Friedman, Moses

Displaying 326 - 350 of 704 records
Request for Enrollment of Robert Newcomb
August 20, 1910 - December 6, 1910

These materials include correspondence regarding a request to enroll Robert Newcomb as a non-Indian pupil. Newcomb was required to pay tuition, as members of the Cherokee Nation were ineligible for government-funded education.

National Archives and Records Administration
Plan to Test Cattle for Tuberculosis, 1910
September 3-23, 1910

Acting Chief of Bureau of Animal Industry A. M. Farrington informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that he will send a veterinarian to test the Carlisle Indian School cows for tuberculosis if he so desires.

Acting Commissioner F. H. Abbott informs Farrington that he would like the cattle tested.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Enrollment by Pat Pybas
September 19, 1910 - October 19, 1910

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Pat Pybas to enroll at the Carlisle Indian School. Because Pybas was a member of the Chickasaw Nation, officials notified him that he would be required to pay tuition.

National Archives and Records Administration
Enrollment of the Pennell Children at Carlisle
September 23 - November 29, 1910

These materials include an issue of The Carlisle Arrow (Vol. 7, No. 3) as well as correspondence regarding the enrollment of the Pennell children at the Carlisle Indian School. Hebert H. Fiske, the Superintendent of the Haskell Institute, noted that the Pennell children were enrolled at Carlisle despite having been sent home from…

Letters/Correspondence, Newspapers and Magazines
National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Publish Indian Service Roster
October 7, 1910

These materials include correspondence and a number of excerpted pages from the Red Man magazine. Superintendent Moses Friedman requested a current employee roster for publication in the school's magazine, and sent samples of previous publications of the same list. A note on the letter states that rosters were indeed sent for…

Letters/Correspondence, Newspapers and Magazines
National Archives and Records Administration
Change in Consideration Procedure for Overage Applicants
October 14, 1910

These materials include a letter from Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs F. H. Abbott to Carlisle Superintendent Moses Friedman, suggesting that future applications from overaged individuals be forwarded to the Bureau for expedited consideration.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Re-Enrollment by Richard Hinman
October 24, 1910 - January 11, 1911

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Richard Hinman to re-enroll at the Carlisle Indian School. Hinman sought an exception from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to enroll as a student over the age of 21. Hinman's request was denied by the Commissioner at the suggestion of the Superintendent of Carlisle.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Enrollment of John Ostrigan
October 26, 1910 - December 12, 1910

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Superintendent Moses Friedman to enroll John Ostrigan at the Carlisle Indian School. Ostrigan traveled to the school using his own expenses, but was initially denied enrollment as he was from Alaska. Eventually, the Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs granted Ostrigan a non-…

National Archives and Records Administration
Albert Lorentz Board Bill
November 8, 1910

This material includes a letter to Superintendent Moses Friedman from C. F. Hauke concerning Albert Lorentz's bill for boarding.

National Archives and Records Administration
Outing Report for Third Quarter 1910
November 9, 1910

These materials contain a report detailing the number of students in the outing program, the types of trades they were engaged in, and the total amount of earnings, for the third quarter of 1910.

Financial Documents, Reports
National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Enrollment of Emilio de Arce
November 16, 1910 - December 13, 1910

These materials include correspondence regarding a request to enroll Emilio de Arce at the Carlisle Indian School.

National Archives and Records Administration
Complaint of Anna Bebeaux Regarding Hospital Conditions
November 18, 1910 - January 14, 1911

This material includes a complaint made by student Anna Bebeaux concerning poor conditions at the school hospital, and the results of an investigation into the matter by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Enrollment of Daniel Bayhylle
November 21, 1910 - December 8, 1910

These materials include correspondence regarding a request to enroll Daniel Bayhylle at the Carlisle Indian School. Bayhylle was a graduate of the Hampton Institute and was still on the rolls of the school during this time. As a result, the Principal of Hampton was against his enrollment, and presented information which led to Bayhylle being…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Purchase Hospital Supplies
December 2, 1910 - January 13, 1911

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman requests to spend $101.34 from the "Charity Fund" account for hospital supplies. Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs F. H. Abbott informs Friedman that he doesn't need authority to make the purchase. Carbon copies of Friedman's request are attached.

Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Draft of 1910 Christmas Letter from Superintendent
December 6-19, 1910

These materials include correspondence regarding a draft of a Christmas letter from the Superintendent of the Carlisle Indian School to graduates of the school in 1910.

National Archives and Records Administration
Sale of 8,000 Pounds of Rags and Articles
December 6-19, 1910

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman requests to sell 8,000 pounds of rags and manufactured articles in the metal and art departments. Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs F. H. Abbott grants permission.

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Enrollment of Child of Alice E. Patterson
December 10, 1910 - January 11, 1911

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by to Alice E. Patterson to enroll her youngest child at the Carlisle Indian School, where she had recently been appointed as an Assistant Laundress. Patterson's request was granted by the Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs.

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Enroll Over-Age and Under-Age Students
December 29, 1910 - August 30, 1911

These materials include correspondence regarding a request from Moses Friedman to enroll 26 students over the age of 21 or under the age 14. The request was granted by the Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs.

National Archives and Records Administration
Correspondence Regarding Medical Treatment at Carlisle
January 1 - September 5, 1911

Correspondence regarding a report made by Joseph A. Murphy, Medical Supervisor, regarding the medical work of the Carlisle Indian School with a focus on tuberculosis. Murphy's report also includes the hospital regulations for the School for 1911 and Dr. A. R. Allen's 1911 report for the previous six months.

Books and Pamphlets, Letters/Correspondence
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Return Home by John Runsclose
January 1, 1911 - February 11, 1911

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Johns Runsclose to leave the Carlisle Indian School. Runsclose later decided to stay at the school to further his education in the print trade or until he could secure work.

National Archives and Records Administration
Contract for Dried Fruit and Corrections to Contract with Jacob Wiener
January 4, 1911 - September 21, 1911

John Whitwell, Principal Teacher in Charge, acknowledges receipt of a contract between Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman and Reid, Murdoch & Co. for dried fruit and mails a copy of an advertisement to the company. 

Second Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Hauke tells Friedman that they have to…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Fumigate Mail from Reservations with Smallpox Outbreaks
January 24 - February 4, 1911

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman forwards and endorses thoughts from Visiting Physician A. R. Allen. Allen suggests that because smallpox is epidemic at many reservations, the school should be notified whenever an outbreak occurs so that they can fumigate letters coming from places affected by the disease to the school.…

National Archives and Records Administration
Notice of Death of Wilson Carpenter
January 25 - February 1, 1911

These materials include correspondence regarding the death of Wilson Carpenter from lobar pneumonia. Carpenter was buried at the school cemetery.

National Archives and Records Administration
Policy of Confiscating Runaway Students' Earned Money
January 28 - March 15, 1911

Superintendent Moses Friedman informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that the former superintendents, like William A. Mercer, created an Emergency Fund from any amount of money earned and left by deserting students. Friedman states that the money was placed in a local bank and currently has a balance of $11,39.66. He notes that Mercer did…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request for Funds of Cyrus Tallchief
February 9, 1911 - March 7, 1911

These materials include correspondence regarding a request for the funds left at the Carlisle Indian School of Cyrus Tallchief when he left the school. The Second Assistant Commissioner informed the school that they should pay the funds to Tallchief directly.

Financial Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration