Richard Henry Pratt writes to former student Flora Campbell at the Haskell Institute, expressing concern that he has not heard from her and encouraging her to be mindful of her behavior.
Former Student Experiences

Rev. Sheldon Jackson responds to a letter from Richard Henry Pratt which shared concerns about former student Flora Campbell, who was now employed at Haskell, and acknowledges receipt of a copy of a letter Pratt had written to Campbell. He discusses some arrangements for train tickets for a visit.

Richard Henry Pratt informs W. N. Hailmann of his recommendation to T. W. Potter, Superintendent of the Chemawa School, of former students Josiah George and Elizabeth Wind for a position of band leader and industrial teacher and nurse. He had also mentioned them as candidates to the superintendent of the Albuquerque School.

Richard Henry Pratt requests that Annie Lockwood be given the position of Assistant Matron at the Keams Canyon School and provides information about her enrollment at Carlisle.

Dennison Wheelock seeks assistance from the Office of Indian Affairs in collecting money from former student Chester P. Cornelius from his creditors in Carlisle, Pennsylvania still seeking repayment. Cornelius was then employed by the Cheyenne Indian School. Wheelock also describes seeking assistance from the local Indian agent in obtaining the…

Alfred John Standing submits a report to W. N. Hailmann on six former students of the Carlisle Indian School in relation to their employment in the Indian Service.

Alfred John Standing responds to requests from two local citizens that former student William Lone Wolf be returned to his home in Oklahoma after sustaining injuries while working in Erie, Pennsylvania.

In response to an office request, Richard Henry Pratt recommends James D. Flannery for a tailor position at the Mount Pleasant Indian School and Clarence Butler for the Assistant Engineer position at the Rosebud Agency boarding school. He provides some background on Flannery, a musician's, experiences since leaving and returning to Carlisle.…

Student Nellis Johnson writes to teacher Fannie Peter about his attempts to cultivate and sell tobacco stems.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a letter from former student Paul Hayne regarding complaints made by Hayne against the Superintendent of the Poplar River Boarding School. Pratt includes comments related to Hayne's time at Carlisle.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a letter from John Allen requesting assistance in obtaining a promotion from his current position as assistant disciplinarian at Chemawa. Pratt provides information on Allen's time at Carlisle.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a letter from Benjamin Caswell, a former student, to W. A. Jones regarding the Cass Lake School where he is now employed.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards correspondence and a copy of the North American article regarding the article accusing White Buffalo of three murders.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a copy of the Carlisle Weekly Herald which reprinted an article regarding accusations that White Buffalo killed three women. Pratt also forwards a copy of a telegram from the agent claiming that the article is entirely false. As a result Pratt requests the government bring a suit against the North…

Richard Henry Pratt provides a history of Alaskan students at the Carlisle Indian School and notes that their education has been accomplished through the use of extra funds.
Also included is a newspaper clipping from the North American concerning a libel case against the author of a previous article regarding murder accusations…

Richard Henry Pratt requests Commissioner W. A. Jones wire the Pine Ridge agent his sanction for former Carlisle students to be made available to travel to Carlisle for commencement exercises if able.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to Nellie Lillard's request to be released from the regulations of the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt provides a report on former students of the Carlisle Indian School to Estelle Reel.

William A. Mercer forwards a New York Times article covering the arrest for desertion from the U.S. Army of four members of the Seneca Nation. Mercer comments the article is full of falsehoods and that only two of the men were former Carlisle students and did not have good records as students.
In a separate note Francis E. Leupp asks…

Augustine Mendoza informs the Office of Indian Affairs of actions taken by James Riley Wheelock regarding the Wheelock's United States Indian Band. William A. Mercer further comments on Wheelock's actions and advises the Office make Wheelock's actions known to agencies and schools to prevent it happening again.

Oonaleana provides an update to Fannie Peter on his home in Point Barrow, Alaska. He notes that he tries to teach some others in Point Barrow English and that one of the recently returned students from Carlisle has forgotten how to speak Eskimo but they are going to teach in the Winter. Oonaleana also includes stories of hunting whales while…

Annebuck writes about her school experiences at the Chemawa Indian School. She notes that the girls basketball team was recently defeated but that she had a nice Christmas. In addition, she writes about the differences between Chemawa and Carlisle as well as the differences in weather between Chemawa and her home in Alaska.
Note: The…

These materials contain correspondence regarding Moses Friedman's plans to send an agent through territories to gather statistics on former students.

These materials include two telegrams regarding an update on Supervisor Holcombe's investigation of the Wheelock Indian Band, which was accused of maladministration and disorganization in relation to its employment of former Carlisle Indian School students. Holcombe requested permission to have someone named Dougherty follow him to Chicago as a…

These materials include correspondence regarding the grandsons of E. A. Pierce, Seneca Clarke Cook and Howard Jones.