Studio portrait of Benjamin Thomas (Wat-ye-eh), Mary Perry (Ki-ot-se), and John Menaul Chaves (Kowsh-te-ah), at their arrival and in native dress.
Note: The Cumberland County Historical Society has two copies of this image: CS-CH-072 and 10B-02-01.
Studio portrait of Benjamin Thomas (Wat-ye-eh), Mary Perry (Ki-ot-se), and John Menaul Chaves (Kowsh-te-ah), at their arrival and in native dress.
Note: The Cumberland County Historical Society has two copies of this image: CS-CH-072 and 10B-02-01.
Studio portrait of Benjamin Thomas (standing at left), Mary Perry (seated in center), and John Menaul Chaves (standing at right). The boys are both wearing school uniforms. Perry is in a school-issued print dress.
The caption reads: Noted Indian Chiefs.
The printed note on the reverse side reads: NOTED INDIAN CHIEFS Who have visited the Indian Training School, Carlisle, Pa.
1. Spotted Tail, Sioux Chief, Rosebud Agency, Dakota.
2. Iron Wing, Sioux Chief, Rosebud Agency,…
The printed note on the reverse side reads: NOTED INDIAN CHIEFS Who have visited the Indian Training School, Carlisle, Pa.
1. Spotted Tail, Sioux Chief, Rosebud Agency, Dakota.
2. Iron Wing, Sioux Chief, Rosebud Agency, Dakota.
3. American Horse, Sioux Chief, Pine…
The printed note on the reverse side reads: OUR BOYS AND GIRLS At the Indian Training School, Carlisle, Pa.
1. White Buffalo, Cheyenne, I. T.
2. Mittie Houston, Wichita, I. T.
3. Samuel Townsend, Pawnee, I. T.
4. Nancy Renville, Sisseston Sioux, D. T…
The printed note on the reverse side reads: Ouray and his wife Chipeta; Utes.
This is a copy photographer J.N. Choate made of a portrait taken in 1858 and marketed by Mathew Brady. Choate made a copy of the Brady image and marketed it as his own. Ouray is included in Choate's composite of chiefs who had visited the…
Studio portrait of Sheldon Jackson (left), Harvey Townsend (center), and John Shields (right), all wearing school uniforms.
Note: The Cumberland County Historical Society also has two copies of this image: PA-CH1-031b and 12-26-02.
Studio portrait of student White Buffalo in Native dress wearing a feather headdress and holding a bow and arrow.
The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: White Buffalo. Cheyenne. Native dress.
The Cumberland County Historical Society has two copies of this image: PA-CH2-003a and BS-CH-001a…
The caption reads: WHITE BUFFALO – CHEYENNE. AT CARLISLE '81–'84.
This image appears in John N. Choate's Souvenir of the Carlisle Indian School (Carlisle, PA: J. N. Choate, 1902).
Portrait of nine male students and six female students posed on the steps of the bandstand on the school grounds. They are wearing the clothing they arrived in. The caption says they are Northern Arapaho who arrived in March 1881.
Other versions of this image identify them as two Shoshone and thirteen Northern Arapaho students who…
Studio portrait of Adam McCarty wearing school uniform.
The caption reads: Adam McCarty
Studio portrait of Adam McCarty wearing school uniform.
The caption reads: Adam McCarthy
Studio portrait of a student identified as Alfred.
The caption reads: Alfred - 3
This is most likely Alfred Brown (Cheyenne, 1879-1883), but there is also a small chance it could be a student named Alfred who attended Carlisle a little later in the 1880s or 1890s.
Studio portrait of Arnold Woolworth.
The caption reads: Arnold
Studio portrait of Otto Zotoum wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of Peliza, Paul Big Horse, and Edward Chouteau, all wearing school uniforms.
Studio portrait of Peter Charko.
The caption reads: Peter Cherco
Studio portrait of Standing Bear, a Sioux chief, with his son Luther Standing Bear, and Red Fish, another Sioux chief.
The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: 1 Standing Bear, 2 Standing Bear’s Son Luther, 3 Red Fish. Sioux.
Studio portrait of Thomas Wistar dressed in school uniform.
This image appears in John N. Choate's Souvenir of the Carlisle Indian School (Carlisle, PA: J. N. Choate, 1902).
Studio portrait of two unidentified male students.
The caption reads: Rob [?] and [illegible]
Studi portrait of two unidentified male students wearing school uniforms.
Studio portrait of White Buffalo.
The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: White Buffalo. Cheyenne.
Note: The Cumberland County Historical Society also has a copy of this image: PA-CH2-092b.
Studio portrait of Manuelito Chiquito wearing native clothing.
The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: No. 111. Manilito Chiquito Navajoe from New Mexico
Chiquito arrived on October 21, 1882 and this photograph was probably taken on that day or very soon after.
Studio portrait of Tom Torlino wearing native clothing and ornaments.
The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Choate
The Cumberland County Historical Society also has two copies of this image: PA-CH2-004a and BS-CH-008.