Materials related to the disposition of funds of the Carlisle Indian School Athletic Association following an investigation by E. B. Linnen. Contains the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association for the year 1908, correspondence regarding how to handle money moving forward, a resolution updating the by-laws, as well as other financial…
Francis, John Jr.

This document contains correspondence concerning the funds of student Dana Black.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Susie Wilson to have her son, George Day, returned home to the Shawnee Indian Agency. The Commissioner of Indian Affairs, R. G. Valentine, provided authority to send Day home provided Day wished to return.

These materials include correspondence regarding requests to send Lillian Otter Chief, Jeanette Jackson, and Moses Gray to their homes. All three requests were granted.

These materials contain correspondence regarding a request by Clarence De Graff to end his enrollment at Carlisle early and return home.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Taquah Wolf to be sent home.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request from Tony W. Tillohash to return to his home. Tillohash's request was denied.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request from Moses Friedman to obtain exceptions to enroll seven students over the age of 21.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request from John J. Jackson to transfer from the Carlisle Indian School to the Chilocco Indian Agricultural School to learn engineering. Jackson's request was denied, and he was instead placed under the school engineer of the Carlisle Indian School.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request to enroll several Nez Perce students, including Rachel Penny and Caleb Carter. Carter required special permission from the Office of Indian Affairs due to his age.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request from W. H. Lyons to have his daughter Rosa Lyons, a student at the Carlisle Indian School, to visit him in Washington D. C.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by John Jackson to return to his home due to his eyes.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by the parents of Elsie Rabbit to have her returned home for at least the summer vacation. Rabbit's parents also state that she was enrolled at Carlisle without their consent and that her health was poor.

These materials include materials related to a request by James Riley Wheelock to have his brother, Hugh Wheelock, released from the Carlisle Indian School. James claimed that his brother was being held at the school to prevent him from playing in Wheelock's band, and to make him play for the Carlisle football team. James further claimed that…

This material includes correspondence regarding the location of Jerome Caddotte and Henry Ankle.

This material contains correspondence regarding a request Jim Thorpe made to have his siblings, Edward Thorpe and Adeline Thorpe, transferred from schools in Oklahoma (the Sac and Fox Indian School and the Chilocco Indian School) to Carlisle.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Don Hardy to have his son attend the Carlisle Indian School.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Peter Herne to have his son Mitchell Herne withdrawn from the Carlisle Indian School and returned home.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request to enroll Esley Oden and Max La Chapelle at the Carlisle Indian School. The two were initially denied admittance due to their home being near public schools.

These materials include correspondence concerning Emma Newashe's request to have unrestricted use of her trust funds on deposit to her credit.

These materials include financial documents, legal documents, and correspondence concerning multiple financial concerns of the school, such as railroad bonds, legacy trust funds, fundraising, donations, and checks for minors.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Gus Welch to have the Athletic Association pay the remainder of his tuition at Conway Hall (the Dickinson College Preparatory School). Internal notes in the materials suggest that Carlisle's administrators did not want to honor the request, despite receiving permission from the…

These materials contain financial documents and correspondence concerning the tuition deposits for Ada P. Barnett and Clifford Ross Barnett.

Correspondence regarding the proposal to abolish the business/commercial department at the Carlisle Indian School while adding new courses focusing on home economics, mechanical arts, nursing, and agriculture. An additional focus is on the beginning of the Ford Outing Program. A copy of The Carlisle Arrow (Vol. 11, No. 22) that…

Correspondence regarding a request by the Amoskeag Textile Club for an additional $500 refund from the Carlisle Indian School Athletic Fund from a game played between the school and Holy Cross College in 1914.