Abbott, F. H.

Displaying 51 - 75 of 116 records
Notice of Death of Amy Cornelius
May 10-18, 1911

These materials include correspondence reporting the death of Amy Cornelius of tubercular meningitis. Cornelius body was returned to her family after a funeral service at Carlisle.



National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Return Home of Isaac Cook
May 26, 1911 - November 3, 1911

These materials include correspondence and legal documents regarding the request of James Cook to have his son Isaac Cook returned home from the Carlisle Indian School. Superintendent Moses Friedman initially sought to deny the request based on a claim that Isaac Cook desired to remain at the school. Friedman was overruled by the Office of…

Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Enrollment by J. R. Frye
May 29, 1911 - June 20, 1911

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by J. R. Frye to enroll in the Carlisle Indian School. Frye was attending the Henry Kendall College in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and his request was denied due to his access to public schools.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Remain at Carlisle by Robert Tahamont
May 29, 1911 - June 19, 1911

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Robert J. Tahamont to remain at the Carlisle Indian School past his term of enrollment in order gain more experience in the carpenter trade by assisting the school in building in a plumber shop.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request of John Farr to Remain at Carlisle
June 15 - July 21, 1911

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by John B. Farr to remain at the Carlisle Indian School rather than being sent home for living near a public school. Farr desired to take a mathematics course at Conway Hall after studying at the office of an architect in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Farr hoped to further study…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Enrollment of Katie Ray
June 21, 1911 - May 29, 1912

These materials include correspondence regarding a request to enroll Katie Ray, a member of the Catawba Nation, in the Carlisle Indian School. Ray's request was denied because the Catawba Nation had not recently received assistance in educating its youth from the Federal Government.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Return Home for John Laughing
June 28, 1911 - August 5, 1911

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Mitchell Laughing to have his son John Laughing returned home from Carlisle. The request was denied on account of John's age and his stated desire to remain at the school on the outing program.

National Archives and Records Administration
Inquiry into Exclusion of Willard Comstock
June 29, 1911 - August 2, 1911

These materials include correspondence regarding an inquiry into the exclusion of Willard Comstock from the Carlisle Indian School due to his heritage and family's wealth.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Enrollment of Virginia Coolidge
July 6, 1911 - September 30, 1911

These materials include correspondence regarding a request from Rev. Sherman Coolidge to have his daughter Virginia Coolidge enrolled at the Carlisle Indian School. Coolidge required an exception from the Office of Indian Schools due to her young age.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Re-Enrollment by Angus Splicer
July 10, 1911 - August 11, 1911

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Angus Splicer to return to the Carlisle Indian School, after being declared ineligible the year before, in order to continue his education at Conway Hall.

National Archives and Records Administration
Possibility of Abolishing the Native Indian Arts Department
July 13 - December 16, 1911

Noting heavy criticism from H. B. Peairs and Charles F. Pierce, Superintendent Moses Friedman asks Commissioner of Indian Affairs R. G. Valentine if he wants Carlisle to continue its Native Indian Arts department, which was started February 1, 1906.

Before making a decision, Valentine asks Friedman for a detailed report on the department…

National Archives and Records Administration
Regulations and Circulars for the Carlisle Indian School, 1911
July 19 - August 2, 1911

These materials include correspondence and pamphlets related to circular orders and regulations in force at the Carlisle Indian School under Superintendent Moses Friedman. Friedman forwarded the documents to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for approval. The forwarded documents include a blank Pupil's Health Report, the Outline of Course for…

Books and Pamphlets, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Adeline Boutang to Remain on Outing
August 10, 1911 - September 26, 1911

These materials include correspondence regarding a request to allow Adeline Boutang remain at the home of Marie A. Craighead under the outing system to continue nursing Craighead's mother. Boutang was training to be a nurse and had spent two years learning in the school hospital.

National Archives and Records Administration
Return of Walter Standing Elk to Carlisle
August 10 - 18, 1911

These materials contain correspondence regarding the return of Walter Standing Elk to the Carlisle Indian School.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Enrollment for Raymond Ross
August 15, 1911 - April 3, 1912

These materials include correspondence regarding a request from Samuel Sixkiller enroll his nephew Raymond Ross at the Carlisle Indian School. The request was denied as Ross was a member of the Cherokee Nation and not eligible to receive government assistance.

National Archives and Records Administration
Vacation Request for Minnie Jones
August 18, 1911 - September 9, 1911

These materials include correspondence regarding a request from Louise Jones to have her daughter Minnie Jones visit home on vacation, pending funds for her transportation.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Re-Enrollment of May Wheelock
October 23 - December 7, 1911

These materials include correspondence regarding a request to allow May Wheelock to return to the Carlisle Indian School to graduate with the Class of 1913. Wheelock's request was granted after being initially denied due to being over the age of 21 when she attempted to return.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Release by John McInnis
November 11, 1911 - January 16, 1912

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by John McInnis to be released from the Carlisle Indian School. McInnis wished to work at his trade as a shoe and harness maker to support his mother and brother.

National Archives and Records Administration
Filling Appointments in the Indian Service
November 24, 1911 - December 12, 1911

Supervisor in Charge of Indian Schools H. B. Peairs requests that the Indian School superintendents send him a list of all vacant school positions and salaries because he has received complaints that it is difficult to fill them. Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman informs Peairs that he has no issues filling open positions.…

National Archives and Records Administration
Visit from Doctor to Help Treat Trachoma Cases Among Students
December 6 - December 22, 1911

Daniel W. White, the Department of the Interior Eye and Trachoma Expert, asks Carlisle Indian School Surgeon in Charge Dr. A. R. Allen to request, through Superintendent Friedman, to send White to Carlisle after the holidays. Allen forwards White's letter to Friedman. Friedman requests that the Commissioner of Indian Affairs send White to the…

National Archives and Records Administration
Maxie Luce Engineer Examination
December 12, 1911 - January 6, 1912

This material includes information regarding a noncompetitive engineer examination for Maxie Luce.

National Archives and Records Administration
Information on Students from the Five Civilized Tribes
December 16, 1911

These materials include correspondence regarding the enrollment of students from the Five Civilized Tribes. Anna Melton inquired about the expenses she had incurred and various discrepancies in how students are charged.

National Archives and Records Administration
Transfer of Charles King's Application to Carlisle
December 16, 1911

These materials include correspondence regarding an application blank of Charles King. The blank was being sent to the Carlisle Indian School so it could be stored in their files.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Enroll a 1/8 Chippewa Girl
December 21, 1911 - January 22, 1912

Thomas B. Mills informs Senator Isaac Stephenson that a 1/8 Chippewa girl would like to attend the Carlisle Indian School and asks him to secure information that would help her to enroll. Stephenson forwards the letter to the Commissioner of Education. Acting Commissioner of Education L. A. Kalbach forwards the letter to the Commissioner of…

National Archives and Records Administration
Condemnation and Sale of Unserviceable Property, January 1912
January 4 - February 1, 1912

These materials include correspondence, a supplies list, and a survey of unserviceable materials at the Carlisle Indian School. Some of the condemned materials were approved for sale on the open market.

Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration