W. A. Mercer advises the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that he received most of the supplies from the requisition made in April but is still short on typewriter paper, letter paper, scratch books, and willow table baskets. Mercer requests that the missing items be sent immediately.
W. A. Mercer forwards two applications for a leave of absence for Charles W. Yeager (fireman) and Jessie W. Cook (girls' field agent). In an explanatory cover letter, Mercer advises the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to charge the Riverside School in California for Cook's leave of absence.
Major William A. Mercer submits a report that lists new employees (Luzena E. Tibbetts, Anna Goyituey, and Helen E. Krise), those who have left the school (Fannie I Peter, Enoch M. Sherry, and Mabel B. Sherry), and those who have changed positions (W. Grant Thompson, August Kensler, Howard E. Gansworth, Jessie W. Cook, Agnes May Robbins, Sadie F…
William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs inquiry regarding Enoch and Mabel Sherry by stating that they have accepted their transfer to the Fort Totten day school.
William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter by stating that he has submitted Helen E. Krise for a temporary position as Clerk to replace Fannie I. Peter.
W. A. Mercer forwards a report on leave of absence for S. J. Nori (clerk).
William A. Mercer requests the Office of Indian Affairs appoint a Vocal Teacher to the open position at the Carlisle Indian School.
W. A. Mercer forwards a report on leave of absence taken by George L. Gottwerth (fireman).
William A. Mercer requests authority to purchase 24 marble head stones for the Carlisle Indian School cemetery. Mercer notes that the cemetery is in poor condition with 18 unmarked graves.
W. A. Mercer forwards teacher Emma H. Foster's application for a 1-day leave of absence without pay.
Joanna R. Speer requests a transfer to the West Coast as a matron through William A. Mercer. Mercer provides additional information and provides a plan to fill the vacancy.
William A. Mercer forwards two letters along with his own thoughts on the need for a new hospital at the Carlisle Indian School.
W. A. Mercer forwards a report on leave of absence taken by Edgar A. Allen (assistant superintendent and principal teacher).
Robert Shaw Oliver, Acting Secretary of War, approves request of William A. Mercer to furnish 400 carbines, with equipment, and 20 old pattern swords or light sabers for the use of students at the Carlisle Indian School.
William A. Mercer forwards vouchers for traveling expenses for his trip from Carlisle, Pennsylvania to the Uintah & Ouray Agency. Mercer states the trip was in connection with the transfer of agency property and to instruct his successor.
Oella C. Munch requests a transfer as a matron to a school in Oklahoma through William A. Mercer. Mercer provides additional information and notes that if the transfer is approved he will have a recommendation to fill the vacancy.
William A. Mercer forwards a copy of a circular issued to Carlisle Indian School employees involving a reorganization of positions at the School. Mercer requests that the circular be approved by the Office of Indian Affairs.
William A. Mercer requests authority to pay $125 in the purchase of nursery stock in the open market. Mercer states that he plans on planting an orchard consisting of various fruit trees along with currants and grapes to go with the agriculture training.
William A. Mercer requests to have Patrick Kennedy certified for the position of fireman at the Carlisle Indian School in order to comply with Civil Service regulations.
Note: Mercer later clarifies that the correct name of the student to be appointed to the position is Charles Kennedy.
William A. Mercer responds to an inquiry to reenroll Murphy Tarby at the Carlisle Indian School in order for Tarby to attend the Dickinson Preparatory School.
Cover letter for list of students from the Cherokee Reservation, North Carolina who have attended the Carlisle Indian School.
William A. Mercer requests the appointment of Arthur E. Schaal to the position of stenographer and clerk at the Carlisle Indian School.
W. A. Mercer forwards a report on leave of absence taken by Jessie W. Cook. Cook works as the girls' field agent.
W. A. Mercer forwards William B. Gray's application for a 6-day annual leave of absence. Gray works as a dairyman.
William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the appointment of Henry T. Markistum (here Henry Markishtum) to the position of teacher at the Umatilla School has been received. Mercer notes that Markistum has left for Neah Bay, Washington where he has secured some position and that the letter of appointment has been forwarded to…