School Statistics accompanying the 1897 Annual Report.
Enrollment Statistics

Richard Henry Pratt replies to a circular from W. N. Hailmann by providing information related to the duties of various positions at the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the Carlisle Indian School had 108 departures and 195 arrivals during the 1897 fiscal year.

Richard H. Pratt submits his request for positions and salaries for the upcoming fiscal year, compared against the list of positions for the current year. The list includes position titles, the number of employees for each position title, and salary. Pratt requests $43,580 for employee salaries in 1899, compared to $42,980 in 1898. Names of…

Richard Henry Pratt provides an update on the status of the Carlisle Indian School's physical plant as well as the number of students the school is able to accommodate. In particular, he proposes a number of repairs and improvements.

School Statistics accompanying the 1898 Annual Report.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards the statistics accompanying the annual report for the 1899 year. Pratt notes that he will send the full annual report later.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase 50 woven wire bedsteads at the local Army Supply Depot.

Richard Henry Pratt provides an overview of the physical plant of the Carlisle Indian School in addition to an overview of the enrollment during the 1899-1900 academic year. Pratt ends by providing an estimate for the 1902 fiscal year.

Alfred John Standing forwards the school statistics accompanying the annual report for fiscal year 1900.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards the school statistics accompanying the annual report for the 1901 fiscal year.

Edgar A. Allen requests that two additional assistant clerks be authorized due to an increase in enrollment at the Carlisle Indian School. Allen requests that the positions be filled by two girls who have completed the school course.

Edgar A. Allen responds to the circular letter of the Office of Indian Affairs by providing the blood quantum of students from reservations and those not from the reservation.

School statistics accompanying the Annual Report for the 1902 fiscal year.

Richard Henry Pratt provides an overview of the 1902 fiscal year and provides an estimate for the 1904 fiscal year appropriation to the Office of Indian Affairs. Pratt focuses on the water and sewer plant at the Carlisle Indian School.

Edgar A. Allen informs the Office of Indian Affairs of the average attendance for the quarter ending September 30, 1902 was 874.3 and the remaining number of students at Carlisle was 882.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards the trial balance of the funds held by the Carlisle Indian School students to W. A. Jones. Pratt also informs Jones of the enrollment numbers at Carlisle and incoming parties of students.

Richard Henry Pratt provides a history of Alaskan students at the Carlisle Indian School and notes that their education has been accomplished through the use of extra funds.
Also included is a newspaper clipping from the North American concerning a libel case against the author of a previous article regarding murder accusations…

Richard Henry Pratt responds to Office of Indian Affairs circular #92 by providing various information related to the cost of bringing and returning students to and from Carlisle.

Richard H. Pratt submits his request for positions and salaries for the upcoming fiscal year, compared against the list of position for the current year. The list includes position titles, the number of employees for each position title, and salary. Pratt requests $52,050 for employee salaries in 1904, compared to $50,930 in 1903. Names of…

Edgar A. Allen provides an overview of the Carlisle Indian School during the 1903 fiscal year and makes a request for the 1905 fiscal year. Allen focuses on the enrollment for the previous year and discusses the school physical plant.

Richard Henry Pratt requests an increase in the salary of Howard Gansworth to oversee the boys outing program and for the librarian Edith McHarg Steele, and a salary for a special outing agent for the girls.

Richard Henry Pratt provides a report on former students of the Carlisle Indian School to Estelle Reel.

William A. Mercer provides a report to the Office of Indian Affairs on the state of the Carlisle Indian School during the previous fiscal year. Mercer focuses on the physical plant of the school including the sewage and electric plants and proposes building additional rooms to split the small and large girls. He ends by requesting the…

William A. Mercer provides an estimate for the 1907 fiscal year in addition to providing an overview of the physical plant and the need for various buildings.