarding a request by Carlisle Superintendent Moses Friedman to give financial power of attorney to the school's financial clerk during Friedman's absences. The request was denied.

Financial Documents, Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Re-Enrollment by Joseph Jocks
March 11, 1912 - June 6, 1912

These materials include correspondence regarding a request from Joseph Jocks to re-enroll at the Carlisle Indian School to complete is original period of enrollment after being sent home due to a change in policy. Jocks request was granted.

National Archives and Records Administration
Allotment of James Bearchilde
March 12 - 23, 1912

These materials contain correspondence regarding a request by James Bearchilde to have his allotment sold in Montana and a farm near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania purchased with the proceeds.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Rosa Lyons to Travel to Washington D. C.
March 13 - 19, 1912

These materials include correspondence regarding a request from W. H. Lyons to have his daughter Rosa Lyons, a student at the Carlisle Indian School, to visit him in Washington D. C.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Funds by Ella Mora
March 15, 1912

These materials include correspondence concerning Ella Mora, who requested to have her outing wages in her account sent to her. 

Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
Closure of Accounts for Marie Hutchinson and Wilson Carpenter
June 5 - July 12, 1912

This document contains correspondence concerning the closure of the student accounts of two deceased students, Wilson Carpenter (Seneca) and Marie Hutchinson (Chippewa, also known as Mary Hutchinson). 


Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
Solicitation of a Doctor to Give Talks on Personal Hygiene to Female Students
July 7, 1912 - August 15, 1912

Dr. Rachel R. Williams informs Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman that, for a fee of $100, she could come to the school for a week to lecture on personal hygiene to small groups of female students. Friedman forwards Williams' letter to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and praises the value of her talks to the students last…

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Enrollment of Lois Cook
August 13, 1912 - September 5, 1912

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Mrs. E. A. Pierce to enroll her granddaughter Lois Cook at the Carlisle Indian School, where her sister Esther Cook was also enrolled.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Return Home of Rose Copaugh
September 5 - November 6, 1912

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Margaret Walker to have her sister, Rose Copaugh, released from her enrollment at the Carlisle Indian School.

National Archives and Records Administration
Plan to Build a Lavatory Addition to the Large Boys Quarter
September 12, 1912 - January 8, 1913

Superintendent Moses Friedman outlines the desperate need for a new lavatory for the large boys, as the current one is outdated and unsanitary. He requests to reject all bids from contractors in order to purchase materials and have the school build its own lavatory addition to the large boys' quarters. Commissioner of Indian Affairs F. H.…

Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Return Home of Mitchell Herne
October 2, 1912 - May 13, 1913

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Peter Herne to have his son Mitchell Herne withdrawn from the Carlisle Indian School and returned home.

National Archives and Records Administration
Payment Owed to Participant in Apache Indian Raid of 1895
October 11, 1912 - November 20, 1912

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman encloses and endorses a request from Susie Poncho, a returned student and current resident of Cubero, New Mexico, for $75.45. The request is for her father, who is owed money for his services during the Apache Indian Raid of May and June, 1895. 

Acting Commissioner of Indian…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Enrollment of Leta Meyers
October 17 - November 11, 1912

These materials include correspondence regarding an application made by Leta Meyers to enroll at the Carlisle Indian School after having attended the Hampton Institute. Meyers was denied enrollment based on her heritage. Her father appealed the decision to F. H. Abbott, who upheld the decision.

Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Notice of Illness of Carrie Dunbar
December 11-12, 1912

This document contains correspondence concerning Carrie Dunbar's case of appendicitis. 

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Funds Owed to Carrie Dunbar
December 14, 1912 - January 18, 1913

These materials include correspondence from Francis Dunbar concerning her request to close the account of her deceased sister, Carrie Dunbar. 


Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
Participation of Band in Inaugural Parade
December 27-28, 1912

This material includes correspondence between Superintendent Moses Friedman and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs concerning a request for the school band to attend the upcoming inaugural parade.

National Archives and Records Administration
Issue with Receiving Payment for Research for Y.M.C.A. Director
January 13 - February 3, 1913

James Keating asks Superintendent Moses Friedman if Dr. J. W. W. Walker is still the Secretary of the Y.M.C.A. at the Carlisle Indian School. Keating informs Friedman that Walker hired him to compile data and statistics for him, and when Keating sent Walker the research and the bill, Walker never replied. The letter and a bill are enclosed.…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Enrollment of Nora and Jerome Slattery
January 18 - June 2, 1913

These materials include correspondence regarding the applications of Nora and Jerome Slattery at the Carlisle Indian School. Their applications were accepted.

National Archives and Records Administration
Correspondence Regarding Cecelia Harto
January 26 - June 12, 1913

These materials include correspondence regarding Cecelia Harto's health, as well as complaints about food. Harto was released to return home following a request by her grandfather, Antoine Denomie.

National Archives and Records Administration
Enrollment of Edward Woods
February 14 - March 7, 1913

These materials include correspondence related to the enrollment of Edward Woods. Woods, orphaned as a child, spent a number of years drifting across the United States before ending up in Baltimore, where he was picked up as a vagrant and taken in by the Federated Charities of Baltimore. C.V. Stinchecum, the Assistant Chief of the Education…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Unrestricted Trust Funds by Emma Newashe
February 17, 1913 - April 8, 1913

These materials include correspondence concerning Emma Newashe's request to have unrestricted use of her trust funds on deposit to her credit. 

Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration