This document contains correspondence concerning policies governing the graduating class of 1917. This includes a list of students receiving diplomas, required grades, and other related policies.
Hauke, C. F.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Michael Gomez, a member of the Pomo Nation, to re-enroll at the Carlisle Indian School to prepare "to enter one of the Ford factory classes."

Superintendent John Francis Jr. requests information and copies of regulations regarding the leasing of Indian allotments. Acting Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Hauke informs the Commissioner how the land allotment process works and forwards regulations.

This document contains correspondence concerning a nursing program for female students at the German Hospital in Brooklyn, New York.

These materials contain correspondence regarding a request for authority to return George Francis.

Acting Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Hauke writes to Carlisle Indian School Superintendent John Francis Jr. regarding the changes on how the school and outing agents should report the amount of funds in individual students' accounts.

Correspondence concerning Mary Lone Chief and her trust allotment, including competency evaluations, a photograph, and her memorandum.

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent John Francis Jr. informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that the football team is playing the Naval Academy at Annapolis and that no tickets will be issued because there will be plenty of room for everyone who would like to attend. Francis suggests that Commissioner Cato Sells and all of his friends…

This material includes correspondence concerning graduate Lyman Madison's question about his citizenship.
Note: At the time of scanning at the U. S. National Archives, a document in this file was incorrectly. That document has now been included with the file: RG 75, CCF Entry 121, #72929-1907-Carlisle-130

These materials contain correspondence regarding an inquiry into the enrollment of William Gayton upon a request by his father. The enrollment of other students is also discussed.

These materials include correspondence and survey forms regarding unserviceable property at the Carlisle Indian School. Some of the condemned supplies was approved for sale on the open market.

These materials contain correspondence regarding a request by Libbie P. Charles to have her children Andrew and Mary Peters returned home.

These materials contain correspondence regarding a request by Sampson Cornelius to have his daughter Cynthia returned home to West De Pere, Wisconsin for her summer vacation from Carlisle.

Acting Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Hauke informs Carlisle Indian School Superintendent John Francis Jr. that they cannot appropriate $15,000 to the school for "repairs and improvements." As a result of the United States' involvement in World War I, they are only appropriating funds that are "absolutely necessary."

These materials include correspondence, official records, and other documents related to the closure of the Carlisle Indian School in 1918. Discussed topics include the transfer of the land from the Department of the Interior to the Department of War, the transfer of property to other Indian schools, and the discharge and transfer of students…

Travelling Auditor in Charge at the Carlisle Indian School Claude V. Peel requests that Austin, Nichols & Co. are paid for five hundred pounds of hominy and Reid, Murdoch & Co. are paid for rolled oats. Chief Clerk C. F. Hauke informs Peel that he's referred these claims to the Treasury Department.

This material includes correspondence between Corporal Frank J. Mitchell, his wife, and Assistant Commissioner E. B. Merrit concerning Mitchell's marriage.

These materials include correspondence regarding an attempt by Alaskan student Joseph S. Sheehan to purchase land in Baltimore.

Personnel file of Oscar Hiram Lipps, who served as Superintendent of the Carlisle Indian School from July 1, 1915 to March 31, 1917. Lipps also was temporarily the Supervisor in Charge of the Carlisle Indian School from February 1914 to June 1915, after Moses Friedman was suspended from duty. Lipps worked in the Department of the Interior for…

These materials include correspondence regarding a request from Eva Gould Metzger about whether and why the Carlisle Indian School was closed.

These materials include letters from the Bureau of Indian Affairs to former Carlisle Indian School employees regarding the origins of some artifacts from the school. The artifacts, including a beaded buckskin coat, an old gun, a model of a three-masted ship, and a model of a battleship, could not be positively identified by the employees.

Correspondence and legal documents regarding ownership of the Sanno lot, originally purchased by Richard Henry Pratt in 1893 as a member of the Trustees of the Carlisle Indian School for the school, and later conveyed to the government in 1914.

These materials contain correspondence regarding various inquires made to the Carlisle Indian School in 1928. The various senders are all notified of the closure of the school.

These materials include a request from Gerda-Maria Morris of Berlin, Germany for information about the Carlisle Indian School. Morris sought information for a book or film on Native American history. Her request, sent to Carlisle after she obtained copies of the school magazine the Red Man, was forwarded to the Bureau of Indian Affairs…