W. A. Mercer forwards girls' field matron Mollie V. Gaither's application for a 30-day leave of absence.
William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Sara Pierre will accept the transfer to the Ute School as a cook.
W. A. Mercer forwards thirty-nine reports on leave of absence taken by employees: Frances R. Scales (teacher), Kate S. Bowersox (principal teacher), Angel DeCora (teacher Native Indian Martin L. Lau (carriagemaker), William Nonnast (tailor), E. H. Colegrove (disciplinarian), James E. Henderson (teacher), George L. Gottwerth (fireman), Susan…
William A. Mercer recommends Roger Venne for the position of disciplinarian at the Fort Apache school, and adds that he would also be valuable as a band leader.
W. A. Mercer forwards outing agent Anne S. Ely's application for a 37-day leave of absence.
M. S. Barr submits her resignation as a nurse at the Carlisle Indian School. William A. Mercer forwards the resignation and requests the vacancy be filled from the Civil Service list as soon as possible.
Major W. A. Mercer forwards Lizzie James' application for a 6-day leave of absence. James works as a cook.
William A. Mercer requests authority to purchase various supplies on the open market for the construction of a physician's cottage at the Carlisle Indian School.
William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the Carlisle Indian School has completed three concord buggies, five concord wagons, and two surreys and provides quotes for the Indian Service. Mercer includes photographs for each type of vehicle.
Bridget A. Dorey submits her resignation as an assistant matron at the Carlisle Indian School. William A. Mercer forwards the resignation and requests the position be filled through the list of eligible candidates on the Civil Service list.
William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Edward J. Howell has not reported for his position as fireman at the Carlisle Indian School.
William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Flora Newman has not reported for the position of assistant matron.
William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that James Phillip Ryder has not reported for the position of assistant farmer at the Carlisle Indian School.
William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Margaret Clark has not reported for duty as assistant clerk. Mercer requests a woman from Pennsylvania or an adjoining state be appointed in order to fill the position as soon as possible.
William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding an open shoe and harness maker position at the Moqui School and the possibility of John Archuleta being appointed if he is interested.
William A. Mercer requests authority to pay an additional $600 to pay for student labor over the 1906 summer.
William A. Mercer requests authority to pay Mary Lininger as an irregular employee as a replacement for Beckie L. Goodyear who was under leave without pay for the period.
William A. Mercer requests authority to pay for the temporary employment of Annie E. Steel, probably as a laundress, although that is not stated.
William A. Mercer requests that Stacy Matlock and Siceni J. Nori be excused from participation in the employees general mess.
William A. Mercer requests the plans for the new hospital building be completed as soon as possible in order to begin construction.
W. A. Mercer forwards assistant seamstress Beckie L. Goodyear's request for a 17-day leave of absence due to illness in her family.
William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that he has sent Frank Keshena home and requests approval of his action.
William A. Mercer provides clarification on his request to pay Annie E. Steel as an irregular employee in the assistant laundress position during the leave of Etta S. Fortnoy.
W. A. Mercer forwards assistant cook Charles Sorrell's application for a 4-day leave of absence.
William A. Mercer refers to his previous letter regarding students from the Fort Berthold Agency who are being prevented from attending Carlisle by the Superintendent.