Graduating Class of 1897 [pose 2], 1897

Portrait of twelve female and fourteen male students posed outside on the school grounds. They are: Back Row, Left to Right:   Gruett, Samuel, Chippewa  /Depoe, Robert, Siletz/Whitethunder, Clarence, Sioux,  /Roger, Edward, Chippewa,  /Brigman, Cornelius, Oneida,  /Miller, Mary, Chippewa,  /Jones, Frank, Sac and Fox,  /Sherrill, William, Cherokee,  /Mishler, Charles, Charles,  
Second Row:  Hill, Lizzie, Sioux,  /Red Eagle, Grace, Quapaw,  /Buck, Mabel, Sioux; Third Row:  Red Kettle, Henry, Sioux,  /Owl, Martha, Cherokee,  /Kowuni, Annie,  Pueblo,  /Upshaw, Alexander, Crow,  /Seneca, Nancy, Seneca,  /Smith, Clark, Klamath,  /Smith, Edith M.,  Tuscarora,  /Williams, Julia, Chippewa; Front Row:  Smith, Sarah, Oneida,  /Shively, Frank S., Crow,  /Miller, Olive, Stockbridge,  /Wirth, Tenie, Assiniboin,  /Mishler, Louis, Chippewa,  /Nash, Albert, Winnebago/

This is a page from The Red Man, March 1897. The Cumberland County Historical Society has three copies of this image: PA-CH1-101, 14A-02-01 and 15-28-01. 

Graduation Year
Time Period
John N. Choate, Carlisle, PA