William M. Hugg, Superintendent of the Lincoln Institute, provides letters from four students who were to be transferred to Carlisle expressing their desire to remain at Lincoln.
Jones, W. A.

Charles Butler requests to be given permission to be returned home from the Carlisle Indian School.

Walter P. Brownlow requests to have some children from Rogersville, Tennessee enrolled at the Carlisle Indian School.

William Hugg encloses a letter from Richard Henry Pratt turning down the request to transfer four students from the Lincoln Institute to the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt informs William A. Jones that Elmer Snyder has resigned his position as tailor. Pratt details the difficulties in finding a tailor suited for the Carlisle Indian School as well as updating Jones on the case of cook Roma Ewbank and ill health of Dr. Charles Eastman.

Richard Henry Pratt requests an exemption from Circular No. 34 in order to allow employees to purchase milk from the school farm.

Richard Henry Pratt writes W. A. Jones that he hopes Bertha Canfield has been ordered to report to the Carlisle Indian School along with an increased salary. And that he desires the return of the descriptive book of the Crowell apparatus.

The Postal Telegraph-Cable Company informs W. A. Jones that William A. Mercer cannot be located in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and requests a better address.

Richard Henry Pratt requests to employ former student James Flannery as an Assistant Tailor and encloses correspondence to provide context.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to the requests of Walter L. Jones and Boies Penrose for the transfer of Margaret Roberts to Carlisle as a teacher.

Dennison Wheelock requests to be transferred following the expiration of his leave of absence to a western school as a clerk or assistant clerk.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Charles Dagenette desires to return to his home on account of his health rather than take over the outing program from Charles Eastman.

Ohio Congressman Charles Dick forwards a letter of James E. Cavett to W. A. Jones regarding his appointment as a wagonmaker to the Carlisle Indian School.

Edgar A. Allen served as Assistant Superintendent at Carlisle from October of 1901 to October of 1904. This post includes selections from his employee paperwork collected by the Bureau of Indian Affairs while he worked in the Indian Service.
The PDF includes correspondence about his appointment to and transfer from Carlisle,…

E. A. Hitchcock, Secretary of the Interior, instructs the W. A. Jones to have Richard Henry Pratt return the children of Mrs. J. F. Hoover from the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the current system of student recruitment for non-reservation boarding schools is not working. Pratt forwards two letters detailing the difficulties of his employees in gathering parties of students as well as the reluctance of reservation superintendents to forward students to…

W. A. Jones requests A. C. Tonner to order Richard Henry Pratt to report to the Chicago Warehouse at once.

Lida Jones submits her request for a transfer to a Western School along with recommendations and Richard Henry Pratt's approval.

Richard Henry Pratt sends Commissioner of Indian Affairs W. A. Jones a sample of blank form 5-202 per Jones' request. Form 5-202 is a proposal for Indian supplies.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a letter from W. H. Winslow, Superintendent of the Genoa Indian School, regarding appointing Chauncy Yellow Robe to the position of disciplinarian at the school.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to the request to return Seldon Kirk to his home before he is transferred to a school in Phoenix, Arizona. Also included is the correspondence regarding the request of Rev. Jesse Kirk for the transfer.

Lt. Colonel Richard H. Pratt forwards two copies of a letter sent from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs approving Carlisle's irregular school employees report for June 1901.

Richard Henry Pratt informs W. A. Jones that Martin Grove Brumbaugh sent six more students from Puerto Rico than authorized. He includes Brumbaugh's letter indicating he will send no more students without Pratt's consent.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the criticism regarding wagons manufactured at the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt states that Cochran is known to misuse wagons causing them to breakdown quickly and requests that he ship the broken wagon back so it can be examined.
W. A. Jones writes in a note…

Richard Henry Pratt requests that a cook and assistant cook position be abolished and that two laborer positions be created in their place.