Acting Superintendent Edgar A. Allen requests a six-month supply of two dozen different blank administrative forms used by the United States Indian Affairs division of the Department of the Interior.

Edgar A. Allen informs the Office of Indian Affairs that James J. Brady and O. F. Gooding have not reported for duty.

Henry F. Greene, Acting President of the Civil Service Commission, informs the Secretary of the Interior that a register of eligibles has been established for the position of fireman at the Carlisle Indian School. As a result, the emergency appointments of George L. Gottwerth, Johnson Bradley, and Charles Yeager are to be discontinued.

Edgar A. Allen informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the present baker temporarily appointed to the Carlisle Indian School is set to leave at the end of the month. Allen requests that if the present appointee declines the position that another appointment be made at the earliest date.

Edgar A. Allen (acting superintendent) forwards fifty-four reports on leave of absence several employees: Kate S. Bowersox (assistant principal and normal teacher), Margaret Roberts (teacher), Bertha Canfield (seamstress), Fanny G. Paull (teacher), Clara L. Smith (teacher), Anne H. Stewart (sloyd teacher), Elizabeth E. Forster (drawing teacher…

Edgar A. Allen requests the Carlisle Indian School be sent 120 gross Dustless School Crayons from the New York Warehouse or authority be granted for the School to purchase them on the open market.

Edgar A. Allen requests authority to purchase 50 sets of Seymour Eaton's Business Forms for use in the Carlisle Indian School. Allen notes that these are the regular forms used by the book-keeping class which is being taught in the fall.

Carrie Kuhns applies to be the Carlisle Indian School laundress. Kuhns includes a cover letter listing her qualifications and references from Mary E. Hampton and David R. Thompson in support of her application.

Acting Superintendent Edgar A. Allen forwards Anne S. Ely's application for a 30-day annual leave of absence. Ely works as the superintendent of outing.

Edgar A. Allen (acting superintendent) forwards one request for leave of absence: M. Burgess (superintendent of printing). Allen also forwards two reports on leave of absence: M. Burgess (superintendent of printing) and Minnie L. Ferree (assistant matron).

Edgar A. Allen (acting superintendent) forwards William B. Gray's application for a 7-day annual leave of absence. Gray works as a dairyman.

Response of Richard Henry Pratt to the request of Mary Packineau for the return of her brother Clair Everett (here Clare Everett) from the Carlisle Indian School.

Acting Superintendent Edgar A. Allen submits a statement of cost form that lists the total amounts for subsistence, clothing, school materials and furnishings, light and fuel, miscellaneous expenses, new buildings and repairs, the value of subsistence raised by schools and issued to pupils, and pay for regular and irregular employees for the…

S. L. Diven, the school physician, compiles the sanitary report for the quarter ending on September 30, 1903.

Edgar A. Allen requests authority to purchase $500 of potatoes on the open market for students. Allen notes that this request is necessary due to the failure of the crop at the school farm.

Acting Superintendent Edgar A. Allen submits a report that lists new employees (Sadie F. Robertson) and those who have left the school (William G. Snyder and Estaiene M. De Peltquestangue). The report includes the date of departure and the reason for departure. De Peltquestangue's letter of resignation is attached.

Acting Superintendent Edgar A. Allen submits a report that lists newly appointed employees who have changed positions (Fred W. Canfield, Cora B. Hawk, and Alexander J. Pope). The report includes position title and salary.

Acting Superintendent Edgar A. Allen submits a report that lists irregular employees who worked at the school during September 1903. The report includes details on compensation, position titles, race, and the number of days worked during that month.

Acting Superintendent Edgar A. Allen informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs of the actual dates Anne S. Ely was absent from duty due to the death of her brother.

Acting Superintendent Edgar A. Allen forwards a report on leave of absence for Estaiene M. De Peltquestaugue. De Peltquestaugue works as an assistant clerk.

Edgar A. Allen requests that the drawing teacher position be held open until the return of Richard Henry Pratt.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter approving the temporary appointments of five employees at the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt notes that these employees have long been employed at Carlisle and their temporary appointments must be mistaken. In addition, Pratt discusses Ida Swallow, Johnson Bradley, and William…

Request by Richard Henry Pratt for an additional teacher in order to fill in for absences.

Richard Henry Pratt requests the Office of Indian Affairs appoint Fred W. Canfield as the drawing teacher at the Carlisle Indian School.

Estimate of funds for the second quarter of 1904 amounting to $23,167.71 for support of the school, $13,012.50 of which is for regular employee pay.