Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that since receiving a group of students from Puerto Rico he has been requested to receive more students from Puerto Rico. Pratt asks that if the Commissioner approves of increasing the size of the party from Puerto Rico that it be mentioned in the Carlisle Appropriation bill.
Students from Puerto Rico

Richard Henry Pratt forwards letter of Martin Grove Brumbaugh in regard to enrolling students from across Puerto Rico at the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt notes that no special act of Congress due to the fact that Carlisle generally carries more students than their appropriation number.

Richard Henry Pratt informs W. A. Jones that Martin Grove Brumbaugh sent six more students from Puerto Rico than authorized. He includes Brumbaugh's letter indicating he will send no more students without Pratt's consent.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the return of Francisco Calderin.

Edgar A. Allen responds to the circular letter of the Office of Indian Affairs by providing the blood quantum of students from reservations and those not from the reservation.

Richard Henry Pratt indicates that the Commissioner of Education for Puerto Rico has requested that additional students be enrolled at Carlisle from Puerto Rico. Pratt notes that he would be glad to accept more students and suggests one condition upon which to continue the arrangement.

Cover letter of Richard Henry Pratt forwarding letter of Samuel M. Lindsay, Commissioner of Education for Puerto Rico, regarding enrolling additional students from Puerto Rico.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a letter from Samuel M. Lindsay regarding the decision that students from Puerto Rico no longer be admitted to the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt provides a history of Alaskan students at the Carlisle Indian School and notes that their education has been accomplished through the use of extra funds.
Also included is a newspaper clipping from the North American concerning a libel case against the author of a previous article regarding murder accusations…

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a letter from Federico Degetau, Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico in Washington D.C., regarding his request to have additional students from Puerto Rico enrolled at the Carlisle Indian School. In addition, Pratt requests additional students from Alaska and the Philippines.

Wrap for letter referring to report for House Resolution 1580 and amendment to provide admission of fifty Puerto Rico students to the Carlisle Indian School.

Wrap for letter of Ohio Senator Joseph B. Foraker inquiring of the Department of the Interior of desirability of legislation before the Committee on Pacific Islands and Puerto Rico of admitting 50 students from Puerto Rico to the Carlisle Indian School. Ethan A. Hitchcock refers the letter to the Office of Indian Affairs.

Former student Paul Segui requests a position in the Indian Service from W. A. Jones. William A. Mercer provides additional information to the Office of Indian Affairs.

These materials include correspondence regarding the enrollment of Manuel Hidalgo, a student from Puerto Rico. Hidalgo received a scholarship to cover the tuition of the school.

Acting Supervisor Elsie E. Newton from Muskogee, Oklahoma asks Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman if "two Cherokee boys" from the "unrestricted class of Indians" could attend his school and how much it would cost. Friedman sends two applications to Newton and informs her that board and tuition costs $167 and that the potential…

These materials contain correspondence regarding the enrollment and tuition of Paul Vargas, a student from Puerto Rico and the Caribbean Islands.

These materials include correspondence regarding an application for Carlos Izquierdo, Jr., from Puerto Rico. The request was submitted by M. Ruiz Rexach on behalf of Carlos Izquierdo, Sr. Enrollment is denied because Izquierdo Jr. is underage.

These materials include correspondence regarding the enrollment of Jose Prado Arias, from Puerto Rico, at the Carlisle Indian School. Arias' father, Thomas Prado Landron, was notified that Arias could be enrolled upon payment of transportation and tuition costs.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Angeles Rivera to enroll a young Puerto Rican boy at the Carlisle Indian School.

In response to a question about whether students from Mexico could be admitted to the Carlisle Indian School, this memorandum is a compilation of information regarding the enrollment of individuals who are not American citizens, including individuals from Alaska, Puerto Rico (Porto Rico), and the Philippines. The memo discusses enrollment…