The service record card for Marianna Burgess's employment with the Office of Indian Affairs. The card indicates that she began working as a teacher at the Pawnee Agency in 1873 then left to become a teacher at Carlisle in 1880. She continued to teach at Carlisle until 1884 when she became a Truant Officer, a Registering Officer, then the…

Richard Henry Pratt requests two additional clerks tp meet the demands recently imposed by the Office of Indian Affairs circular of June 23, 1898. Pratt notes that the administrative burden is quite high and would lead him to abandon his current financial recordkeeping of student money of which he encloses a copy.

Signed request of Peter Jordan to participate in the outing program at the Carlisle Indian School along with a copy of the outing rules signed by Jordan, Richard Henry Pratt, and William Balderston.

Estimate of funds for the first quarter of 1895 amounting to $34,079.47 for support of the school and for transportation of Indian supplies. Richard H. Pratt also requests additional funds amounting to $39,700 for regular employee pay.

Richard H. Pratt submits an Estimate of Supplies for the first quarter of fiscal year 1895 amounting to $499.37 and requests to purchase those items in the open market. The form includes the items being requested, the quantity, the estimated cost, and how the item will be used at the school.

Estimate of funds for the second quarter of 1895 amounting to $17,638.09 for support of the school.

Richard H. Pratt submits an Estimate of Supplies for the second quarter of fiscal year 1895 amounting to $455.34 and requests to purchase those items in the open market. The form includes the items being requested, the quantity, the estimated cost, and how the item will be used at the school.

Correspondence regarding statements made by Rev. John Roberts, missionary at the Shoshone Agency, regarding mortality of students from that reservation. Also included is a list of all students from the Agency sent to various schools including the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a certificate of graduation and a recommendation for Julia Wheelock for a position in the Indian Service. Also included is a request from Wheelock to appointed to a position as teacher at the South School House.

Supplementary estimate of funds for the second quarter of 1895 amounting to $3,245.18 for support of the school.

Correspondence regarding requests of Daniel Covert for the return of his son John Covert from the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt informs W. N. Hailmann that he has reason to believe that M. L. Silcott will accept transfer at the lower salary.

Clarence Smith inquires about the status of his annuity payments to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs.

Captain Richard H. Pratt requests a six-month supply of two dozen different blank administrative forms used by the United States Indian Affairs division of the Department of the Interior.

Richard Henry Pratt asks why M. L. Silcott has not been notified of her transfer from the Office of Indian Affairs.

Captain Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists irregular employees who worked at the school during December 1895. The report includes details on compensation, position titles, race, and the number of days worked during that month.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs of an outbreak of tuberculosis amongst the school's cattle. Pratt provides an outline of actions taken by him and various government officials to resolve the outbreak.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards in triplicate the proceedings of a Board of Survey concerning the disposition of cattle infected with tuberculosis.

Richard Henry Pratt requests assistance from W. N. Hailmann to arrange with the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to have William P. Campbell bring a group of children to the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that M. L. Silcott has reported for duty as a teacher at the Carlisle Indian School from the Crow Creek Agency.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to a request from Thunder Bull to return his son Shield Thunder Bull.

Richard Henry Pratt informs W. N. Hailmann that he will be in Washington D.C. several days where he can meet Mrs. Butler and talk with him about her appointment.

Peter Oscar writes to Richard Henry Pratt and provides him an explanation on why he ran away from the Carlisle Indian School as well as an update on where he is currently residing. Oscar notes that he is willing to return to Carlisle if Pratt wants him to return.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards clerk Anna S. Luckenbach's application for an 8-day annual leave of absence.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter apparently asking if any of the current Carlisle School band members would be suitable as a band leader elsewhere. Pratt notes that he has a number of students who would make good band leaders but none would be good teachers. He further notes that the band members all seem…