Student file of Louis Island, a member of the Oneida Nation, who first entered the school on August 23, 1898, graduated in 1908, and ultimately departed on December 4, 1910. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, a letter, a trade record card, newspaper clippings…
Chabitnoy, Michael

Progress card of Michael Chabitnoy (here Chabitney), a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on July 11, 1901.
Note: Although this card shows an arrival date of August 11, the admissions ledger and his file suggest that he actually arrived on July 11.

Student file of Michael Chabitnoy, a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on July 11, 1901 and ultimately departed on June 30, 1909. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains a photograph, student information cards, a former student response postcard, medical/physical records,…

Student information card of Michael Chabitnoy, a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on July 11, 1901 and departed on June 30, 1909. The file indicates Chabitnoy was living in Hershey, Pennsylvania in 1913 and lived in Lebanon, Pennsylvania.

Student file of Esiah Galashoff, a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on September 15, 1902 and departed on July 8, 1909. The file contains his student information cards, correspondence, a progress/conduct card, a report after leaving, and a returned student survey. The file indicates Galashoff was working as a fisherman and a…

Student file of Edward Wolfe, a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, who entered the school on July 5, 1904, and ultimately departed on June 23, 1909. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains a student information card, a medical/physical record, a progress/conduct card, correspondence, a…

This issue, which commemorates the Commencement Exercises of the Class of 1909, featured speeches highlighting the success of Indian education. Francis E. Leupp, in his address, among many things spoke on the success of the arts at Carlisle. He was followed by Moses E. Clapp, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. Clapp shared "…

Previous cataloging identified the students as being from Alaska and provides a date of 1901 for the image. It also identifies the white man as an Indian agent.
Based on this, this group would be the one that arrived July 11, 1901 from Woody Island, Alaska. The issue of the school newspaper also mentions that a Mr. C. E. Bunnell…

Group portrait of male and female students on stage wearing costumes. They are the cast of the play, "The Captain of Plymouth," produced at the school from March 29-March 31, 1909.
The caption written below this image was supplied by Cumberland County Historical Society staff.
Note: There were two students named James…

Ten male students and five female students, in costumes, standing and seated with one white male teacher.
This image is from the series taken of the cast members of the school's production of the play, "The Captain of Plymouth," produced at the school from March 29-March 31, 1909. The white man is presumably Claude Stauffer,…

Group portrait of ten male students wearing costumes. They are the "Soldiers' Chorus," characters in the performance of the play, "The Captain of Plymouth," produced at the school from March 29-March 31, 1909.
The program for the play lists twelve members of the Soldiers' Chorus, only ten of whom are pictured here. The students…

Michael W. Chabitnoy standing in formal attire around 1905.
The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Mrs. Denny, from a friend M.W. Chabitnoy

The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Mr. Wallace Denny, This is our latest Photos what do you think of them. from your Friend, M.W.Chabinoy. Give my regards to friends.
View of Michael W. Chabitnoy and Edward Wolfe taken during their time at Hershey, Pennsylvania.

View of Michael W. Chabitnoy and Edward Wolfe taken while the two were working in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

William A. Mercer forwards additional receipts for accounts of individual students of individual Indian moneys not included in cash papers previously sent. Also included are receipts for disbursements from the Emergency Account as well as documenting other Emergency Account disbursements for which there are no receipts.
Note: It is…

These materials include a petition and correspondence regarding a request by a group of Alaskan students to be returned to their homes.

The program for "The Captain of Plymouth," performed as part of the Commencement Exercises of 1909. The program lists the various acts of the performance as well as the student actors.
Note: In two cases it is unclear which student is referred to: Mary Cooke in this program could refer to Mary Cook (who entered in 1901) or Mary…