Richard Henry Pratt requests that the Commissioner of Indian Affairs authorize Agent Miles' expenses incurred while transporting a party of six Cheyenne and Arapaho chiefs and their children as well as Daniel Tucker from the Carlisle Indian School to Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. Tucker and the chiefs' children are all Carlisle students.…
Student Travel
Student travel not covered by other more specific terms.

Alfred John Standing responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding a receipt for a ticket for Henry Kendall travel to Washington D.C.

Richard Henry Pratt provides the general outline of the field trip to the Chicago World's Fair and Columbian Exposition for 420 students and 35 employees of the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt requests approval for 70 students to visit Washington D.C. to perform for Congress and other Government Officials in addition to taking the students to other cities.

William A. Mercer responds to a request of the Ute Chiefs for Robert Ouray to serve as an interpreter for their upcoming trip to Washington by recommending another student Fred Mart.

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Fred Mart and Robert Ouray are set to report to Captain Johnson at Washington barracks.

William A. Mercer forwards the bill of the Cumberland Valley Railroad Co. covering the tickets of Fred Mart and Robert Ouray to Washington D.C.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request from Joseph R. Brown to have his two daughters attending the Carlisle Indian School to visit him in Washington D.C.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request to have Walter Saracino to spend in the winter holiday in Washington D. C. with Robert Bilsborough. The request was denied by Carlisle Superintendent Moses Friedman.

These materials include correspondence and financial documents regarding a trip of Henry Blatchford to Washington D. C. from Carlisle.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request for Adeline Boutang to visit her cousin in Washington D. C. Superintendent Moses Friedman denied her request.

These materials include correspondence regarding Minnie Onhand's trip to Washington D. C. to visit Chief Lookout.

These materials include correspondence regarding Hiram Chase's trip to the Indian Office in Washington D. C. to visit his father.

These materials include correspondence regarding a trip for Arnold Holliday to visit his uncle Henry Holliday in Washington D. C.