Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Annie Vereskin, a member of the Aleut Nation.

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Anastasia Achwack, a member of the Aleut Nation.
Note: Although the school documentation consistently uses the spelling Achwack, family have indicated that the proper spelling of Anastasia's last name is Ashouwak.

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Pariscovia Fiedoff, a member of the Aleut Nation.

Note: As of June 2021, the remains of Sophia Tetoff have been disinterred and repatriated. Sophia Tetoff was previously interred in plot A-16.
Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Sophia Tetoff, a member of the Aleut Nation.

Student file of John Reinken (misspelled Beinkin here), a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on November 7, 1894 and departed on April 20, 1901. The file contains a student information card listing seven outings.
In school documentation John Reinken’s name is also spelled John Reinkin and John Beinkin.

Student information card of John Reinken (here, Reinkin), a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on November 7, 1894 and departed on April 20, 1901.

Student information card of John Reinken (here, Reinkin), a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on November 7, 1894 and departed on April 20, 1901.

Student file of Annie Reinken, a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on July 25, 1897, and departed on September 27, 1902. The file contains a student information card.
In school documentation Annie Reinken’s name is also spelled Annie Rankin.

Student information card of Annie Reinken (spelled here as Annie Rankin), a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on July 25, 1897 and departed on September 27, 1902.

Student information card of Dora Reinken, a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on July 25, 1897, graduated in 1905, and departed on March 23, 1905.
In school documentation Dora Reinken’s name is also spelled Dora Reinkin. She is also known as Dorothy Reinken. Her married name is Dora Shongo (Mrs. Clifford Shongo).
Student information card of Anastasia Ashouwak (here Anastasia Achwack), a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on July 11, 1901. She died on June 19, 1904 and was buried in the school cemetery.
Note: Although the school documentation consistently uses the spelling Achwack, family have indicated that the proper spelling of…

Student information card of Anastasia Ashouwak (here spelled Anastasia Achwack), a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on July 11, 1901 and died on June 19, 1904.
In school documentation Anastasia Ashouwak's name is consistently spelling Anastasia Achwack but family have indicated that the proper spelling of Anastasia's…

Student file of Fadya Shellikoff, a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on July 11, 1901 and departed on August 27, 1906. The file contains student information cards.
In school documentation Fadya Shellikoff is also known as Theodore Sheellikoff, also spelled Theodore Shellikoff and Theodore Schlikoff.

Student information card of Fadya Shellikoff (here Theodore Sheellikoff), a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on July 11, 1901 and departed on August 27, 1906.

Student file of George Galaktinoff, a member of the Aleut Nation who entered the school on July 11, 1901 and departed on August 27, 1906. The file contains student information cards and correspondence regarding a financial transaction.
In school documentation George Galaktinoff's name is also spelled George Calaktinoff and George…

Student information card of George Galaktinoff (Bean), a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on July 11, 1901 and departed on August 27, 1906.

Student file of John Lolchesnikoff, a member of the Aleut Nation who entered the Carlisle Indian School on July 11, 1901 and departed June 23, 1906. The file contains student information cards.
In school documentation John Lolchesnikoff's name is also spelled John Lolchesnekoff and John Lochesnikoff.

Student information card of John Lolchesnikoff, a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on July 11, 1901 and departed on June 23, 1906.

Student file of Kate Shepherd, a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on July 11, 1901 and departed on August 27, 1906. The file contains a student information card, correspondence, and a report after leaving indicating Shepherd was working as a housewife in Katalla, Alaska in 1910.
In school documentation Kate Shepherd's…

Student information card of Kate Shepherd (here Sheppard), a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on July 11, 1901 and departed on August 27, 1906.

Progress card of Michael Chabitnoy (here Chabitney), a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on July 11, 1901.
Note: Although this card shows an arrival date of August 11, the admissions ledger and his file suggest that he actually arrived on July 11.

Student file of Michael Chabitnoy, a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on July 11, 1901 and ultimately departed on June 30, 1909. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains a photograph, student information cards, a former student response postcard, medical/physical records,…

Student information card of Michael Chabitnoy, a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on July 11, 1901 and departed on June 30, 1909. The file indicates Chabitnoy was living in Hershey, Pennsylvania in 1913 and lived in Lebanon, Pennsylvania.

Student file of Nikefer Shoushick, a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on July 11, 1901 and departed on June 30, 1904. The file contains student information cards, correspondence, a newspaper clipping, a returned student survey, an application for enrollment, a report after leaving, and a trade/position card. The file indicates…

Student information card of Nikefer Shoushick, a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on July 11, 1901 and departed on June 30, 1904. The file indicates Shoushick was at the Haskell Institute in Lawrence, Kansas in 1913.