Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter requesting the return of the son of Chief Plato. Pratt notes that the Carlisle Indian School has never enrolled any members of the Mescalero band of the Apache Nation. Nor have any of the Apache students at Carlisle heard of the student mentioned in the request. Pratt ends by…
False Claims of Carlisle Attendance or Association
For now, this is to be used both for false claims of attendance by people and for false claims of association by groups/businesses, etc.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the request of John Charging Hawk by noting that there is no student by that name at Carlisle.

Edgar A. Allen responds to an inquiry from Frank Barnes, President of Grand Prairie Seminary, regarding Goie Mira Pinawadle who claims to be a graduate of the Carlisle Indian School.

William A. Mercer forwards a New York Times article covering the arrest for desertion from the U.S. Army of four members of the Seneca Nation. Mercer comments the article is full of falsehoods and that only two of the men were former Carlisle students and did not have good records as students.
In a separate note Francis E. Leupp asks…

William A. Mercer requests the Office of Indian Affairs prevent a man from giving lectures to fraudulently raise money in support of the Carlisle Indian School in Seattle, Washington.

These materials include correspondence and a newspaper clipping concerning the arrest of alleged former student Charles E. Brown on the charges of counterfeiting. Superintendent Moses Friedman states that a student by that name never attended the Carlisle Indian School, and that his story is full of inaccuracies.

These materials include correspondence regarding a newspaper article about Carlisle Kawbawgam, who was noted as a graduate of the Carlisle Indian School and Yale School of Medicine. Kawbawgam was a vaudeville singer who was going to take up the study of opera in Europe under Frank King Clark.
The records at Carlisle had no record of…

These materials include correspondence concerning an article about the arrest of alleged former student Sam Morris. The article, published by the Native American, the student newspaper of the Phoenix Indian School, notes that Morris was a Carlisle graduate and was arrested for forging a check. Carlisle's superintendent, Moses…

This document contains two newspaper clippings and a poster from the "Carlisle Indian Base Ball Club," a cross country-tour baseball team led by Kate J. Becker. It also features correspondence between Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Oscar H. Lipps, Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs E. B. Merritt, Acting Assistant Commissioner of…

This material includes correspondence between Alberta B. Doyle of the Bureau of Plant Industry in the Department of Agriculture, and Mr. Hawke, the chief clerk of the Indian Bureau. Doyle inquired about the lineage of former student Alice Tebbitts.

These materials contain correspondence regarding an inquiry by the Municipal Court of Philadelphia into an alleged former student, Edna Roberts.