Studio portrait of Eunice Suisson, infant daughter of student Annette Suison.
The note reads: CHOATE, CARLISLE, PA.
The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Eunice Mason Sois. Apache baby at Carlisle Indian School. 1888.
Studio portrait of Eunice Suisson, infant daughter of student Annette Suison.
The note reads: CHOATE, CARLISLE, PA.
The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Eunice Mason Sois. Apache baby at Carlisle Indian School. 1888.
Studio portrait of infants Katie Kinzhuna and Eunice Suison.
The handwritten note reads: Kate Irvine Kinzhune and Eunice Suison
This image is believed to have been taken in February, 1888. Kate was the daughter of students Hulda and Arnold Kinzhuna. Eunice was the daughter of students Annette and Neal Suison…
Studio portrait of Bruce Patterson, wearing school uniform and holding his hat in his hand, posed on a wooden gate.
The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: 44. Bruce Patterson.
Studio portrait of Bruce Patterson, wearing school uniform and hat, posed next to a wooden gate.
The handwritten note reads: Bruce Patterson.
The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Called "Mike" by the soldiers. He was riding with his mother when she was shot. Carlisle Indian School.…
The handwritten note reads: CHOATE
The reverse side reads: Old Guard House Capt. R. H. Pratt Supt. Old Chapel. Supt. Quarters. Ass't Supt. Quarters Small Boys' Quarters. …
Studio portrait of Richard Doanmoe posed on a wooden gate.
The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Richard Doanmoe "Kiowa"
A composite of 16 photographs of the school. The captions read: Small Boys’ Quarters, Ass’t. Supt’s. Quarters, Superintendent’s Quarters, Chapel, Guard House, Hospital, Disciplinarian’s Quarters, Band Stand, After School, School Building, Large Boys’ Quarters, Christmas Dinner, School Room, Office & Teachers’ Quarters, Gymnasium,…
A composite of 16 photographs of the school. The captions read: Small Boys’ Quarters, Ass’t. Supt’s. Quarters, Superintendent’s Quarters, Chapel, Guard House, Hospital, Disciplinarian’s Quarters, Band Stand, After School, School Building, Large Boys’ Quarters, Christmas Dinner, School Room, Office & Teachers’ Quarters, Gymnasium,…
A composite of different Carlisle Indian School images from around 1890.
Studio portrait of thirteen male and five female students, the second graduating class in 1890.
They are, back row, left to right: William Tivis, Jemima Wheelock, Dennison Wheelock, Stacy Matlock, Levi Levering, Veronica Holliday, Benjamin Lawry; middle row, left to right: George Means, Howard Logan, George Vallier (standing),…
Studio portrait of an infant posed in a cradleboard.
Version 1 of this image (linked to in Related Images) is a glass plate negative of a photograph of a photograph with the handwritten caption "Kiowa Pappoose." This image may have been taken of page 34 of Album 2 of the "Indian School Albums" now in the collection of the…
The handwritten note reads: Capt Pratt. Supt of Indian School Carlisle Pa.
Studio portrait of an unidentified male student wearing glasses and a suit and tie.
Studio portrait of one female and ten male students, the graduating class of 1891.
They are, back row, left to right: Robert Matthews (seated), Martin Archiquette, John Tyler, William Froman, Charles E. Dagenett; middle row, seated, left to right: Henry Standing Bear, Etta Robertson, Levi St. Cyr, Harry Kohpay; front row, seated,…
Studio portrait of Richard Davis and his wife, Nellie Aspenall Davis, with their two daughters, Richenda and Mary. Richard and Nellie were former students who married at the school and became staff members. Their daughters were not enrolled at the school.
The handwritten note reads: Richard Davis (Cheyenne) …
Studio portrait of young woman wearing school uniform,…
Studio portrait of three female and nine male students, the graduating class of 1892.
They are, back row, standing, left to right: Thomas Metoxen, Hattie Long Wolf, Reuben Wolf, Luzena Choteau, William Baird; front row, seated, left to right: Albert Bishop, Benajah Miles, Frank Everett, Joseph H. Hamilton, Lydia Flint, Benjamin…
Front Seated Left - Running Crane, Chief of Lone Eaters.
Front Seated Center - Little Dog, Chief of the Black Patched Moccasins Bands.
Seated Center…
Studio portrait of five male and one female students, the graduating class of 1893.
They are, back row, standing, left to right: Malcolm Clark, Fred Big Horse, Arthur Johnson; front row, sitting, left to right: John Baptiste, Emily Peake, John G. Morrison.
This image appears in United States Indian School Carlisle,…
The handwritten note reads: Jerome Kennerly, Piegan
The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Carlisle Indian School.
Cabinet card photo of Jerome Kennerly around the time he enrolled at Carlisle at age 6
The Carlisle Indian School exhibit titled Into Civilization and Citizenship at the World's Fair in 1893 held in Chicago, Illinois. The exhibit includes images of students, mannequins representing students, and other artifacts.
This image appears in United States Indian School Carlisle, Penna (Carlisle,…
Studio portrait of nine female and ten male students.
The lower caption reads: Flora Campbell, Alaskan. Howard Gansworth, Tuscarora. Thos. B. Bear, Sioux. Martha Napawat, Kiowa. Susie Metoxen, Oneida. Emmanuel…
The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Carlisle Indian School.
The printed note on the reverse side reads: PRINTERS. Commence with those standing an read fro left to right in order, likewise the other two tiers.
1st. Tier.
1. Robert Hudson, Seneca.…
Caption: A MUSIC ROOM.
Very early in the School experience it was found that there were good voices among the pupils and ability to acquire both vocal and instrumental knowledge. Music proves a pleasing study to the Indian youth, and is useful and entertaining to the School.
This image appears in…
This picture gives a partial view of school room No. 12, occupied by the Senior Class. The school rooms are 28 x 30 x 13 feet, well lighted and ventilated, fitted with single desks and slate blackboards, and aggregate accommodations for 700 pupils.
This image…