William A. Mercer requests Jennie L. Gaither report on July 15, 1907 rather than July 24, 1907 from the Office of Indian Affairs. C. F. Larrabee responds that there is no objection for Gaither to report if her whereabouts are known.
Gaither, Jennie L.

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Jennie L. Gaither has agreed to report to the Carlisle Indian School on July 15, 1907.
C. F. Larrabee informs the Superintendent of the Morris, Minnesota School that Gaither is set to report to Carlisle and he should submit her relief on July 14th.

This folder contains documents related to Jennie Gaither's employment in the Indian Service. She worked in the Service from 1905 until approximately 1926. She worked as the matron at Carlisle from July of 1907 to January of 1913.
Documents in the first PDF include a photograph of Gaither with two young women, efficiency reports, and…

These materials include correspondence regarding a personal controversy between two Carlisle Indian School employees, Clerk Siceni J. Nori and Matron Jennie L. Gaither. Some of the earlier pieces of correspondence are not included in the folder at the National Archives, but the conflict seems to have stemmed from disagreements about the…

These materials include a report and handwritten notes regarding Charles F. Peirce's recommendations for school employee transfers, increases, and promotions at the Carlisle Indian School.

These materials include an excerpt of Charles F. Peirce's inspection report of January 1912, and Superintendent Moses Friedman's responses to his recommendations. Friedman rejected many of Peirce's recommendations regarding the chain of authority and command at the school. Other recommendations, focused on industrial curricula and student…

Anna H. Ridenour worked as matron at Carlisle from January of 1912 until her resignation in late May of 1914. She started work in the Indian Service in 1897.
This folder includes document related to her time employed at Carlisle. Arranged in reverse chronological order, the documents cover her resignation, the charges levelled against her…

These materials include legal documents and correspondence regarding charges filed against Superintendent Moses Friedman after an inspection and investigation of the Carlisle Indian School. Included in the documents are the official charges against Friedman, his answers to those charges, correspondence regarding the charges, and the…

The typed transcript of Anna H. Ridenour's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Ridenour was the matron at Carlisle.
In her testimony Ridenour explains her perspective on the use of corporal punishment on Julia Hardin and answers questions about the friction between herself and the students in…

The typed transcript of Bertha Canfield's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Canfield oversaw the sewing room at the school.
In her testimony Canfield critiques the administration of Superintendent Friedman on the basis that he does not take any interest in the well-being or morality of the…

The typed transcript of Emma H. Foster's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time she worked as a teacher at Carlisle.
In her testimony Foster explains what she thinks is the cause of the friction between the students and school administration. She also answers questions about the use of corporal…

The typed transcript of John Whitwell's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Whitwell was the principal teacher at Carlisle.
In his testimony Whitwell begins by summarizing his duties as principal teacher then discusses negative influences on the academic program and narrates the difficulties in…

The typed transcript of Margaret M. Sweeney's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Sweeney was a teacher at the school.
In her testimony Sweeney expresses her opinion that Superintendent Friedman is unfit to lead the school and explains circumstances where she believes he discriminated against…

The typed transcript of Moses Friedman's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Friedman served as the Superintendent for the school.
In his testimony Friedman argues that incompetent or antagonistic employees are the root cause of the poor conditions at the school. He answers questions about his…