Richard Henry Pratt forwards plans and specifications for the proposed storehouse at the Carlisle Indian School.
New Building Construction

Richard Henry Pratt forwards estimated cost of labor and material required to build a two story office building at the Carlisle Indian School along with the specifications.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to build a new blacksmith and wagon shop at the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt submits specifications, estimate of supplies and labor, and blueprints.

Richard Henry Pratt writes to Thomas J. Morgan to provide an update on various aspects of the Carlisle Indian School including the construction of the Girls Quarters, the Hospital addition, and the barn. In addition, he provides an update on the status of the number of students at Carlisle and on outing, the harvest from the farms, and the…

Richard Henry Pratt replies to two Office of Indian Affairs letters regarding the construction of the Boiler House and the pay of student Nellie Carey as a matron.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to Office of Indian Affairs letter requesting an estimate of the amount needed for support for fiscal year ending June 30, 1894. Pratt provides the enrollment statistics for the school and its capacity during the past year. In addition Pratt proposes building employee housing in order to have them on the campus at…

Richard Henry Pratt provides his recommendations for the financial estimate for the 1897 fiscal year.

Levi St. Cyr, Robert Hamilton, and Elmer Simon invite W. N. Hailmann to the dedication ceremony of the new addition to the gymnasium at the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt submits plans for a laundry building along with the invitation for proposals for supplies and further requests authority to spend the money in order to erect the building.

Richard H. Pratt submits a "Supplementary" Estimate of Funds form for the first quarter of 1897 amounting to $12,432.00 for the construction of a new laundry building, enlarging the workshops, and transporting students to and from their homes.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase various supplies to build new employee quarters along with hiring skilled laborers. Pratt includes plans for the first floor of the building.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase various electric lights for recently constructed buildings as well as asbestos cement for pipes and incidental repairs to buildings.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase materials and employ specialized labor to erect a double cottage for employees along with the school's labor. Pratt asks that his request be approved immediately in order to complete the building before the end of the fiscal year. Pratt also includes the blueprints for the proposed building.…

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the authorization for advertising for work to build a cottage on the grounds of the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt informs the Office that no bids were received for the stone work of the foundation causing him to employ John P. McCard. As a result Pratt submits the bill…

William A. Mercer forwards two letters along with his own thoughts on the need for a new hospital at the Carlisle Indian School.

William A. Mercer requests authority to establish a horticulture department at the Carlisle Indian School. As a result he requests to purchase materials to build a greenhouse and establish a position of horticulturist.

William A. Mercer provides details on the need for a new hospital building to the Office of Indian Affairs.
A separate note indicates that Francis E. Leupp has notified Senator Stuart.

E. A. Hitchcock, Secretary of the Interior, replies to an inquiry regarding the use of the appropriation for an addition to the hospital at the Carlisle Indian School. Hitchcock states that the appropriation can be used to construct a new hospital building.

Correspondence and memorandums regarding the building of a new hospital building at the Carlisle Indian School based on the Haskell Institute Hospital.

William A. Mercer forwards estimates and proposals for the construction of a new hospital building at the Carlisle Indian School.

William A. Mercer responds to a letter from C. F. Larrabee regarding the Comptroller's decision on the use of funds to build a new hospital building. Mercer lays out the difficulties in using student labor and provides further details to the Office.

William A. Mercer acknowledges a letter from the Office of Indian Affairs regarding the use of student labor in the construction of the new hospital building.

William A. Mercer provides the Office of Indian Affairs with an estimate of supplies and materials for the proposed new hospital building as well as cost of labor.

William A. Mercer requests to use the bequest of Harriet W. Taber to build a photographic gallery or art building at the entrance of the Carlisle Indian School.

William A. Mercer elaborates on his plan for building a photographic gallery at the entrance to the Carlisle Indian School using the bequest of Harriet W. Taber. Mercer states that he has already begun construction using athletic funds.