Yuda, Montreville

Displaying 1 - 24 of 24 records
Montreville Yuda Progress Card
Date of Entry:

Progress card of Montreville Yuda, a member of the Oneida Nation, who entered the school on September 10, 1908.

Note: Although this card shows an arrival date of September 11, the admissions ledger and his file suggest that he actually arrived on September 10.


National Archives and Records Administration
Montreville Yuda Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Montreville Yuda, a member of the Oneida Nation, who entered the school on September 10, 1908 and departed on May 19, 1913. The file contains a progress/conduct card, financial transactions, a student information card, returned student surveys, an application for enrollment, trade/position record cards, a medical/physical record…

National Archives and Records Administration
Montreville Yuda Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Montreville Yuda, a member of the Oneida Nation, who entered the school on September 10, 1908 and departed on May 19, 1913. The file indicates that Yuda graduated in 1913 and was living in Carlisle, Pennsylvania in 1914.


National Archives and Records Administration
Cat Barnoskie Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Cat Barnoskie, a member of the Creek Nation, who entered the school on May 10, 1913 and departed on August 1, 1914. The file contains student information cards, a medical/physical record, financial transactions, and correspondence. The file indicates that Barnoskie was living in Oklahoma in 1914.

In school documentation…

National Archives and Records Administration
Joseph Turning Holy Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Joseph Turning Holy, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on October 21, 1913 and departed on April 4, 1916. The file contains a student information card, an application for enrollment, financial transactions, and correspondence. The file indicates that Turning Holy was living in Allen, South Dakota in 1916.…

National Archives and Records Administration
The Indian Craftsman (Vol. 1, No. 4)
May 1909

This issue, which commemorates the Commencement Exercises of the Class of 1909, featured speeches highlighting the success of Indian education. Francis E. Leupp, in his address, among many things spoke on the success of the arts at Carlisle. He was followed by Moses E. Clapp, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. Clapp shared "…

Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
Male and Female Student Cast of "The Captain of Plymouth", 1909

Group portrait of male and female students on stage wearing costumes. They are the cast of the play, "The Captain of Plymouth," produced at the school from March 29-March 31, 1909. 

The caption written below this image was supplied by Cumberland County Historical Society staff. 

Note: There were two students named James…

Photographic Print, B&W
Cumberland County Historical Society
Male and Female Students, the Principal Cast Members of "The Captain of Plymouth," 1909

Ten male students and five female students, in costumes, standing and seated with one white male teacher. 

This image is from the series taken of the cast members of the school's production of  the play, "The Captain of Plymouth," produced at the school from March 29-March 31, 1909. The white man is presumably Claude Stauffer,…

Photographic Print, B&W
Cumberland County Historical Society
Montreville Yuda as Miles Standish, 1909

Portrait of a male student wearing a pilgrim costume, including shoes with buckles, a wide white color and a prominent hat. 

This is student Montreville Yuda who played the part of Miles Standish in the school's production of "The Captain of Plymouth." 

Photographic Print, B&W
Cumberland County Historical Society
Class of 1913 in Front of a Building [version 2], 1913

Group portrait of eight female students and seven male students posed in front of a school building with a banner reading "Perseverance Class 1913. 

The students are identified as,back row: Francis Eastman, Henry Broker, Montreville Yuda, Fred Sickles, Peter Eastman, and Harrison Smith; middle row: Sylvia Moon, Estelle Bradley;…

Photographic Print, B&W
Cumberland County Historical Society
Class of 1913 in Front of a Building [version 1], 1913

Group portrait of eight female students and seven male students posed in front of a school building with a banner reading "Perseverance Class 1913. In this version of the image, the woman to the left of the banner is facing to the right. The Cumberland County Historical has another glass plate negative version of this image (00314A#70) in which…

Glass Plate Negative
Cumberland County Historical Society
Class of 1913 on the School Grounds [version 2], 1913

Group portrait of eight female students, seven male students and one white female teacher, posed on the school grounds with a banner reading "Perseverance Class 1913.

Note: In the photo of this graduating class posed in front of a building, the students are identified. 

The Cumberland County Historical Society also owns a…

Glass Plate Negative
Cumberland County Historical Society
Class of 1913 on the School Grounds [version 2], 1913

Group portrait of eight female students, seven male students and one white female teacher, posed on the school grounds with a banner reading "Perseverance Class 1913.

Note: In the photo of this graduating class posed in front of a building, the students are identified. 

Glass Plate Negative
Cumberland County Historical Society
Program for "The Captain of Plymouth," 1909
March 29, 1909

The program for "The Captain of Plymouth," performed as part of the Commencement Exercises of 1909.  The program lists the various acts of the performance as well as the student actors.

Note: In two cases it is unclear which student is referred to: Mary Cooke in this program could refer to Mary Cook (who entered in 1901) or Mary…

Books and Pamphlets
Cumberland County Historical Society
Program for "The Captain of Plymouth," 1910
March 28, 1910 - March 30, 1910

The program for "The Captain of Plymouth," performed as part of the Commencement Exercises of 1910.  The program lists the various acts of the performance as well as the student actors.

Memorabilia and Ephemera
Cumberland County Historical Society
Explanation of Students' Enrollment Statuses
May 8-21, 1912

These materials include correspondence regarding the enrollment status of students impacted by changing school admissions policies. The list includes students whose homes were within close proximity to public schools, who were over the age of 24, and those making slow academic progress. 

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Remain in Carlisle Upon Departure by Montreville Yuda
May 8-13, 1913

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Montreville Yuda to F. H. Abbott, Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs, to leave the Carlisle Indian School while remaining in the borough of Carlisle to work. School officials were opposed to this course of action, citing past difficulties with former students interfering with…

National Archives and Records Administration
Brief of Charges and Answers Against Superintendent Moses Friedman
December 1, 1913 - May 1, 1914

These materials include legal documents and correspondence regarding charges filed against Superintendent Moses Friedman after an inspection and investigation of the Carlisle Indian School. Included in the documents are the official charges against Friedman, his answers to those charges, correspondence regarding the charges, and the…

Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
first page of Hiram Chase's testimony (typed transcript)
February 6, 1914

The typed transcript of Hiram Chase's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Chase was a student at Carlisle.

In his testimony Chase critiques Superintendent Friedman's arbitrary expulsion of students. He also answers questions regarding student acts of insubordination and alcohol consumption at…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of typed transcript of Yuda's testimony
February 6, 1914

The typed transcript of Montreville Yuda's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Yuda was working in Chambersburg, having enrolled at Carlisle in September 8, 1908 and been discharged from the school under uncertain circumstances on May 19, 1913.

Yuda first testifies regarding the circumstances…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
first page of typed trancript of the testimony
February 6, 1914

A typed transcript of Zepheniah Simons' testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Simons had just begun a job as caretaker of the athletics quarters (after attending the school as a student).

While Simons does express disappointment at the relaxed discipline at Carlisle, most of his testimony…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of typed transcript of testimony
February 7-8, 1914

The typed transcript of Moses Friedman's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Friedman served as the Superintendent for the school.

In his testimony Friedman argues that incompetent or antagonistic employees are the root cause of the poor conditions at the school. He answers questions about his…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of typed transcript of testimony
February 8, 1914

The typed transcript of Adelaide B. Reichel's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Reichel was a teacher at Carlisle.

In her testimony Reichel offers her perspective on (principal teacher) John Whitwell's professional capabilities and questions his loyalty to Superintendent Friedman. Then Lelah…

Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
Montreville Yuda Lecture on Shipbuilding
March 1-5, 1918

This document contains correspondence concerning former student Montreville Yuda and his desire to teach a lecture on shipbuilding. Yuda was a shipbuilder with the Emergency Fleet Corporation in Newport News, Virginia. Carlisle's superintendent suggested that such a lecture would be counterproductive to the purposes of the school.

National Archives and Records Administration