
Displaying 76 - 100 of 127 records
Nuss Stephenson Progress Card
Date of Entry:

Progress card of Nuss Stephenson, a member of the Wichita Nation, who entered the school on September 25, 1908.

National Archives and Records Administration
Nuss Stephenson Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Nuss Stephenson, a member of the Wichita Nation, who entered the school on September 25, 1908 and ultimately departed on June 26, 1912. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains trade/position record cards, an outing record, returned student surveys, medical/physical records, a…

National Archives and Records Administration
Nuss Stephenson Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Nuss Stephenson (here Stevenson), a member of the Wichita Nation, who entered the school on September 25, 1908 and ultimately departed on June 26, 1912.

National Archives and Records Administration
Frank Marques Progress Card
Date of Entry:

Progress card of Frank Marques, a member of the Wichita Nation, who entered the school on September 26, 1908.

National Archives and Records Administration
George May Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of George May, a member of the Kiowa Nation, who entered the school on September 19, 1914 and departed on June 18, 1917. The file contains student information cards, correspondence, financial transactions, a federal financial aid form, an application for enrollment, medical/physical records, an outing record, and a certificate of…

National Archives and Records Administration
George May Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of George May, a member of the Wichita Nation, who entered the school on September 19, 1914 and departed on June 18, 1917. The file indicates May joined the United States Army upon departing from Carlisle.


National Archives and Records Administration
Glen Stokley Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Glen Stokley, a member of the Wichita Nation, who entered the school on September 19, 1914 and departed on October 19, 1915. The file contains a medical/physical record, an application for enrollment, an outing record, a student information card, a financial transaction, and correspondence. The file indicates that Stokely was…

National Archives and Records Administration
Glen Stokley Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Glen Stokley, a member of the Wichita Nation, who entered the school on September 19, 1914 and departed on October 19, 1915.

National Archives and Records Administration
Nora Edwards Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Nora Edwards, a member of the Wichita Nation, who entered the school on September 6, 1915 and departed on June 9, 1918. The file contains a student information card, an application for enrollment, a medical/physical record, certificates of promotion, financial transactions, and correspondence. The file indicates that Edwards was…

National Archives and Records Administration
Nora Edwards Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Nora Edwards, a member of the Wichita Nation, who entered the school on September 6, 1915 and departed on June 9, 1918.

National Archives and Records Administration
Roy Niaster Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Roy Niaster (here Neaster), a member of the Wichita Nation, who entered the school on September 1, 1917 and departed on August 29, 1918. The file indicates NIaster transferred to the Chilocco Indian School upon the closure of the Carlisle Indian School.

National Archives and Records Administration
Roy Niastor Student Information Cards
Date of Entry:

Student information cards of Roy Niastor, a member of the Wichita Nation, who entered the school on September 1, 1917 and departed on August 29, 1918. The file indicates Niastor transferred to the Chilocco Indian School upon the closure of the Carlisle Indian School.

In school documentation Roy Niastor's name is also spelled Roy Neaster…

National Archives and Records Administration
The School News (Vol. 1, No. 12)
May 1881

Number 12. Opened with a letter from Charles Kauboodle (Kiowa) to his cousin Laura, talking about what they’ve learned in school, their family, and wishing her a quick recovery from the sickness she has. Jessa Bent also had a few sentences on the desert published at the bottom of the page. The next page has a piece titled “Peace” about the hope…

Cumberland County Historical Society
The School News (Vol. 2, No. 2)
July 1881

The entire first page is a letter from Virginia Oequa (Kiowa) to her teacher Miss H, sent after she left Carlisle to work on a farm for a few weeks. She sent her love and explained the pride she took in her work. Page two had two articles on the shooting of President James Garfield, written by Samuel Townsend (Pawnee) and Robert W. Stewart (…

Cumberland County Historical Society
Eadle Keatah Toh (Vol. 2, No. 6)
January 1882

Page one had a single article on it, a memorial on Indian rights, education and homes. Page two had a continuation of the memorial and an article on Christmas. It talked about the food they ate in celebration and the decorations in the chapel. Page two also mentioned the death of Kate Ross (Wichita) at the Carlisle Barracks. Page three had the…

Cumberland County Historical Society
The School News (Vol. 3, No. 3)
August 1882

On page one the paper’s editor, Charles Kihega (Iowa) wrote a letter about his successful journey home. Metopah (Osage), Taylor Ealy (Pueblo), and Frank Everett (Wichita) also wrote letters from home back to the school. On page two eight boys and twelve girls took a trip to explore Luray Cave. Also on the same page Van Horn (Cheyenne) and Thos…

Cumberland County Historical Society
The School News (Vol. 3, No. 5)
October 1882

Page one had Frank D. Aveline wrote on visiting Girard College where he and other Carlisle students saw the Girard students do their drills, toured the founder’s house, and attended chapel. A Ponca chief also wrote a letter to his son Frank Eagle who was attending school at Carlisle. Page two mentioned the bi-centennial of William Penn making a…

Cumberland County Historical Society
The School News (Vol. 3, No. 11)
April 1883

The first page had a letter from an unnamed student to his Uncle explaining that the world is round and moves at 1041 miles per hour. Harry Raven (Arapahoe) also discussed in a speech how the Government will not always care for the Indians and differences between whites and Native Americans. On page two Charles Kihega (Iowa) questioned if the…

Cumberland County Historical Society
The Morning Star (Vol. 4, No. 2)
September 1883

Page one had “Local Items” which consisted of small daily events such as the weather and games the students invented. Page two started with “A Plea for Greater Liberality in the Cause of Indian Education”, followed by “The People Responsible”, and “A Devoted Indian Missionary Dead”, which talked of the death of Dr. Stephen R. Riggs. Page three…

Cumberland County Historical Society
The Indian Helper (Vol. 3, No. 5)
September 9, 1887

The first page opened with a short poem followed by a  conversation continued from previous weeks between Marianna Burgess and the Man-on-the-band-stand describing her recruitment trip among the Rosebud and Pine Ridge Sioux. Page two reported contents of letters from student Josephine Bordeaux (Sioux), who had returned home and Jennie…

Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
The Indian Helper (Vol. 4, No. 18)
December 14, 1888

The first page opened with a poem titled “How To Make Up,” followed by an article reprinted from The Sabbath School Visitor titled “Playthings of the Indian Children.” Next came a letter from Nancy Cornelius (Oneida) titled “Items of Interest From Nancy Cornelius,” which was sent from the Training School for Nurses at Hartford, Connecticut and…

Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
Souvenir of the Carlisle Indian School, 1902

A souvenir booklet from the Carlisle Indian School, published for their 23rd year.  A short description of the aims and goals of the school is presented.  Images of students as they first arrived, as well as important visiting chiefs, are given, as are before and after images including those of Tom Torlino.  Extracurricular…

Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
Eight female students and one staff member in dining room, c.1880

Posed portrait of eight female students, presumably kitchen staff, and one staff member in the dining room with set tables.

Note: Three of these students are identified as Eva Pickard, Anna Laura, and Anna Raven.

Photographic Print, B&W
Cumberland County Historical Society
Tso-de-ar-ko, Wild Horse, and an interpreter [version 1], c.1880

Studio portrait of Tso-de-ar-ko, a Wichita chief (father of Nuss Stephenson), and Wild Horse, a Comanche chief, with Benjamin H. Clark, an interpreter from Indian Territory. 

The caption reads: Tso-de-arko Witchita Chief,      …

Photographic Print, B&W
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
Tso-de-ar-ko, Wild Horse, and an interpreter [version 2], c.1880

Studio portrait of Tso-de-ar-ko, a Wichita chief, and Wild Horse, a Comanche chief, with Mr. Clark, an interpreter. 

Photographic Print, B&W
Swedish National Museums of World Culture