Outline Lessons in Housekeeping, including Cooking, Laundering, Dairying, and Nursing for use in Indian Schools. Issued by the Office of Indian Affairs includes reference books, recommended text books, an estimate for equipment, lesson outlines, and a tentative program of a week's work in a boarding school.
Industrial Training - Domestic Science

Books and Pamphlets
Cumberland County Historical Society

March 11, 1914 - March 5, 1915
Correspondence regarding the proposal to abolish the business/commercial department at the Carlisle Indian School while adding new courses focusing on home economics, mechanical arts, nursing, and agriculture. An additional focus is on the beginning of the Ford Outing Program. A copy of The Carlisle Arrow (Vol. 11, No. 22) that…
Letters/Correspondence, Newspapers and Magazines
National Archives and Records Administration

January 25, 1918 - February 16, 1918
These materials include correspondence and a report regarding Supervisor Elsie E. Newton's inspection of facilities and activities for female students at the Carlisle Indian School. Newton discusses topics including girls' dormitories, the school matron, the Domestic Science and Housekeeping departments, and discipline.
Letters/Correspondence, Reports
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration