William A. Mercer returns the contract for the lease of the Henderson Tract to the Office of Indian Affairs for correction. Mercer requests that the contract be renewed for one year beginning on January 1, 1906.
School Farms - Land Transactions

William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter by returning the contract for the lease of the Henderson Tract corrected according to instructions.

William A. Mercer forwards a lease of the farm belonging to Annie and Laura Alexander for use as a drill and athletic ground for the small boys as well as a play ground for the girls. Mercer notes that the farm has been paid for with the boys athletic fund for two quarters but that the fund can no longer be used.

William A. Mercer forwards the lease of the Alexander Tract along with the required corrections in signature, an oath of disinterestedness, and the plat of the school grounds and adjacent tracts owned or controlled by the school to the Office of Indian Affairs.

William A. Mercer forwards the report of the farm statistics for the Carlisle Indian School for the 1905 fiscal year along with a map showing the location of farms and other "Indian School Lands." Mercer also includes a report of inventory of stock, tools, and other items.

William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding his recommendation for the lease of the Alexander Tract. Mercer details the funds available for the lease and other possible options to raise the funds including selling harness.

William A. Mercer forwards to the Office of Indian Affairs the leases for the Henderson and Alexander Tracts with his recommendation they be approved.

William A. Mercer requests authority to pay $400 for the rent of the Henderson Tract in order to use the land for pasture.

William A. Mercer requests $400 for the rental of the Alexander Tract during the current year to use a playground for students of the Carlisle Indian School.

J. R. Wise forwards the lease of the Alexander Tract to the Office of Indian Affairs along with the request that its cancellation be approved. Wise provides the reasons for why the land is no longer needed.

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs of the fair valuation of the lands comprising the two school farms at the Carlisle Indian School. Mercer additionally notes that $400 was paid out in rent for both the Henderson and Alexander Tracts.

William A. Mercer forwards the Oath of Disinterestedness for the lease of the Henderson Farm.

William A. Mercer requests authority to pay $400 for the lease of the Alexander Tract adjoining the Carlisle Indian School. Mercer notes that the land will be used as a parade ground and for military drills while also serving for hay land during the 1908 fiscal year.
C. F. Larrabee forwards the letter along with various documents to the…

Special Indian Agent W. W. McConihe recommends that the Carlisle Indian School cancel the lease for the 21 acre Alexander plot of land. McConihe states the rental was originally authorized to provide adequate space for older male students to perform military drills as well as for younger students of both sexes to have a playground. However, the…

Supervisor in Charge Charles H. Dickson agrees that the school does not need to renew their lease of the Alexander tract when it expires on June 30 because the students do not use it for play or for drills. Dickson argues against cancelling the lease immediately because the school can harvest "15 to 20 tons of hay before June 30."

Superintendent Moses Friedman requests $400 for fiscal year 1908 in order to pay the lease of the Henderson Tract, which is used for "pasture and other purposes." A year later, Friedman asks to renew the lease at the same price for fiscal year 1909.

Superintendent Moses Friedman forwards the "approval memorandum of agreement" for renting the Henderson farm for fiscal year 1910.

Superintendent Moses Friedman requests authorization to spend $400 for fiscal year 1911 in order to pay the lease of the Henderson Tract, which is used for "pasture and other purposes."

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman forwards Agreements covering the rental of the Henderson tract of land adjoining the school for fiscal year 1911. Chief of the Education Division J. H. Dortch returns the contract and four copies and asks Friedman to sign it. Friedman returns the corrected and signed documents to the…

Superintendent Moses Friedman requests authorization to spend $400 for fiscal year 1912 in order to pay the lease of the Henderson Tract, which is used for "pasture and other purposes." Several months later Friedman asks the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to take "action ... on the approval of this lease."

Superintendent Moses Friedman requests authorization to spend $400 for fiscal year 1913 in order to pay the lease of the Henderson Tract, which is used for "pasture and other purposes."

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman encloses a contract with the United Electric Company for electricity for industrial motors and another contract for the rental of the Henderson Farm.
Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Hauke returns the electricity contract and points out various issues with it. He…

Superintendent Moses Friedman transmits articles of agreement with A. P. Henderson and J. Webster Henderson for the school to rent the Henderson tract.

Superintendent Moses Friedman requests authorization to spend $400 for fiscal year 1914 in order to pay the lease of the Henderson Tract, which is used for "pasturage."

Supervisor Oscar H. Lipps requests authorization to spend funds for fiscal years 1915 and 1916 in order to pay the lease of the Henderson Tract, which will be used for dairy cow pasturage and a skating rink.