Richard Henry Pratt requests if two leases for Sac and Fox Agency students are correct before they are signed.
Jones, W. A.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a letter from Benjamin Caswell, a former student, to W. A. Jones regarding the Cass Lake School where he is now employed.

Edgar A. Allen responds to a letter from the Office of Indian Affairs addressing a letter from Rev. David M. Wynkoop regarding a request to return Henry Lives.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a letter from G. M. Philips regarding former student Dahney George finding a position as an Assistant Teacher in the Indian Service.

Richard Henry Pratt informs W. A. Jones that a number of former Carlisle Indian School students are now attending the Haskell Indian School in the normal or commercial departments or connected with their football team.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to Estelle Reel regarding his intent to attend a meeting of the Department of Indian Education in July 1903 and suggests the three topics to be discussed.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards the trial balance of the funds held by the Carlisle Indian School students to W. A. Jones. Pratt also informs Jones of the enrollment numbers at Carlisle and incoming parties of students.

Correspondence regarding the enrollment of Mary, Hiram, Lewis, and Thomas Runnels at the Carlisle Indian School. Albert M. Anderson, U.S. Indian Agent for the Colville Agency, complains that the Runnels were transferred to Carlisle without his consent and as such has undermined his authority.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a letter from Federico Degetau, Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico in Washington D.C., regarding his request to have additional students from Puerto Rico enrolled at the Carlisle Indian School. In addition, Pratt requests additional students from Alaska and the Philippines.

Richard Henry Pratt provides correspondence related to his retirement from active military service and his subsequent resignation as the Superintendent of the Carlisle Indian School.
Pratt notes in his correspondence that he believed his service as Superintendent of the Carlisle Indian School were a military duty helping and helping to…

Richard Henry Pratt forwards letters related to Ben Caswell requesting another chance in the Indian Service following his demotion from principal teacher at the Cass Lake School.

Richard Henry Pratt requests Commissioner W. A. Jones wire the Pine Ridge agent his sanction for former Carlisle students to be made available to travel to Carlisle for commencement exercises if able.

Porter J. McCumber, North Dakota Senator, refers to correspondence and affidavits of the enrollment of Mary Ladouceur at the Carlisle Indian School against the wishes of her father and requests her to be sent home.

Milton Addison Embick forwards an editorial arguing against the treatment of Richard Henry Pratt by the War Department and urges W. A. Jones to not accept his resignation.

Colorado Senator Henry M. Teller urges the retention of Richard Henry Pratt as Superintendent of the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt withdraws his resignation as Superintendent of the Carlisle Indian School.

Gilbert Hitchcock, Nebraska Congressman, requests on behalf of A. A. Selden if Selden can bring six students from the interior of Alaska to the coast in order to send them to the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt informs W. A. Jones about two runaway students.

W. A. Jones is informed that two runaway students should be returned to Carlisle.

Charles C. McCabe, Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, writes that he hopes Richard Henry Pratt can continue in his work at the Carlisle Indian School.

Edgar A. Allen responds to a letter from William John regarding the punishment of two runaway students by whipping. John further requests to be released early from the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a circular being distributed at Taos, New Mexico related to an article in the Denver Post accusing employees at the Fort Lewis Indian School of sexual misconduct, drunkenness, and other actions for which nothing was done.

Edgar A. Allen requests that the examination for position of Drawing Teacher at Carlisle be opened to both sexes.

Eugene Talbott telegraphs his resignation as physician at the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt requests that Jessie W. Cook be transferred to the Carlisle Indian School as the girls outing agent from the Riverside School.