M. F. Nippe, Missionary, writes to Daniel M. Browning asking him to ignore the petition of the Cattaraugus Reservation. Nippe notes that the claims are the result of misstatements and falsehoods.
Browning, Daniel M.

David Patterson requests that Daniel M. Browning act on the petition forwarded to him by A. W. Ferrin requesting the return of children from New York at the Carlisle Indian School.

Charles H. Mansur, Second Comptroller, forwards the lease for the Carlisle Indian School for the Hocker Farm dated August 20, 1890.

Richard Henry Pratt provides the general outline of the field trip to the Chicago World's Fair and Columbian Exposition for 420 students and 35 employees of the Carlisle Indian School.

Charles G. Penney, Acting U. S. Indian Agent for the Pine Ridge Agency, requests the return from the Carlisle Indian School of Sallie Face (here Sally Face) from the Carlisle Indian School.
Daniel G. Browning forwards copy of the letter to Richard Henry Pratt with a directive to transfer Face to her home on the Pine Ridge Reservation.…

Richard Henry Pratt encloses correspondence regarding the employment of former student Stailey Norcross as a tailor at the Navajo Agency.

Richard Henry Pratt requests from Daniel M. Browning the authority to spend additional money in returning students and special authority in recruiting students. He includes a suggested document to meet his requirements.

W. N. Hailmann, Superintendent of Indian Schools, recommends to Daniel M. Browning that he provides authority to Richard Henry Pratt to take students from any agency for the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a list of photographs available for purchase at the Carlisle Indian School.

L. T. Erwin, U.S. Indian Agent for the Yakima Agency, notes that Antoine Miller (here Antwine Miller) and Ambrose Mark have received permission from Richard Henry Pratt to enroll at the Carlisle Indian School. Erwin notes that he has failed to convince them to enroll at Chemawa and seeks Daniel M. Browning's ruling on how to proceed.

Correspondence regarding requests of Daniel Covert for the return of his son John Covert from the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to a request from Thunder Bull to return his son Shield Thunder Bull.

S. S. Burleson requests the return of Purcell Powlas at the request of his parents from the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding a change in the music department at the Carlisle Indian School (not specified). Also included is a letter from Ella G. Hill who was left without a position as a result of the change

Teacher James W. Hendren requests to know from Daniel M. Browning whether he is to be transferred from the Carlisle Indian School and where the transfer is to in the Indian Service.

Correspondence regarding a request from Apache prisoners of war for the return of their children from the Carlisle Indian School. Included in the correspondence are various recommendations for the students as well as Richard Henry Pratt's philosophy in educating the Apache students and his views on interpreters.

Richard Henry Pratt provides Daniel M. Browning of the decisions of the Apache students at the Carlisle Indian School relative to returning to their homes or staying at Carlisle.

Correspondence regarding an Indian Helper article regarding a Ghost Dance with participants from a local school on the Cheyenne and Arapaho Agency.

Former student James D. Flannery requests the assistance of Commissioner of Indian Affairs Daniel M. Browning due to his health and lack of finances in dealing with Richard Henry Pratt.

Correspondence regarding a request by Richard Henry Pratt for Congress to reimburse the Carlisle Appropriation $1,800 caused by the need to make repairs due to a cyclone.

Thomas W. Potter, Superintendent of the Chemawa Indian School, praises the actions taken against Richard Henry Pratt and includes an issue of The Chemawa American published on October 1, 1896.

Richard Henry Pratt requests the permission of Daniel M. Browning to attend the Lake Mohonk Conference. Browning grants permission in a separate note.

Charles Francis Meserve, President of the Shaw University, writes to Daniel M. Browning concerning the recent punishment of Richard Henry Pratt.