
The Documents section features digitized copies of documents relating to the history of the school. These documents include correspondence, graduation pamphlets, and other forms of ephemera, and have been digitized by Digital Resource Center staff. Today, these documents are preserved in a number of locations, including the Dickinson College Archives and Special Collections as well as private collections.

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Displaying 2876 - 2900 of 7540 records

August 25, 1896

Richard Henry Pratt provides greater detail on the Normal Training Class at the Carlisle Indian School and also encloses the school's Scheme of Grading pamphlet.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

August 26, 1896

Captain Richard H. Pratt requests a six-month supply of two dozen different blank administrative forms used by the United States Indian Affairs division of the Department of the Interior.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

August 27, 1896

Richard Henry Pratt provides a recommendation for Johnson Adams for a position in a carpenter shop at a small school in the Indian Service.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

August 27, 1896

Richard Henry Pratt updates the Office of Indian Affairs that it was decided that Spray could remain until he takes the Civil Service Examination. Pratt also informs the Office of the need for additional teachers.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

August 27, 1896

Richard Henry Pratt requests a special civil service examination be held to allow Laura deRussey Berry to the position of vocal instructor at the Carlisle Indian School.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

August 28, 1896

Richard H. Pratt submits a "Supplementary" Estimate of Funds form for the first quarter of 1897 amounting to $12,432.00 for the construction of a new laundry building, enlarging the workshops, and transporting students to and from their homes.…

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

August 29, 1896

Richard Henry Pratt calls attention to a Office of Indian Affairs error--misspelling her name--in approving Mary Bailey as an Assistant Teacher at the Carlisle Indian School.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

September 1, 1896

These materials include a descriptive statement of pupils for 15 individuals sent to the Carlisle Indian School from the White Earth Agency.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration


Format: Reports

September 1, 1896

Richard Henry Pratt provides a report on Levi St. Cyr, Calls Horse Looking, and Mark Penoi to W. N. Hailmann for consideration for jobs in the Indian Service.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

September 1896

School Statistics accompanying the Annual Report for the 1896 fiscal year.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

Format: Reports

September 4, 1896 - September 7, 1896

Richard Henry Pratt requests the transfer of Herbert H. Johnson to the position of Assistant Disciplinarian along with Johnson's application to Pratt.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

September 7, 1896

Joseph Clements from the Santee Agency in Nebraska forwards field matron Nellie Lindsay's request for a 10-day leave of absence to escort ten pupils to the Carlisle School. 

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

September 9, 1896

Z. S. David, the school physician, compiles the monthly sanitary report for August 1896.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

Topics: Student Illness

September 10, 1896

These materials include a descriptive statement of pupils regarding 10 individuals sent to the Carlisle Indian School from the Santee Agency.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration


Format: Reports

September 10, 1896

Herbert H. Johnson telegrams D. M. Browning requesting his transfer to the Carlisle Indian School rather than a transfer to Omaha.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

September 11, 1896

Captain Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists irregular employees who worked at the school during August 1896. The report includes details on compensation, position titles, race, and the number of days worked during that month.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

September 12, 1896

Richard Henry Pratt forwards assistant nurse Mary H. Whelan's application for a 16-day leave of absence due to the illness of her sister and her sister's two children. 

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration


September 16, 1896

Former student James D. Flannery requests the assistance of Commissioner of Indian Affairs Daniel M. Browning due to his health and lack of finances in dealing with Richard Henry Pratt.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

September 17, 1896 - October 22, 1896

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding a request by Frank Williams to be transferred to the Mt. Pleasant Indian School.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

September 17, 1896

Richard Henry Pratt forwards school physician Zador Thornton Daniel's application for a 30-day leave of absence. 

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration


September 21, 1896

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter requesting information on the enrollment of Benjamin Green and that there are no members of the Five Civilized Tribes enrolled at the Carlisle Indian School.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

September 23, 1896

Richard Henry Pratt forwards superintendent of outing Anne S. Ely's application for a 30-day annual leave of absence. 

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration


September 23, 1896

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the construction of the Carpenter, Shoe, and Tin Shops are underway and requests authority to purchase material for the addition of more Industrial Shops.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

September 25, 1896

Richard Henry Pratt provides a list of the members of the Shawnee Nation currently enrolled at the Carlisle Indian School to the Office of Indian Affairs.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration

September 30, 1896 - May 22, 1897

Correspondence regarding a request by Richard Henry Pratt for Congress to reimburse the Carlisle Appropriation $1,800 caused by the need to make repairs due to a cyclone.

Repository: National Archives and Records Administration