The first page featured the school Christmas greeting that included a drawing of the Man-on-the-band-stand that took up the entire front page of the newspaper. Page two opened with an article titled "Christmas" that described the Fourth of July and Christmas as national holidays, followed by articles that included news from the Pawnee Agency…
Fourth of July

The first page opened with a poem selected “by Mrs. Pettinos,” titled “The Sun and the Wind,” followed by a conversation about the meaning of the 4th of July and how an Indian School student might be influenced to extend his time at the school instead of returning to the reservation. Page two included letters from Frank Lock (Sioux) on outing,…

The first page opened with a poem by Sarah E. Eastman reprinted from “Golden Days,” titled “If! If!” followed by the reprinted letter from a Carlisle Indian School student on Outing called “She Wants a Higher Education.” The last piece on the page continues on the fourth page called “A Modern Pueblo” about the process by which a progressive…

The first page opened with a Longfellow poem "The Ladder of St. Augustine” followed by James Black Hawk’s letter about the Fourth of July at Pine Ridge Agency titled “In the Right Spirit.” Page one also contained “Doing His Duty,” about how a seemingly unrecognized worker was promoted because of his hard work. It continued on page four. Page…

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These materials include correspondence and a copy of the Independence Day Program for the Indian School for 1909. The festivities included athletic activities, fireworks, a patriotic salute, and songs. The program was forwarded to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs by Carlisle's superintendent.