Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase on the open market materials to build an addition to the main store house using student labor over the summer vacation.
Buildings and Grounds - Supplies and Materials

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to purchase supplies in order to expand the dining room. Pratt notes that he will use student labor to reduce the costs associated with project.

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that upon closer examination of the Kutz Farm building needs extensive work. As a result, Pratt requests authority to tear down the building and rebuild it with materials already delivered and with repurposed supplies as well as additional open market purchases.

Richard Henry Pratt requests an additional $500 to purchase materials on the open market for materials and skilled labor to complete the tear down and rebuilding of the house on the Kutz Farm.

Richard Henry Pratt requests authority to replace the pipes which provide water to the Carlisle Indian School.

William A. Mercer forwards the plans and specifications for adding a third story to the small boys dormitory and revises the estimate.

William A. Mercer forwards estimates and proposals for the construction of a new hospital building at the Carlisle Indian School.

William A. Mercer provides the Office of Indian Affairs with an estimate of supplies and materials for the proposed new hospital building as well as cost of labor.

William A. Mercer forwards the report of the farm statistics for the Carlisle Indian School for the 1905 fiscal year along with a map showing the location of farms and other "Indian School Lands." Mercer also includes a report of inventory of stock, tools, and other items.

William A. Mercer requests to use the bequest of Harriet W. Taber to build a photographic gallery or art building at the entrance of the Carlisle Indian School.

William A. Mercer requests authority to purchase various supplies on the open market for the construction of a physician's cottage at the Carlisle Indian School.

William A. Mercer submits voucher for travel expenses incurred by Harry F. Weber to inspect a stone crusher offered for sale to the Carlisle Indian School.

William A. Mercer forwards a catalog requesting the purchase of a revolving screen for a stone crusher. Mercer notes that the screen is needed to obtain fine crushed stone for macadamizing and concrete work.

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that no bids were received for cement blocks, lintels, sills, etc. As a result, Mercer requests to purchase the entire block-making outfit along with materials to make the blocks on the school grounds. By producing the blocks at the school it would further allow industrial training in a…

William A. Mercer requests authority to advertise and purchase supplies for the construction of a cottage for the florist. Included is the list of supplies as well as the authorization of the Chief Clerk F. M. Conser for pursuing the advertisement.

William A. Mercer submits plans and specifications for two-story double employee cottage to complete the appropriation for employees' cottage.

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman requests to purchase six 30 inch Burt Glass Top ventilators for the school gymnasium. Commissioner of Indian Affairs R. G. Valentine approves the expenditure and returns the request.

Superintendent Moses Friedman outlines the desperate need for a new lavatory for the large boys, as the current one is outdated and unsanitary. He requests to reject all bids from contractors in order to purchase materials and have the school build its own lavatory addition to the large boys' quarters. Commissioner of Indian Affairs F. H.…

George D. Branston, Treasurer of Manning, Maxwell & Moore Inc., informs Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman that the schools has not paid two invoices from the previous summer. The school owes $461 for a Barnes upright drilling machine and $116 for a grinder.
Friedman informs Branston that he forwarded the two…

The typed transcript of August Kensler's second time giving testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time he served as Carlisle's quartermaster.
In his testimony Kensler answers questions about the improper use of government funds on the part of Superintendent Friedman to purchase furniture (including…

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Oscar H. Lipps requests $3,000 for the open-market purchase of supplies needed to repair buildings.
Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs E. B. Meritt writes to Lipps regarding holding requests in abeyance, returning 8 requests, and the proper ways to handle requisitions.