Richard Henry Pratt responds to a request to return Harry Mann by his father Black Coyote.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards certificates of attendance at summer school for six teachers: Emma A. Cutter and Della F. Botsford (Martha's Vineyard, MA), Florence M. Carter, Jennie P. Cochran, and Katherine J. Wiest (Chicago, IL), and Annie B. Moore (Holton, KS).

Richard Henry Pratt follows up on a previous letter regarding Amos Osage on July 3, 1893 noting that there a clerk made a clerical error. Pratt continues that the clerk assumed that Amos Hamilton and Amos Osage were the same person but that is not the case. Further as Osage is currently at Carlisle he recommends that he receive his annuity…

William Tallchief requests the return of his daughter Jennie Tallchief from the Carlisle Indian School. Tallchief notes that Jennie was induced to go to Carlisle without his consent and knowledge and that after receiving a contract for his agreement which he refuses to sign. As a result he requests her return as she now desires to return and…

Richard Henry Pratt responds to William Tallchief's request to return his daughter Jennie Tallchief from the Carlisle Indian School. He further addresses Tallchief's claims that the school kidnapped Jennie by providing letters from C. R. Dixon and George Runciman who were involved in gathering students from the New York Reservations when Jennie…

Captain Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists irregular employees and includes details on their compensation, position titles, race, and the number of days worked at the school in July 1893. Pratt distinguishes between the "White Labor," whose names appear on the first page, and the "Indian Apprentice Labor," representing student…

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that only 11 teachers and assistants were on the payroll for July 1893 and three of them did not receive pay. As a result, three others on order of the Office does not exceed the authority.

Thomas Stewart, the school physician, compiles the corrected monthly sanitary report for July 1893. Stewart also includes a note about the tuberculosis cases in the "Remarks and Physician's Special Report" section.

S. M. Cart, Superintendent of the Sante Fe School, requests authority to transfer three students from his school to the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to install electric lighting at the Carlisle Indian School and pay an annual cost for the use of electric lights. Pratt notes that the use of coal-oil lamps has been a great anxiety due to the threat of fire and the use of electric lights would be of a great advantage in the care and safety of the school…

Richard Henry Pratt forwards the Annual Report of the Carlisle Indian School for the 1892-1893 school year to the Office of Indian Affairs. Pratt's narrative discusses the enrollment statistics of the school, academic and industrial education, the outing system, the saving system, as well as field trips to the Columbian Quadricentennial in New…

Carlos Montezuma, the school physician, compiles the monthly sanitary report for August 1893. Montezuma also includes a short note about the cases in the "Remarks and Physician's Special Report" section.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding a bill and letter from St. Joseph's Hospital covering the care of Seth Clear Eyes. Pratt provides the context of how Clear Eyes ended up at the hospital in St. Paul, Minnesota and directs the Office to direct the bill to him for payment from the Carlisle appropriation…

Kate S. Bowersox applies to be a Carlisle Indian School teacher. Bowersox includes a petition, teacher's certificate, and references from T. H. Harton and Charles W. Hermann in support of her application.

Captain Richard H. Pratt requests a six-month supply of weigher's certificate blank administrative forms used by the United States Indian Affairs division of the Department of the Interior.

Richard H. Pratt forwards duplicate copies of bills of lading and weigher's returns for eight cases of school supplies weighing 1831 pounds.

Captain Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists irregular employees and includes details on their compensation, position titles, race, and the number of days worked at the school in September 1893. Pratt distinguishes between the "White Labor," whose names appear on the first page, and the "Indian Apprentice Labor," representing student…

Alfred John Standing submits school statistics accompanying the annual report requested by the Office of Indian Affairs.

Richard Henry Pratt provides the general outline of the field trip to the Chicago World's Fair and Columbian Exposition for 420 students and 35 employees of the Carlisle Indian School.

Signed request of Peter Jordan to participate in the outing program at the Carlisle Indian School along with a copy of the outing rules signed by Jordan, Richard Henry Pratt, and William Balderston.

Carlos Montezuma, the school physician, compiles the monthly sanitary report for September 1893. Montezuma also includes a short note about the cases in the "Remarks and Physician's Special Report" section.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to donate a part of the Carlisle Indian School at the Chicago World's Fair and Columbian Exposition to a Pedagogy Museum composed of exhibits at the Fair.

Richard H. Pratt submits an Estimate of Supplies for the second quarter of fiscal year 1894 amounting to $499.41 and requests to purchase those items in the open market. The form includes the items being requested, the quantity, the estimated cost, and how the item will be used at the school.

Former student Abe Somers requests to transfer from the Haskell Institute to re-enroll at the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards teacher Henry M. Hudelson's application for a 30-day leave of absence because of an injury suffered in the classroom. Hudelson fell and hit his head on the mantelpiece in his classroom and got a concussion.