Major Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists irregular employees who worked at the school during March 1900. The report includes details on compensation, position titles, race, and the number of days worked during that month.

S. L. Given, school physician, compiles the monthly sanitary report for March 1900.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that he is forwarding contracts for building materials in 1900.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to hire labor to repair roads at the Carlisle Indian School and for purchasing supplies for industrial construction.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase additional supplies for the Harness and Shoe Shops due to the increased number of students in the industrial programs.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase 400 bushels of potatoes and dried fruit.

Richard H. Pratt submits an Estimate of Supplies for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 1900 amounting to $496.35 and requests to purchase those items in the open market. The form includes the items being requested, the quantity, the estimated cost, and how the item will be used at the school.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to pay for repairs as well as student labor on the school farm. Pratt notes that the farm is three miles away from the school and serves as an outing experience for the students.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase horses or mules to replace those previously condemned as well as corn for the school farm animals.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase postage for students correspondence, 12,000 pounds of ice for preserving food, and 10 reams of typewriter paper.

Richard H. Pratt requests an immediate supply of one-hundred proposal supplies for Indians blank administrative forms used by the United States Indian Affairs division of the Department of the Interior.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to the requests of Walter L. Jones and Boies Penrose for the transfer of Margaret Roberts to Carlisle as a teacher.

Estimate of funds for the second quarter of 1883 amounting to $23,962.60 for support of the school. Richard H. Pratt also requests additional funds amounting to $12,285.00 for regular employee pay.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards clerk Anna S. Luckenbach's application for a 6 day leave of absence.

John R. Procter, President Civil Service Commission, requests to know if an examination is desired for the position of assistant disciplinarian.

Alfred John Standing responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding correspondence on the health of Jennie Redwing and other students from the Santee Agency who had eye trouble upon arriving at Carlisle.

Richard H. Pratt requests a supply of two dozen different articles of stationery used by the United States Indian Affairs division of the Department of the Interior during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901.

Richard H. Pratt recommends that former Carlisle student Edith Smith, a member of the Class of 1897, be appointed as a teacher in the Indian Service.
Richard H. Pratt forwards Smith's application along with a reference from Dr. G. M. Philips, the Principal of the West Chester State Normal School of Pennsylvania, to the Commissioner…

Richard Henry Pratt requests following the transfer of Annie Luckenbach to the Phoenix Indian School that her former clerk position be abolished and a position covering the savings of students be created.

Richard Henry Pratt notes that he only received one bid to supply bricks due to an excess of orders that will delay construction. Pratt notes that he has since negotiated a lower price with a company in Mount Holly Springs, Pennsylvania that will deliver bricks promptly at a lower price. As a result, he requests authority to purchase the bricks…

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase twelve sets of sewing drafting patterns produced by Annie Livingston. Pratt notes that Livingston's patterns were recommended by a number of individuals as well as having spent a fortnight instructing people without charge.

Mary Wolfe, a member of the Class of 1900, applies for an assistant laundress position at the Crow Agency School in Montana.
Major Richard H. Pratt and Assistant Superintendent A. J. Standing forwards Wolfe's application to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and endorses her in his cover letter. A handwritten copy of Wolfe's degree is…

Major Richard Henry Pratt submits a report that lists employees who have left the school (George W. Taylor, Mary E. Campbell, and William Ratley), those who have started working at the school (Leo Van der May, Sine Marie Van der May, and Joe B. Luna), and those who have changed positions (Samuel G. Brown). The report includes position title,…

Richard Henry Pratt requests a favorable reply to his request to purchase bricks to improve the heating plant.

Major Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists new employees (Eugene H. Brock), and those who have changed positions (Marion W. De Loss). Pratt also sends Eugene H. Brock's application for a position as an assistant disciplinarian.